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29/09/96! Single 13!
PPS 6/1 NHHS 209
NHNCC Girls PrivaTE
♥Freestyle Drill Squad-er!
♥ONE Star Kayaker
Autistic, Anti-social


New HP
Sports bag
New SchoolBag
New Earphones
New Wallet
New sports shoe
Black shorts
Cliq Tees/hoodies!
and counting...

Sweet Talks

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PPS 'o8




NHHS 'o9







Part Bs
FSD team
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109 'o9


6/1 'o8


Elder sis


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    DayBefore!Misery for the layout.
    Kadiozu Designer
    SwimChick for the brushes.
    photobucket for the images.

    Wednesday, December 31, 2008
    31/12/08 8:09 PM

    I hate tis dae totally...31/12/08 haiz....wadever itis, i'll haf to blog todae de event in point-form coz there's another things i wan type...
    -went to mac
    0w8ed for awhile, saw evelyn
    -den minqi and xiuqi(cant recognize herX__x)
    -den tianyi
    -den cl
    -went to arcade to watch them plae daytona plus plae once arhz? idk larhz
    -still lost larhz obvious
    -den went to mac
    -ordered mchicken and walao xtra lettuce den usual zzz
    -den ch came
    -den char
    -w8ed for char to buy her lunch den went to arcade
    -watched the others plae
    -den went to bb court
    -walked and dashed across the road without looking out for cars
    -and thus kena scolded by the motorist
    -didnt notice i dropped my hp
    -halfwae to bb court den notice coz no music was plaeing
    -went bck wif char to find
    -and thz to her for tracking it down
    -went bck to bb court
    -plaed abit of bb
    -and abc
    -did my punishment
    -went to char hse
    -and ch did sth to hai mi!!!nvm.....wo ren....aftr all itis the last dae
    -den went to bb court
    -den went to plae capt. ball
    -v less ppl plae so not much fun
    -wasnt v tired coz was capt. for half of the game
    -went out after game set
    -listened 1 and a half song
    -capt. ball resume
    -or did we? i forgt X__x
    -juz rmbered going to sweettalk
    -and bought milk tea
    -den went bck?
    -was at the plaeground
    -fooling arnd-.-
    -den took some pics
    -den minqi left
    -den went to char hse
    -ate the remaining fries+a nugget
    -watched abit of tv
    -den went to arcade
    -den jieling went
    -plaed daytona twice
    -den watched them plae the game-machine or wadever
    -den plaed drums
    -den xiuqi had to go
    -den plaed drums wif the remaining tokens
    -den went home
    -and i totally regretted climbing the stairs coz my knee-cap pain again-.-
    okay done finally...for the mushy stuff haahz '''mushy'''....
    i'm chickening out...
    the last dae to b childish(no it's not! i'm still mixing left over foods wif xiuqi when we meet out and if there's a party, icecream making yea!)
    time:8.30 time left: 3hr 30mins
    ok fine...(dun read it sux coz i hadnt plan it bfore hand)
    To Those Who Stood By Me:
    Through thick and thin, u guys stood by me...
    No matter how much i may haf ranted...
    Never once did u complained...
    (it muz b tiring to huever lent mi a listening ear huh?)
    Ur consolation wrds...
    I may not have remembered...
    But whenever these memoirs come to me...
    I couldnt refrain frm a smile...
    (lyk now...-.-i look lyk an idiot smiling infront of the com but atleast noone at home xcept mi)
    To Those Who Left Me With Memoirs...
    Memoirs may fade over-time...
    That i cant deny...
    But however far it was tucked in the back of my mind...
    It would still be there...
    One way or another...
    It would be triggered...
    And yet again I would be smiling...
    The times we had together could never be returned...
    But the feeling might still be there...
    Even if the real thing isn't...
    Thanks for wasting ur time on me...
    I've still not learnt to treasure...
    But itis over...
    But I'm wun regret...
    Coz I noe...
    You'll always be there...
    Even if the real person isn't...
    To Those Who Poured Their Troubles To Me...
    I only haf 2 sentences
    Thanks for sharing coz i wun wan to c u suffer in silence and
    Not once am I irritated no matter how much sentences and time u've used coz i wld rather spend my time if it mins someone wld b feeling bttr.
    To The Gals Who Left Me With The Notes...
    (I had this prepared bfore-hand but gt a bit abt memoirs de...)
    Those memoirs you have left me are but so beautiful...
    Like a treasure...
    They will be tucked deep in my mind...
    In time I may forget...
    But your words would bring them alive again...
    I thank you my fellow sisters...
    For bringing friendship and laughter to my life...
    (this sux the most i noe but whenever i read through the wrds you've written i tend to smile...i'm serious)
    To Huever Is Reading This...
    I Love You and Thankz coz u wasted loads of time reading my crapp-.-and i min it when i sae ily coz i really do...and...
    May u succeed in wadever path u take...
    And of coz try not to forgot mi tis person larhz...
    Even if u do i wun blame u larhz...
    Till We Meet Again Then...
    Now i'm gonna go bck to p4...
    P4, the strt of my life wif u gals...tt consist of:
    plaeing at zebracrossing and the orange color thing bside the field and oso, the amphitheatre!!!i missed tt!!!and oso the area outside the canteen(nt the bb court)and the b'daes are celeb wif: chasing b'dae gal arnd+b'dae song performance lol and jieling gimme de toy dog love it manz!!!!In Summary:
    The Year Wif The Most Fun And Carefree Memoirs
    P5: p5 camp wahaha wif the toad, flying fox, loads of songs, amazing race, ghost stories, making of flag, spendning loads of time wif fwens, and the most disgusting: confessions-.-den the so-called quarrelling and blahblah and the gals planned a b'dae party for mi thz!! although itis nt much of a secret
    In Summary:
    Worst Year Yet Abit Fun?
    P6: wahahhaha tis year rox lol but p4 more childish lehz...fwens wif guys, loads of flirting haha reminded mi of 'xing fu de gan jue' lol secrets came out bit by bit but most of them were relationships(disgusted) and oni one family stuff more ups and downs but the worst was overcomed by the fun. more delusions, psle i wan again so fun, loads of parties at the end of the yr, '''jobs'' as: case-solver,flirter, machmaker?? lol still gt wadz arhz...28/10(disgusted) den oh yea! Jumble Sale yea! ttz fun! but tiring too xcept for game station. and haha 20/11 love it! crying in public X__x and minqi de bbq party: the best party ever manz! wif peisi de as second? and jieling and evelyn de b'dae was celeb wif cake at canteen?
    In Summary: Best Year? Though Wif More Ups-And-Downs
    My longest post ever...
    New Year Resolution:
    Study, Study, Study and get prepared for 20yrs ltr and NO relationships( i hope...) and i wan c xiuqi turn even more chio when her teeth is perfect in place though itis quite...disgusting abt the procedure but i bet she can tahan de larhz lastly, MuAcKiEz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tuesday, December 30, 2008
    30/12/08 8:29 PM

