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    DayBefore!Misery for the layout.
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    SwimChick for the brushes.
    photobucket for the images.

    Friday, September 12, 2008
    12/9/08 3:05 PM

    ehh haf somehow forgtten everithing sooo aniwae tis few daes busy studying el stuff haizz getting more and more sianz and preparing for the psle LCs haizz so fast left lyk 2wks??sianz manz aftr tis post gonna go do anothr el papr if can open(coz sometime cannot-.-)and oso busy wif the math set(currently oni at the 6th set and is lazie to do the last coorection X__x)and the sets i had done comes in the multiple of 3 diaoz as in 3 6 9 12 wif and xtra 4-.-den yest huanglaoshi nv come so the zhulaoshi(eh dun insult her larhz diaoz)came in den ltr linlaoshi came in for second period den did the paprs sianzz den finally made the cookies ordr coz keep cannot find cher den seriously dunnoe y lyk addicted to drk choco lyk tt keep wan eat X__x den oh yea at PE coz too noisy den nid go bck so did the math set lorhz den diaoz manz they plae wif scissors kena caught den my scissors confiscated for a while although mi not the one plaeing wif it den mr siva sae wad y i take out(coz i sae is mind wadz)den lyk plz larhz i put at my pencilcase there de lorhz den he sae wad wad dangerous den can cause accidents by chance diaozz den walao bfore tt they still wan cut up my winnie pooh so of coz noe he wun dare cut up my hand one wadz so of coz use my joint there de blood vein to lyk aaz "take ovr" the winnie pooh lorhz diaoz den ltr aaz todae chi lc first reach the hall c noone there den tianyi ask where the othrs so go down find lorhz den c ms ng den she tell us go bck den i use donation as xcuse but nt really as xcuse larhz but when reach there cannot find the thing so suan liaoz lorhz haizz den ltr was told to go up damn sianz manz wasted 1hr hreading the creative writing thing while w8ing diaoz and y nonid sing national anthem and pledge arhz?oh yea juz rmbred when nid paste tt thing on the table my table one tian yi and fiona manz so fated hahah den bck to todae, go for topilet break juz for fun lol den ltr of coz nervous larhz but atleast gt the symphony music interlute(aiya i dunnoe how spell larhz)to rlax lorhz quite ok larhz gt some diff de lorhz den ltr go break was raining yet again den treated some "xiuqi de 'nails'"(some of u shld noe wad i min ritez lol)den ltr v fast nid go liaoz den diaoz nid w8 for anothr abt 1hr go so go there plae Hangman lorhz since v the sianz den nv knew there was a country named Ukrain dotzz den ltr nervous yet again but more nervous dunnoe y den tis time go inside liaoz nt so nervous(and the strange thing is tt when i'm typing tis post i feel the nervous-ity all ovr again and i'm serious--in conclusion i'm weird-.-)den diaoz the music lyk same lyk tt lol den again was nervous when xam ended den ltr so on and so fore lorhz manz huever is reading tis post now muz b yawing baz and i nid go do paprs liaoz(but i still wan my 999 Hershey choco!!--but noone gonna buy tt for mi haha diaoz-.-)

    Tuesday, September 9, 2008
    9/9/08 6:39 PM

    gonna post a shrt post todae coz i wan go study de lol juz wrked out my study plan lame lehz mi aniwae here's a summary:
    juz rmbered tt time-table juz changed and term 4 strts liaoz den evelyn was totally crazed todae coz of the present thing and wadz wrong wif buying and receiving a present frm a person u r rumoured wif???(atleast fwens oni wadz)if there's sth wrong abt tt den sthings in my life oso totally wrong and i shldn't b here(typing crap) larhz zz(s) den ltr go home still nid wrap present sianz larhz haizz wasted alot of time coz evelyn wan 12layrs diaoz den still nid last one use the wadwad board walao ex manz stupid board dotzz can buy one hershey bar wif tt $$ lol oh yea manz juz realised tt drk choco healthier den othr choco(i tink) den ltr so on and so fore lorhz
    den todae or juz now sci lesson gt bck report bk so here's my ****-ing results(dun tink wrong is shyt-ing lol)
    El: TT:69 Prelim 84.8 2nd comb. 80.9 Mark 81 so A
    Chi: 86.1 87.5 87.2 87 A again
    Hchi: 73 88.5 84.6 85 DI
    Math: 72 94 88.5 84 A(one mrk!!!!!!!if not for my TT result walaozzzz)
    Sci: 94 93.5 93.6 93 A* finally a * at the end dotzz
    so total 345 and class/lvl 9 and gratzz to xiuqi and jieling for the top 10s and the rest of the top 10s too lol haizz the comments so long so juz type summary lorhz:
    enthusiastic learnr, cheerful disposition, quick to grasp new ideas and applies, inquisitive mind,tinks of creative strategies, perservers, "xtremely" kind(eewww)and helpful, offrs unconditional assistance(the printing and the tutoring??oni one line tt i okok agree wif), desirable social(in othr wrds i flirt), moral values and won respect frm peers(bu jian de lehz--translated: dun tink so lehz)
    and oh yea in case i forgt, if i mention the following qualities to u hu will u tink of first?
    #1 kind-hearted #2 abit clvr #3 alwaes hit ppl head and arhz i tink tt's all baz helpful i forgt if gt anot tink gt baz
    so hu comes to ur mind plz ans at cbox thz lol(as the comments saed i haf an inquisitive mind--which in othr wrds i am v nosey lol so translate the gd comments into bad ones baz but i nt gonna tink tt wae lol:
    puts up a strong front, memory quite gd so rmb alot of rubbish, tink up of lots of impossible ideas, wans face, v nosey, proud lol
    skip tt manz i anihow type de atleast my conduct improve liaoz lol
    den ltr msth enrichment go there eat fries lol den gt some diff test dianz larhz den halfwae through dengwen nose bleeding den stay in toilet v long dotzz manz she nids cooling down manz and i'm practically sitting wif a lovesick girl and the othr thing is tt a noisy(not noisy todae coz gt test wadz) sit bhind mi diaoz den the papr anihow do lorhz den ltr accomapny them go until the traffic lite there den walk bck again den ltr still climb stairs legs wan die liaoz jkjk aniwae hope i can follow my study plan:
    frm todae onwrds:
    #1 do one papr frm misskoh.com per dae(if can den more than tt)
    #2 tutor chihon(promised him tt so cannot break)
    #3 read RD daily and keep a dict. by my side while reading and highlite wrds i dunnoe
    #4 go through each grammr vocab and synthesis xcercise
    #5 do anithing to tortore chihon
    but ttz for el oni coz my el worse marhz and todae go c compo result quite shck larhz den i lyk dramatic lyk tt coz when c the result kinda mouth agape den cher sae wad i too xcited diaoz haizz muz maintain!!!!!lol aniwae go eat dinnr lez coz i 7 eat de marhz and now alrdy 7.01 lol-.-