    1 more dae yea? fast one coz i dunwan type longlong and cant rly rmb
    -went to JP
    -arcade larhz of coz
    -wasted $5 on parapara, dancing step(i keep fail manz idk y)
    -drum de was full so cant plae
    -plaed the game machine or wadever idk wad tt
    -street bb too?
    -was treated to plae parapara again
    -tried freestyle and failed!!!
    -watched the guys plae Daytona
    -jiayun and xiuqi went
    -finally out of arcade,
    -char and winnie go meet their mum
    -the rest, including mi went home
    -was embarrassing coz we were noisy
    -i took the same bus as my sis juz tt i on top she below
    -forgt to tap crd when go up busX__x
    -missed a busstop again!!!X__x...
    -went JP again wif xiuqi cl cheemeng
    -was treated pizza(bento box) by cl
    -shared wif xiuqi and cheemeng
    -the time for mi to eat one slice=their time to eat abt two slices coz
    #1. a prticularly idiot hu finished his food kept staring at my pizza thus
    #2. i was stressed and cant eat and oso
    #3. made mi laughing lyk an idiot esp when the pizza is in my mouth
    -finally ate finish successfully without choking,
    -went to jigsaw puzzle world for awhile den came down
    -went to arcade
    -cheemeng treated mi and xiuqi $20
    -plaed parapara, dancing steps(atleast nv fail until v bad)
    -drums and street bb too
    -went to library
    -xiuqi wan go children sect. but finally left when she cant find ani bks
    -she borrowed 8 whereas i borrowed 5
    -accompanied her to the cafe
    -den somewhere near the medical centre
    -went bck to arcade
    -den cheemeng wanted to plae the clamp de thing,
    -and wasted alot of $$,
    -and sent us laughing whenever he couldnt catch it ahha
    -went to star factory
    -cheemeng tried the clamp thing again but failed
    -they plaed the wad star ball or wadever
    -den went to buy things,
    -saw jiayun at kopitiam and she was spouting nonsense zzz
    -went to wallet shop
    -heard the song 'because of you'
    -rmbered the rainforest project we first trial use de
    -ppl pave rainforest, juz for their own use???their selfish acts leads to destruction so more trees are reduced
    -tried refraining frm grinning at the idiotic memory but failed
    -atleast noone saw mi
    -went to sportslink coz cl wan buy sweater
    -but all are too ex
    -so they ended up making a fool by plaeing...seriously
    -went bck to arcade
    -plaed speed hockey
    -i oni won cl ONCE!!!! zzz
    -and cheemeng lost to him too zzz
    -plaed tt till was tired out
    -watched them plae street bb
    -cont. a game for cheemeng,
    -and plaed one myself
    -was forced by cl to plae Daytona
    -was leading but last few secs, lost zzz
    -tried expert,
    -kept nid reverse and idk where to drive!!!
    -plaed oni 2/5 laps
    -coz there's not enuf time
    -and i didn't wan time extendsion so i didnt drive when time almost 6.30
    -followed them to GV den they bought drinks
    -took taxi home without mi forking a cent!
    -but i really had no $$ left...
    -tmr going bb...lunch...last...
    -wonder wad will turn out 20yrs ltr...
    -but i doubt huever is reading tis will understand wad i min unless the person is char lol
    -and i dun feel lyk going tmr...
    -punishment for nt going chevron: 'kissing the wall'
    -suggested by xiuqi niaozzz
    -hu cares, itis nt a real kiss aniwae haha
    first long post to complete in less than 30mins

    Sunday, December 28, 2008
    28/12/08 9:35 PM

    Boreed out, blog for shuang lorhz...
    juz now went to chinatown(i dunwan go de lorhz!!zZzZzZz) debated wif mum in the car whether to listen to el fm(i wan marhz) or chi de(which she prefered) and in the end bcome sometime chi somektime el den erhz had dinner but lyk 4+ oni larhz hahaz den while w8ing for food to come, gt one guy crazie de...strted shouting vulgarities??? oni made out cb larhz den caused commotion? and lyk quite lot of ppl stare at him? including mi larhz. den finished dinner. the noodles getting nicer i tink but isit coz i didnt eatfor a v v long time? i rarely go chinatown de marhz den accompanied mum to shopping. or '''shopping'''atleast i dun count it as real shop when itis in OG(orientation grp-.-) but had to act as FPA(Fashion Personal Assistant-.-) for my mum haiz..none of the clothes catch my eyes manz still gt wad nyonya de clothing lol mum finally settled on a shirt and i was half slping le larhz. most of my time there was to w8 and criticize X__x the clothes there really not nice marhz....either too matured(18 to 21++) or too old(40 to 70++) zzz den went to shop for shoes!!! ok atleast this is loads bttr. i wld rather shop for shoes than clothes. i wan tt silver heels!!!!kept pestering my mum but she dun listen to mi one zzz den pestered my dad he oso dunwan lemme buy zzz den mum decided on buying a pair of shoes( after much criticism on my part for the other pair tt she is dilemma-ing over--it sucks TOTALLY trust mi hahaz)den erhz...went to eat tangyuan? hu cares even if itis nt wad dongzhi -.- the tangyuan still tastes great and i love it. ltr, went to buy my all-time fav longxutang. frm young i luv it haha take-awaed tangyuan for sis and cousin. went bck home. in the car, listened to el fm but the songs sux...987 loads bttr while eating some kind of mayatang(i've gt a sweettooth dun mind mi hehz) wah post shortshort de...shld haf combined all three daes den noone wan readX__x

    Saturday, December 27, 2008
    27/12/08 7:35 PM

    erh...tis short de baz. went to JP wif elder sis so no shopping zzz went to swensen and had pizza sets. mi ordered erh...pepperoni and cheese while she ordered seafood splash or sth lyk tt. tried a slice of two, prefered pepperoni cheese whereas she preferred seafoodsplash so i finish the rest of the pepperonicheese lorhz. seriously v bloated. cant blieve i haf such an apetite to finish a pan pizza since usually wun eat so much de X__x...i'm turning into a glutton...wanted to shop but sis dunwan so went to plae arcade. daytona first but while choosing i accidentally let go of the steer or sth den bcome advanced mode!!!!!den i plae advance my sis plae beginner zzzz so mani curves one zzz atleast gt complete and not stuck there v gd le larhz. first time plae jiu shi advance liaoz wad can i do den lost so nid plae parapara. wootz! first time cleared stage 3 but cant clear stage4. and while plaeing was kinda scared will hit the person on my right(back-facing larhz) so cant erm...hit the right de. den plaed street bb oso. stage 1 scored in and bttr than my sis den second round oni score lyk 1 or 2!!!siaoz liaoz mi. den plaed dancing steps but my skills still as noob as ever larhz lol(even without ppl disturbingT__T...) den plaed the drum thing oso den keep sigle player. walao den the wad Genie de xingfuyangqi or wadever my sis cant clear den i go try den walao beat until hand pain zzz atleast in tis my skill improve le larhz nt as noob as bfore. no $$ left, went to chameleon bought elastic bands to tie plaits....zzzzhaiz...den went to library. picked out a few bks, read for awhile den went home.
    i cant go chevron so char was lyk "zzz" ? den to placate her jiu ask for a punishment on 31st lorhz...den she wan ask xiuqi for ideas but xiuqi sure luanluanlai de marhz so anihow sae parapara or singing lorhz ( aniwae parapara nvm de marhz den singing u al oso cant hear so hu cares if the punishment really one of the two hahaz) den erhz ttz all baz...post short ritez? though not short and [i]Sweet[/i] as jieling de coz i'm not sweet hehez

    Friday, December 26, 2008
    26/12/08 8:27 PM

    101TH dalnations, dalmations, damnations??????aargh hu cares aniwae todae...
    went to peisi's hse wif xiuqi. atleast the party wasnt as bad as i tot it wld b and linlaoshi oso gt come. still gt bbq niaz! went in to watch tv coz dun feel lyk eating? her (female?) chihuahua cute manz! didnt noe tt tianyi was afraid of dogs. and the dog still wear a greengreen color thing lol den erhz...went to get some food. the beehoon quite oily??but nice larhz. finished, went outside to plae Musical Chairs...omg at first but its fun to b back to the ChildHood Memoirs-.- lol plaed first round, jordon took over tianyi and was 2nd wif zizawa(idk how spell her name) 1st den jiayun demo-ed busting the balloon by sitting on it!!! den tianyi nid do same thing but stepped on it. continued another round but i nv plae hehz. den jiayun first wif jordon second. as linlaoshi was first to get disqualified(??), she nid sit on balloon lol and manz! jiayun is violent de lorhz lol den erhz...cut cake? delicious naz the choc cake lol den erhz...gt block catching. how run in slippers lol and tis my first time plaeing manz X__x but still enjoyed being childish hehz. den everibody go bck liaoz den called the restto come down den lol xiuqi go run up and down on both of the staircases(not tired arhz?) den still gt wadz arhz...shared stingray wif xiuqi. the bone gt stuck in my teeth and gum? cant get in out at first den ltr kidda pluck it out at home and gt abit of blood zzz K-Box-ed? lol lead singer cheemeng arhz keep sing one haha and jiayun too? and they kept repeating idk wad song. tonghua or sth lol and hey! nv hear xiuqi sing...k-box-ed halfwae wif jiayun but voice was too soft hahaz cheemeng took over. den oh yea! left out the passing msg game! confusing manz the sentences jiayun gave zzz den erhz jiayun forfeit-ed coz the correct ans she sae wrong lol den penalty was to "cat-walk" down the aisle hahah den dun let her pass X__x den last rnd penalty whole grp zZzZzZzz acted lyk an idiot den walk until half-wae knees wan drop liaoz frm idiocity and laughter? and walao jiayun still sae nice???!!!!!!!!!!! zZzZZZz wth...den the rest of the grp arm-in-arm wif jiayun to cat-walk down the aisle. oni chunyi posed lol the rest didnt. listened to them K-box-ed inside and xiuqi and daryl balloon fite??and walao daryl burping....intolerable....and yihao keep throw the some-kind-of metal-ball-sweets zZzZzZ den tried to K-box "ting bu dao" den was stilll too soft hahaz! of coz larhz my voice so soft de i sing el song den will louder hehs. but still, fun k-boxing? and yet again, tis was my first time singing using a mike(and even wif a mike noone can hear my voice haha) and oh yea! jiayun's jellies were delicious!!!! accompanied xiuqi and jiayun to 859 den went home.
    tmr maybe going swensen if all goes rite den maybe gonna plae arcade? if gt $$ larhz...hopefully can go shopping for awhile? i so long no go shop for 4hrs + cant shop longlong le larhz so shop the whole jp2 can liaoz lol ending here

    Thursday, December 25, 2008
    25/12/08 3:18 PM

    100TH POST juz to wish everione MeRrY X'MaS!! lol tis post is gonna b super short so plz dun mind mi
    24th Dec, Nite, 10+ till 11.59 :
    sms-ed obviously to keep mi awake coz sis wan mi stay till 4 den w8 for her while she bathes zZzZzZz but 2.30 cant tahan fall aslp le X__x. erhz...studied coz was sianz??erh wadever den receied a x'mas msg frm minqi
    25Dec, Nite, 12+ till 2.30 :
    first msg to be received by jieling(eh chim larhz hard understand lol)den 1hr ltr received another '''surprise''' x'mas present (sms de larhz) lame manz! and i predicted it X__x den really is tt idiotic thing haiz...lol dunnoe whether to hate it or like it but since it's a '''present''' i shld appreciate it? aargh i'll cut the crap. elder sis came home, gave her the present. lol she actually preferred the i anihow buy de ear-rings manz hahaz den sms-ed till 2.30...
    2.30 till 4+:
    aslp larhz!
    suddenly woke up, older sis gave mi my present, a kukumalu(??) white water bottle. cute manz! den went out to gif her hers. and lol, she was planning to buy a hp strap and i bought her one haha and she tink the hp pouch was cute( of coz larhz char de style how can she not lyk? haha oso abit of my style larhzX__x)
    received a goodbye msg(???? not death msg larhz) but i still slping
    received another x'mas msg frm gordon den char but i is stilll slping..
    my mum wan bring mi cut hair but my older sis sae dunwan and so now i've gt to tie plaits(PLAITS!!!!!!!!!!!!! P-L-A-I-T-S!!!!!!) and oso, if the dance society kiks mi out of the audition i'm going for netball( even if there's a high chance my skin disease wld come bck) but atleast if i dun cut 4yrs ltr de prom can let down my hair(and reborn again bfore prom if gt larhz)12+had lunch and now, i'm alone at home again
    wadever itis, Merry X'Mas!!!!!