    Wednesday, September 3, 2008
    3/9/08 6:29 PM

    aaaz nth to update in tis wk so update abt todae and yest oni lorhz
    yest went to pss for remedial den manz some ppl cutted hair and look kinda wadever??lyk cheryl=look abit lyk eygptian or wadever lyk tt coz the hair so shrt-.-den chihon the fringe so shrt oso lol den cheeliang briefliest description juz go wif jail bird larhz den ltr lck of chair.etc den aaz ltr at chi lesson coz of yihao den all of us stayed bck den ltr "rushed" to gekpoh to eat lunch den haizzz suan le pity him oni den ltr go kopitiam wif minqi and xiuqi lorhz den ltr rushed finish the food den ltr diaoz i more lyk "xiao mei mei" den wad lorhz zz(s) i gt so "mature" mehz diaoz den ltr still nid w8 at entrance den ltr help them drink lemon tea???(X2) and coke(X1) den ltr go minqi hse den the rap so wad lorhz den ltr the guys even go plae games den ltr wan do vid. but they all dunwan so suan liaoz lorhz den ltr while planning gordon nid leave liaoz walaoz diaoz suan le den ltr go minqi rm prac the rap den keep rplaeing diaoz den ltr aaz do until so idiotic haha den ltr ish mi and xiuqi singr den minqi tappr den cheeliang camera(person) den ltr diaoz so mani ngs haha den ltr hao liaoz den took some lame vid. lorhz den quite funny larhz haha xpecially the wad magnetic repellent thing hahaha take 1 laugh lyk hell den the camera go out of scene hhahahhaha den ltr ngs lorhz den .etc den the les thing noone wan do coz nid pretend kissing but oso no time liaoz den ltr wan go load the vid. den sianz larhz cannot den minqi keep calling ashwin haha den he kinda fedup liaoz? den ltr diaoz my mp3 plae until low batt den forgt charge diaozzz den the Ripley's believe it or nt so disgusting zz(s) den ltr go home chiong hw+typed script den walao type finish liaoz wan send den diaozzz the hotmail thing hang den nid write everithing by hand so abt 11 den cannot slp lol den
    todae go there no ppl one sianz den ltr minqi finally came den so on and so fore den ltr diaoz manz last (q) dunnoe how do--the math set haizz den el quite ok larhz den ltr chi huanglaoshi nv come so minqi come ovr den walao she so perv diaoz den walao she go take the winnie pooh thing den pass to cheeliang den walao nvm if he dunwan gif at first but walao ask him to gif he keep xagerated winking diaoz flirtr so kinda shou bu liaoz but each xagerated wink gets worse haha(lucky nt "electric shck" dao manz haha) den ltr go xiuqi hse eat instant noodles lorhz(lol saved $5)den while eating toked abt the ppl hu haf a crush on charmaine lol 5 manz hahah den so for the rest of the girls sokyee and mi gt one but sokyee i nt sure larhz sehz charmaine propro lol den ltr wan eat finish liaoz den the guys came so they practically broke the silence diaozz den ltr the thing cannot do so did the slideshow prac thing but halfwae through they keep plaeing so kinda fedup den walao my earphone soon will b spoiled manz burst until lyk tt zz(s) den they keep throw the snack den sth drop down.etc den gordon accidentally spilled the root beer(or lion beer jkjk)den ltr when cheeliang go liaoz den walao minqi go sae wad i ________ den he still go "woah" walao kns larhz zz(s) i NOT rlated to him ok zz(s) suan le i ren den ltr minqi oso nid go liaoz den diaoz she go throw the shoes inside i tink den ltr gordon go dwl the thing den while dwl-ing listen to songs lorhz den mi and xiuqi doing hw lorhz den diaoz the sky drkdrk den tot the cloud move awae a little wun rain den suddenly rain den quite heavy den gordon go home lorhz den ltr my mum dun let mi go home first coz raining quite heavily so while w8ing for rain to stop do hw lorhz den ltr so silent so listen mp3 while xiuqi go bathe den ltr nid go home den strggled wif the door den xiuqi juz came out so help mi open den go out den keep raining wth den kinda wetted den bag,uniform(abit).etc wetted den when i go the sheltr den gt two kids sae wad "so wet" or wadever eh v wet mehz atleast i nt totally drenched ritez or mayb they nt toking abt it lol
    so now left xactly 1 more mth to study so gonna chiong??but so mani thing do wan die liaoz jkjk haiz left a few mins go watch tv haha