    Wednesday, December 24, 2008
    24/12/08 1:37 PM

    99TH!!! frm March till now den 99TH zzz lol wadever itis, 99TH "aniversary"-.-
    Mon, 22nd: went bck to malaysia to get IC. i look totally lyk a freak haiz..den erhz went to haf lunch and manz the kittens soo cute lol and one sat on my foot lol softsoft one but made mi cant move my leg till it was gone. den erh went to aunt's hse. tried to sms but reception sux so cant send-.-went bck, slept during most of the time lol lack of slp for 2 or 3daes in a row marhz...keep msg until cant slp-.-even if i didn't, i still cant slp so y not?
    Tues, 23rd: mi and xiuqi rummaged through minqi's sec1 bks. crapped loads wif her and bryan since there's nth bttr to do. msged while crapping though. minqi's uncle came and offered to drive us to jurong point.watched abit of la bi xiao xin(idk the el). went to arcade and minqi treated us wootz! plaed the drum thing and all the rnds is xiuqi win one lol first time plaed so kinda sucked but atleast second time bttr larhz lol den erhz plaed street bb. my bb skills still sucked but atleast bttr larhz coz street bb is easier de marhz den went to dance arrows de. den aargh...nvm if minqi is the oni audience...bryan and cl came too zzz den cl tried to disturb by putting his leg at the down-arrow but still, stepped at his leg lol not my fault worhz. he disturbed xiuqi too and she stepped his too? ahhaha den erhz...ltr instead of putting at down-arrow he tripped my leg zZZZzZ wad the hell...is right leg i tink den i cant rly press the arrow and nid to support by leaning to the wall wif one hand to avoid tripping over(and hitting the machine wif my head haha jkjk)next went to plae para-para ahhaha first time plae so idk is at the sides not on top one but cleared anwae but stage 3 cant liaoz den evelyn called so we went to meet her and oso the rest. collected $$ and ez-links and went to buy tickets. was alrdy 1 so went bck to arcade. wasted $$ by plaeing parapara??and streetbb den went to cinema. they went to buy snacks while mi xiuqi and tianyi went in first. and lol they all went to the bck den tink bryan saw us so called them bck den jieling too went to the bck den erhz...crapped abit while w8ing for ads to end. ate popcorn while watching and some prt of it is cut off de lorhz but majority of the bk gt inside larhz. still preferred New Moon lol and manz! tianyi waltz-ed bfore! still cant blieve lol and aftr movies xiuqi saed i was v focus on some boy-girl prt of the movie??idk wad she toking hahaz went to haf lunch at kopitiam. shared salmo teriyaki wif xiuqi and the auntie damn kind manz. offered to gif us more rice and an xtra bowl of miso soup without charges but xiuqi dunwan. den went to shop for sis x'mas presents wif xiuqi and jieling. went to mini toons, decided on presents for older sis and nided another for elder sis. as the queue was long, xiuqi w8ed at the queue while mi and jieling went to find another. cant find anithing so anihow tot up of one but was too ex so bought wrapper den went to jp1 coz cant find xiuqi outside minitoons. the thing i was looking for may be cheaper but still ex so settled on a arnd $5 de(fan zheng my sis wun visit my blog so hu cares lol) spent arnd $16 on the presents. so cheap manz but i now pok le marhz not much $$ left to buy more ex de presents ps larhz. went bck to arcade, watched them plae Daytona. lol all so agitated and xcited lyk tt one. oni evelyn was calmcalm de haha strting is all 1st 2nd 3rd den ltr bcome 4th 5th 6th lol dunwan get scolded for long post so ending here 99TH!!!!!!
    forgot to add, saw a damn pro drummer hu memorized the beats and plaed blind-folded cool!! and saw two sjl cars...one's my dad'sX__x....and the other, idk hu's de larhz saw on the road...

    Saturday, December 20, 2008
    20/12/08 5:32 PM

    98!!!one more to go!!! wadever itis, ps for my previous damn long post(it hurts my fingers and ur eyes but still my fingers love dancing on the keyboard yea?lol)aniwae, this post will b in point-form xcept for the one u are reading now of coz..so wun b tt LOOOOONG-.-
    -was late for 10mins psps but evelyn later than mi
    -filled in form(i hate writing NanHuaHigh on tt paper!!!!zzz)
    -saw mrs vijay but cant really make out wad she was saeing and i've alrdy forgotten
    -saw sherrich's spiked hair
    -not really spiked but still quite nice?
    -collected certs. and went to gekpoh to haf lunch
    -grabbed a drink
    -went to JP
    -went "shopping"
    -mi and char's de fashion style is TOTALLY diff!!!!
    -met up wif evelyn's mum and erm "dad"
    -they had lunch whilst we plaed hp games
    -was treated to anderson choc fondue by evelyn's mum
    (erm...char saed when we blog muz describe until v xtreme so xiuqi will b envious wahahaha wadever itis here's the descriptions(u'll b groos out rather)
    -the cookies were so damn nice i kept eating it!!X__x
    -evelyn char and mi put the whole scoop of icecream into our mouths and char was ""suffocating"" wif cold?
    -the melted hot choc wif the icecream is simply delicious!!!(erh...hyperbowling juz for fun-.-)
    -wif the remaining cones, i poured hot choc and melted icecream inside...dam delicious!!(not hyperbowling but itis a fact)
    -my mouth was successfully covered wif choc...
    -den erhz went home?
    -at nite chatted via sms till 1++ but while w8ing for reply, i fell aslp...
    19 dec
    -i couldnt wake up...
    -went to new sch
    -tok bus den took cab
    -hordes of ppl
    -chcked out the grpings and noone hu is in pioneer is same wif mi!!
    -but ttz nt the classes so...hopefully can b wif jieling^^
    -the principle's tok was making mi slpy...but still smiled or smirked idk which quite alot?
    -imagine mi in a kimidoll hairstyle-.-
    -the students there were SOOOO guai!!!
    -not lyk pioneer....or i shld sae TOTALLY DIFF frm pioneer lorhz!
    -total attentiveness, total silence...love it haha
    -but still, maybe itis coz we dunnoe each other so didnt speak much?
    -presentations over, dad bought books liaoz so went to buy uniform
    -measured and bought den went to gekpoh to haf lunch
    -went home damn tired
    -at nite slept frm 10pm till 10am...12hrs...
    -i doubt i wld b able to slp for tonite...
    -22nd dec gonna go malaysia get IC
    -23rd dec going movies
    -27th dec going shopping
    the rest of the daes when i'm free: read twilight+flip through textbks...
    PS: ur eyes arent sore horhz?

    Thursday, December 18, 2008
    18/12/08 9:37 AM

    erh i try update as fast as possible larhz ps arhz these few daes no time to blog(i've juz turned into a bk worm and addicted reader of New Moon) and i cant b bothered to find the dates so i juz go by:
    Day 1: went to plae badminton wif xiuqi jieling jiayun. i practically tried on all the doors but i tried on the wrong side so cant open zzz i look lyk an idiot manz den ltr they help mi open door. den ltr jieling came oso open wrong side but oni tried on 1 or 2 doors den while we plaed jiayun go on the xiaowei de song zzz den began singing den laugh until no enegy get up and hit shuttle liaoz den erh...among them i'm the oni one hu uses backhand-.-i dunnoe how use front de larhz zzz if left hand den can right hand muz use backhand i tink. den ltr went to sweettalk wif jiayun to buy drinks den treated xiuqi. den i wan milktea the person gimme chocmilktea-.-den when come bck my inbox was open de -.- which of u open it or it pressed itself-.-lol den plaed 1vs1? den mi and jieling keep add ball de zzz coz keep 10-10 den 11-11 and blahblahblah zzz lol den plaed xtra aftr game was over. oni left when someone came in to take awae the nets. shopped at Prime to find the prices for the ingrediens for third dae de gross sundae...(sundae as in icecream) tinking abt it i really feel lyk puking...though our efforts were wasted but will tok abt it on third dae. aftr spending lyk 15mins? rushed home
    Day 2: bfore went to plae bb(which i mistook as badminton X__x i gong liaoz), while using com to dwl songs...suddenly heard my name(not full larhz juz TINALIOW) erm....(i nid find a wrd to describe..)bursting/exploding/cutting/'electricting'/filling the air and another load of wrds which i cant make out. pissed off...den ltr went to xiuqi hse plaed Uno den jieling msged den we sae move to 761 since 816 gt ppl den jieling was rather pissed off? den walao my skills deproved damn loads!!suddenly mind cant focus properly haiz...den plaed ABC den xiuqi was first to clear all but we skipped the undernet and three-pointer. and i w8 so damn looong liaoz den gt once undernet...second time since i learnt it...zzz and i lyk v impatient cant get the ball in liaoz zzz den erh i cant rmb anithing...erh..jieling rummaged in my bag for mp3 coz she was bored(ps lahz keep forgt bring)den erhz stayed for another 30mins to plae abc den saw a guy frm my van de(he didnt recognize mi? if nt he wld haf shouted at mi i guess)den improved abit...maybe coz warm-up liaoz and surrounding v quiet...but the whole dae nv clear coz keep restrt. and weird tt when shoot frm ani point i will either go ABC de E or undernet zzz den went home
    Day 3: rushed to Prime to meet xiuqi coz i tot i was late and in the end w8ed 2mins for her lol atleast can let mi rest larhz leg wan crck liaoz. den bought the ingredients den went to her hse to cut up the choc. lol she cut nicer manz coz she use the side den i didnt tink of tt and itis faster oso. den i melted the choc icecream. den she sae v disgusting so i bckface her do lorhz but realy disgusting manz den ltr both of us melted it den ltr when she taste it it was delicious? lol i usually drink tt. den after melting i tasted it too lol den went down to minqi hse den char and evelyn w8ed for us at the lift den sparng up when the lift doors open. (current situation: my hands are breaking...)den went in to fool arnd wif the puzzle rings den erhz there was a toy pistol war going on haha den ltr mi and xiuqi go eat lunch lorhz den wated char plae Bejeweled while the war continued outside. den the bullets nidda b tracked down coz lost some or quite alot? den went to c them plae ps2 den the wrestling guys vers. de is normnorm juz v violent den gal de we kept supporting to strip off the other girl wahahah pervertic zzz den plaed hp games and viewed char de inboxX__x den char go take ine den walao she almost saw the one she wasnt suppose to c...den lucky i snatched the hp awae frm her. lol den ltr went to xiuqi hse to do the icecream...den manz the melted de icecream put in fridge liaoz cool manz!! den ltr when wego pour the melted iceceam over the big plate den when we scoop the icecream was floating over it. den i rmbered we bought the wrong ice-cream!!!we were suppose to buy the Nepolian or wadever one tt consist of vanilla choc and strawberry den we go buy the mint choc one(tt tastes disgusting...)den coz failure liaoz marhz den we nid eat up the two scopps of choc tt is on the melted icecream lorhz and it tasted lyk brownie tt cookies lol den gt the total number of ppl den strted wif one person one bowl---erh to the ppl hu ate the icecream...here's the procedure so if u tink u will puke when u realised how we made the thing u ate...plz dun c haha but i dun tink u wld feel disgusted coz itis seriously NOTHING--
    firstly we gt the remaining melted icecream frm the big plate and divide them into bowls den wif the other melted icecream we poured inside the other bowls den xiuqi used the melted icecream to pour at the sides den i scooped the icecream inside den added sprinkles. den coz the second bowl xiuqi poured in too much sprnikles so she took out using a spoon and here's the disgusing part: #1 some spoons we forgt to wash and mixed it wif the icecream #2 sometimes we tasted the icecream den forgt to wash den used it wif the rest of the icecream so naturally, the icecream mite contain bacteria or our saliva!!! zzz den ltr we froze it den did our one which is whole loads more disgusting. den the icecream oso melting liaoz. den coz the choc melted use finish so we used mint melted de den wif the remaining melted mint icecram we poured into our bowls zzz den took the rest of the bowls out and added hershey chocs inside and i ate some at xiuqi hse when we were cutting it up...ps larhz!i long time no eat choc liaoz manz i min hershey choc or drk choc. but still, found out tt drk choc nicer than special drk den when mixed wif the melted icecream eat quite nice arhz?(lemme consoe myself abit larhz...i noe v disgusting larhz)den served out and jieling ate soo fast!!mainly coz she's v v v hungry and maybe coz...itis disgusting....?? but there's one success though: minqi saed it was delicious and finished two bowls!!!while...atleast one success is enuf...ater all tis is our first time doing icecream rite...den while w8ing for them to finish their games plaed a find words de puzzle? den went down to plae capt. ball. den manz the bench de feng shui v gd manz hever stand there grp sure win one hahaz den the scores quite close larhz den last ball keep cant catch and when i stand there both evelyn and jieling block lorhz zzz so quite hrd catch larhz den erhz went to get drnks and in total plaed 3games. denltr plaed dog and bone den mi and jieling sae the number. den ltr change den ltr mi and jieling forced to plae oso zzz den sometimes when tagteam wun notice someone hu's making off wif the shoe lol usually is two ppl tag team. 3 will rly b a crowd. den erhz accidentally fell down and skid abit on the floor haha when jiayun tagged mi(not ur fault larhz my balance sux lyk hell) den erhz...dunnoe pimple burst or wadzso strted bleeding abit den erhz...knees injured but no bleed larhz juz abit pain oni and i'm not prepared to cry manz i gt look lyk i wan cry mehz???coz jingwen sae i lyk wan cry lyk tt marhz fan zheng itis been a long time since i gt injured at the face. den went up to cleanse wound den had dinner. den jiayun kept stacking the beehoon into bryan's plate haha den bcome "mount everest" den ltr i gave jiayun den she tried to gif him again hahaa den still tell him to eat properly coz beehoon is spilling out wahahahaha den erh jieling and eveyn first to finish? so they go watch tv? denoh yea at the table dunnoe when someone sae dwad bryan's bf or gf den they ask if he's gay or les--indeed he's a girl coz he listen to girl song while eating jk larhz lol den erhz aiya i rush through i nid go pri sch ltr
    -went to plae the spray thing as in the person ask a (q) den muz ans if nt kena sprayed wif water
    -will penalty if help
    -evelyn jingwen jiayun mostly penalty?
    -for the ans for a famous rabbit i forgt Easter Bunny den tot up of werewolves so were-rabbit and bear-rabbit ahha but jiayun didnt spray mi lol
    -lol and erhz sabo-ed minqi by asking her a famous designer lol
    -brand of painkiller=......durex.....??wahahahahhahahahahahhaha
    -and walao minqi open her mouth den i spray inside den ltr she spit the water on mi!!!!!!
    -all of us kena sprayed??
    -and hey Mercy Shp is a famous ship wadz zzz
    -den minqi and evelyn went to plae checkers and bryan saed it was dumb and yet he still watched them plae den when i ask he saed it was cool-.-argued until pissed off zzzz
    -indeed this one more fun hehe and i wan plae tt spray thing again!!
    -(and sabo ppl by giving them diff (q) lyk...actually quite less larhz erm...wad canadian de haha
    -and if we ever plae, minqi, i'm getting bck my revenge coz u practically spitted at mi!!!
    4th Day:
    Got into Nanhua ....ending here nidda rush!!!

    Friday, December 12, 2008
    12/12/08 9:02 PM

    quiz again....try get my energy to do larhz...

    Who is the person who tagged u?

    Relationship between u n her?
    erh..fwens cum ex-chi classmate/ schoolmate

    3 impression of her
    Chio, Clever, Quiet

    If she become ur enemy, what will u do?
    I will always bury the hatchet so i wun make enemies

    What will u say to the person u like very much?
    I wun sae i will ask:(to jieling, dun sae itis snowing when u c my ans) Can i hold u?

    Characteristics I like abt myself:
    erm...diligent(haha crap larhz) erhz...idk? sympathetic?

    Characteristics I hate abt myself:
    Unrealistic, Immature, Naive, childish and loadsloads more

    For the person u hate, u say?
    Once again, i sae i will bury the hatchet...

    What do ppl feel abt u?
    erh...flirtatious, rash, violent?? i cant read minds larhz...

    Ur crush?
    I'm out of love yet i'm lovesick haha-.-

    Pass this to 10 ppl(erh...some i take frm previous quiz de lorhz...)
    ---interruption: some ppl do liaoz so i nonid tag them horhz)---
    #1 JieLing
    #2 Char
    #3 SiHui
    #4 DengWen
    #5 Sarah
    #6 Evelyn
    #7 ShuYi
    #8 Jaslyn
    #9 Sherrich
    #10 ChiHon

    If 5 & 7 is together?
    They not les lai de larhz-.-
    What does 5 like?
    What colour does 9 like?
    Idk lol i failed as a god-aunt
    Say something abt 8?
    erh...idk lehz...cheerful arhz?
    Who is 2?
    A human-.-one of my gfs?haha
    Talk abt 3?
    Who is 10 best friend?
    Idk larhz
    Who is the Sexiest among tens?
    ahahah char? since she attracted loads of guys can b measured frm boon lay to changi(hyperbowl for awhile no offence ritez)
    What colour does 4 like?
    Idk? i oni noe she likes piggies
    Is 4 single?
    erh...i tink so?
    Ur relationship wif 1?
    ""Oaktree"" cum ex-classmate cum ""gf"" cum ""bro-in-law"""
    are 5 n 6 best friends?
    They dun even noe each other!lol
    9 surname?
    7 nickname?
    Sushi? and others oso baz
    Say something to 8?
    erh....idk wad to sae
    Say something to help 9?
    He nonid my help larhz lol
    What does 1 admire?
    Minhwan? and a whole lot of guys??
    Where does 1 live?
    cant b bothered to chck biodata larhz but is near gekpoh there?
    10 of them know who u like?
    erh..shld b larhz since i lyk everione lol
    Say something to 6 when u see her?
    I juz saw her todae so nth to sae X__x
    10 spouse?
    He's char's!!hahaz
    finally the end...

    12/12/08 8:10 PM

    post abt todae fastfast larhz i wan slp liaoz...tired out...
    Mon: shopping trip was cancelled coz someone died X__x i tink....
    Tues nite: sms-ed frm 10.30++ till 1++ X__x panda eyes liaoz...oso cant slp larhz den next dae gonna topup so sms till i feel lyk slping lorhz...
    Wed: went to plae badminton. most of the time was xiuqi and jiayun plae so wasnt v tired. lol den one vs one, jiayun winnie, minqi xiuqi, mi char. all lasted less than 5mins? den sometimes 3 vs 2(one as bck up for 3 ppl de) or 2 vs 2. den when another batch ppl come in for the other half of court they go close all the doors zzz so hot larhz so idk hu go open lorhz. den erhz...crapped abt hu's gonna get a bf first and unexpectedly tot of minqi but lyk char saed, wun b able to communicate well if both are obsessed in games.(coz minqi will most lykly b attracted to someone hu plaes games de marhz) den jieling more to dun haf coz she can fwens wif lotsa guys but nt one to stead? xiuqi maybe baz...den char ahhaa she's attracted to guys and guys are attracted to her but 50% chance she will stead arhz...den mi...nonid sae le larhz haha sec1:stead6mthbreak stead6mth break sec2:stead3mthbreaksteadand so on lol jk larhz...ltr cher c dao she kill mi manz...den erhz...walao minqi go run awae wif my hp den chase her till toilet there but lucky she nv c my inbox or sent msg larhz...(privacy de niaz) den erhz idk when the case of my watch suddenly drop outX__x walao minqi gimme for b'dae present de manz!!!!!still so ex!!!!zzZzzZzZ haizzz....tired out so at nite slp frm 10+ till 9 or 10? greatest nite ever!!
    Thurs: Trip to facial was cancelled coz older sis found a new job(GRATZZ!) after two wks of interviewing. den trip to jp was oso cancelled coz i cant drag myself up and out. too tired liaoz wed de slp lyk nt enuf lyk tt X__x den thurs nite sms frm 10.30 till 11 den stared at the ceiling till 4 in the morn...cant believe time flies so fast sia!!!lyk 30mins past den c hp, 12+ den ltr 1+ den 2.56 den 3+ and finally at 4.0sthsth fell aslp...and i shld haf woke up aftr 10.30 but woke up at 8...4hrs of slp still can gimme energy...siao liaoz but in the morn gt abit headache larhz
    Fri: went to mq hse first to plae somekindof toy pistol. went to com room to plae so as not to disturb mq grandpa. den plaed awhile wif xiuqi. lasy few shots den shoot dao de zzz...den erhz plaed bejeweled 2 for awhile den go there liaoz lorhz. brain shut down le larhz cant rmb much. plaed capt. ball outside coz inside gt funeral...den erhz plaed monkey zzz the thunder-balls...den erh...tianyi was quite late? den eh xiuqi, u saeing evelyn keep look there or wadz lol den erhz...went to 7-11 to help evelyn buy 100plus orange? den went to Sweettalk wif xiuqi. tried peach iceblended+coconut jelly...walao damn sweet de zzz den minqi and jiayun dank mine(y not xiuqi's??oso v nice wadz lol)den erhz plaed volleyball for awhile den plaed Monkey longest. den erhz...elastic band broke den nid use xiuqi de but she going bck early den nid put down quite hot larhz. eh jieling, y u wun feel hot de? den minqi or someone kiked the ball den land on the yellow color stripe X__x...den ltr erh...most of them go home...den went to 7-11 wif jieling tianyi cl. go there enjoy air-con hahaz den the drink gt buy one one free so mi jieling share one lorhz den erhz...coz i nid go home liaoz so---interruption i almost deleted the whole post zzz--- so i drink finish everithing lorhz...damn full manz and i hate fizzy drinks zzz...nvm...den aftr jay-walking jiu zi ji walk bck home lorhz and hopefully tonite gd nitez slp again....
    sundae still gt bb... 6more daes...less than a wk manz!!! i wan go crazie liaoz...tired out...still nid do quiz....but seems quite short larhz hehz...
    and walao the x'mas party can faster cfm???

    Sunday, December 7, 2008
    7/11/08(quiz) 8:59 PM

    yea finally gt quiz do le if not i bored to death nia...
    (zzz com lag cant copy paste...and maybe some ppl cant tag if wun load)
    tagged by both sihui and jes to do tis quiz
    A. People who have been taqqedd must post this on their bloqs.
    B. Taqq 8 people tuhh do this quiz & those who are taqqedd cannot refuse. These people must state who they are taqqed by and cannot taqq the person whom they were taqqedd by.
    C. Continue this qame by sending it tuhh 8 other people.
    #1. Char
    #2. Jieling
    #3. Dengwen
    #4. Evelyn
    #5. Shuyi
    #6. Huimin
    #7. Sarah
    #8. Jaslyn

    1. What have you been doinqq recently?
    Plaeing bb and shopping?
    2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
    Twice coz i slping marhz
    3. What happened at 10am today?
    Eating breakfast, watching tv
    4. When did u last cry?
    20th nov, psle result lol
    5. Believe in fate/destiny?
    Erh...not really....(coz of xiuqi and mi i cant sae no zzz)
    6. What do you want in your life now?
    Motivation to study X__x
    7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up ur hood?
    Erh...dun go out or someone carry for mi X__x
    8. What's your favourite thinqq tuhh have on ur bedd?
    The soft dog tt jieling gave mi!!<3 it haha
    9. What bottoms are you wearing now?
    Shorts lorhz
    10. Whats the nicest thinqq in your inbox?
    Erh...none?i'm heartless
    11. Do you tend tuhh make a relationship complicated?
    Erh...no waes! unless the other party is too sensitive X__X
    12. Are you wearinqq anything borrowed from anyone?
    13. What was the last movie you cauqht?
    Quantum Of Solace?
    14. What are you proud of?
    15. What does your oldest text msg in ur inbox says?
    U tina?
    16. What was the last sonqq you sanqq out loud?
    I sing oso no sound come out de haha
    17. Do you have any nicknames?
    Of coz larhz
    18. What does ur last text msg says?
    (erh...unable to answer but dun tink wrong. i juz dunwan sae)
    19. What time did you go to bed last niqht?
    11.30?arnd larh
    20. Are you currently happy?
    Erh...10%...(i no feeling de marhz!)
    21. Who gives you the best advice?
    Idk larhz....jieling arhz haha
    22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from can?
    Never try before but worth a try!
    23. Who did you talk on the phone last night?
    Myself...Noone larhz
    24. Is somethinqq buqqing you now?
    This quiz juz reminded mi of it zzz
    25. Who was the last person who make you lauqqh?
    Idk larhz minqi tianyi they all?(wif char wedding car...lol)
    26. Do you wear toe socks?
    Didn't even c before-.-
    27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
    28. Have you ever had your heart broken?
    Of coz larhz! lol count the 20th Nov in haha
    29. What annoys you most in a person?
    Not ambituous no matter wad
    30. Do you have a crush on someone?
    Erh...of coz..................NOT haha currently, no
    31. Have you ever done cocaine?
    Erh...worth a try!! jk larhz i not paikia k
    32. What is the colour of your room?
    Hot pink+ rice color
    33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion bucks?
    I have learned to bury the hatchet...
    34. Do you believe in the saying, 'Talk is cheap'?
    It's not cheap...tok too much get sorethroat, c doct, $$ fly...haha
    35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed?
    Privated Property!mi oni haha jkjk but last person mi
    36. Who was the last person to hug you?
    Minqi haha to blck mi zzz
    37. Did you see the last person you kissed recently?
    I dun rmb kissing anione...
    38. Do you have a life?
    -.-if nt y i'm ans-ing tis quiz?
    39. Have you ever thought someone died, when they didnt?
    40. What is the reason behind your profile song(s)?
    Coz i'm in love! jk larhz coz i'm a romance-type wahahaha
    41. Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
    Put a knife on my neck and i still wun sae it!!
    42. Last time you smiled?
    Sometime while plaeing bb?
    43. Have you chanqedd this year?
    Became more cautious and matured?
    44. What are you listening to riqht now?
    Britney Spears de Circus
    45. Are you talkinqq tuhh someone while doing this?
    I've became mute
    46. Do you walk with your eyes closed or open?
    Both larhz! i nid blink de manz
    47. Is there a quote that you live by?
    What lies infront of you and what lies behind you are small matters compared to what lies within you? sth lyk tt de larhz
    48. Do you want someone you can never have?
    Erh...if the person is single: i hate infatuations. if the person is attached:i'm not a slut!
    49. Have you ever played an instrument?
    50. What was the worst idea you've had this week?
    Dancing ParaPara at minqi hse X__x
    51. What were you doinqq last night at 11 p.m.?
    Erh...sms-ing X__x
    52. Are you happy with your love life now?
    Of coz! studying my top priority marhz...
    53. What sonqq best describes your love life?
    Haven heard one tt does lol
    54. Does the person know you like him/her?
    Of coz! i love my gfs and lyk my other fwens?
    55. Who always make you lauqh?
    idk larhz lotsa ppl
    56. Do you speak other lanquaqes other than enqlish?
    Chi oni...
    57. Favourite website?
    Blog arhz?
    58. Whats your middle name?
    59. What do you think you are like?
    Flirtatious(and i bet alot ppl agree wif mi!lol)
    60. Who will you choose to die with?
    My Soulmate...
    61. Where have you been today?
    Jurong Sec bb court+canteen
    62. What qame do you play often?
    I rarely play games...
    63. Who are you missinqq now?
    Noone, i saed i'm heartless
    64. If you had to choose between your friend or your lover which will you choose?
    Depends on whether the fwen is my soulfwen anot. if yes, i'll sae byebye to my lover
    65. What are you doinqq right now?
    The quiz and listening to Kill The Lights by Britney
    66. Which primary school are you from?
    Pioneer Pri
    67. Name 3 colours that you like?
    Dunwan lehz? White Purple Black
    68. What emotions do you like to show?
    Emo...haha jkjk erm.....the diaoz and irritated(even if i'm not) emotions?
    69. What is your life to you?
    Insufficient coz i haven get my PhD...but till now, quite good larhz...
    finally ended lol

    7/11/08 8:34 PM

    posting fast todae? since haf a quiz to do lol
    erh...todae...arnd 12? sis go rummage den found parapara paradise 2 lol den i watched the vid. while she parapara-ed hahah looks lyk an idiot lol i zhi liang li de manz. dunwanna look lyk an idiot infront of the com. looks tiring but quite fun larhz hhaz den ltr went to minqi hse. couldnt recognize cl frm afar den erh psps lated but atleast i prepared earlier if not idk when i will come X__x den w8ed for gordon at the car park(cant he go there by his car?? lol) den on the wae to carpark hp drop out again...2nd time in the dae, 4th time since i gt it!!!zzz thz xiuqi help mi pick up lol my pocket sux haha den ate Pucca biscuits inside den xiuqi and minqi did stunt again lol den when the van suddenly jerk some fell out X__x den erhz...jiayun lied on my leg zzz lol but for awhile oni larhz. den when jerked jiayun kena ""chi dou fu""" haha jk larhz jerk marhz cant blame it. den erhz while crapping, realised tt some of us are outdated! lol so, xiuqi, u nt worst case haha den reached, plaed match. manz liowxiuqi keep same grp wif mi de. be it Open numbers and/or Black and White i keep ending up in the same grp as her!!hahaha den ltr prac-ed shooting. half-wae through a p5 girl called jes came. den continued plaeing den matched again. coz minqi was pro-er, mi xiuqi and jiayun one team den she and jes. halfwae through minqi solo manz! but given her skill nonid sae oso she make game set de larhz lol den jiayun was hitted on the nose? ok le baz den had capt. ball wif guys. loads more tiring den bb manz zzz den minqi mi bryan or brian idk which, tianyi cl one time den jiayun jes xiuqi yonglam gordon another. lol oni time when mi and xiuqi not same grp hahaz but still, marked her x__x den walao plae until no breath liaoz den time-out took a break den plaed abc wif xiuqi? realized tt nid focus more to clear a few balls in a row zzz den strted drizzling. carried bags inside den near the gate stopped drizzling-.-went out to plae bb again. matched again, and all the times mi and xiuqi same team!!! den minqi sae dun believe we will keep same den wad nid change grp but Fate marhz hahah we keep same grp until she frustrated haha is lyk when open no. we both white den last grping we both blck zzz not tt i tink xiuqi will put white larhz. juz tt sudden gt a tinking to put blck for no reason haha den same again wahahaha siaoz le yeaz! bb same grp, fate sometimes oso same, speak same n rarely do same zzz omg larhz...and i seriously, next time cant anihow call someone jie or kor...ltr samesame again haiz!! den plaed abc. jes was first to clear, den bfore we cont. nid go home liaoz. but shld b minqi,mi xiuqi? but tables will turn arnd de marhz haha den went to take a break(wif kitkat jkjk)replied msg frm evelyn den drank water and minqi and xiuqi sprouted water!! as in spit water larhz idk y larhz xiuqi strted first?lol den minqi translated the lyrics or sth den went into the van. air was still ok till the door was shut. stuffy, polluted. hey w8 i not blaming on a prticular person horhz lol wad i min is everione is sweaty marhz of coz air will b polluted larhz lol crapped den on the road cl sae saw wad char wedding car haha den minqi or someone ask where chihon den tianyi sae wad chihon go fetch char frm her hse ahhaha den i found out i was outdated too hahaz den air was seemingly getting bttr? or was my nose adapting to it-.-den crapped in the van till reached home and ohyea x'mas party...gonna spend $$ again...eh parapara at minqi hse!!!haha i wan c how idiotic everione look lehz but doubt anione wld dare to parapara baz)
    aargh...tmr going shopping again haiz...at bukit panjang idk called wad there baz...maybe movie replaced by shopping zzz hope my leg doesnt break but going out wif elder sis so dun tink she cld walk as long as my older sis(parapara hahaha) and ending here gonna do quiz liaoz lol

    Friday, December 5, 2008
    5/12/08 8:12 PM

    juz a prticular thing to sae bfore i'm typing abt todae...
    i diagonsed myself wif...mental breakdown. i'm nv lyk tt bfore: firstly, slping ltr den usual though i'm damn tired as in abit of isomnia. and linking to tt, i've turned into a nocturnal. err...sort-of... but nt serious larhz. hopefully after todae's bb, tired out and will haf a gd nitez slp...i dunwanna replenish my slp in the aftrnoon manz...next, i sometimes will blurt out or type things den after tt dunnoe y i saed it. thirdly, the dream tt i had tis morn is totally crazie. erm..esp i prticualr prt tt is still vivid in my mind. coz of some weird reason tt gaf mi some weird feeling thus letting mi keep rmb-ing it...can sae tt tis is the oni time tt the prt of the dream kept spinning in my mind and tt itis so not a nightmare...i'm going bonkers...and oso, even eating less for breakfast will gif mi a headache and make mi feel lyk puking aargh...i'm weird and crazie...
    forget all tt crapp...todae went to bb. was bored so went to minqi's hse first. den ltr went to gatecrash xiuqi. when she came out, minqi took awae her shoe den go gatecrash jiayun's hse. lol of coz return to her larhz coz minqi throw to mi marhz lol den w8ed for jiayun den went bck to minqi's hse. after giving us the souvenirs, went to look at the pics. so mani manz! i oso wan go japan lol den erhz the roller coaster damn cool manz!!!lol den after c-ing the pics xiuqi go kik the idk wad den shutdown. den ltr minqi nv sae muz off den on den w8ed lyk an idiot. while xiuqi plaed Bejeweled i plaed hp game den jingwen go put the soft toy on my hair? den walao they go put the minnie mouse hairband(??) on my head den jiayun go take pic zzz suan le...den ltr w8ed for evelyn den go le lorhz. reach there court was full zz so mani ppl de den manz char looks lyk an ahlian wif tt new hairstyle!!!atleast when she tucked in tt necklace and tie her hair wun look so pai kia larhz. den since court was full so went in to plae capt. ball. tired lyk shyt manz atleast gt b basket for awhile larhz if nt wan die liaoz lol 5 vs 5 ritez? time out drank finish all my water zzz cont. game. minqi cousin star player arhz keep jumpjumpjump lol den erhz jieling wasnt feeling well so most of the time is capt.? den aftr game set went to sweettalk. treated char milk tea. spend some time outside 7-11 crapped? den went bck to court. evelyn and jingwen sitting on the floor den cant find them when looking frm afar. carried the bags to bb court den plaed bb. ltr boy vs girl(xpected result when full game is plaed: 11 to 0 lol jkjk) of coz, fouling is inevitable. lol den suddenlt lotsa shouting or i shld sae shrieking. cant blieve tt throughout the whole bb thing didnt even score one!!!zzz sundae muz train up more liaoz. den erhz aftr bb game went bck to shelter to plae capt. ball. halfwae through, tianyi bcame new playr coz we short of one marhz. game continued den keep last ball till arnd 6.03? den went bck lorhz. evelyn went the other wae while the rest walked towrds gekpoh there. walked damn slow coz was damn tired. minqi jieling cl all walk so fast de lol or is we walk slow larhz. X__x den erhz at gekpoh there mi and cheemeng caught up wif them but still gt dist den xiuqi and jiayun still at the bck lol den after traffic light they abandon mi de...lol jieling go minqi hse zuo ke. so went bck wif cm and cl. i so odd one out nia lol den erh the ball rolled to the road two times. lol den aftr some dist. cl go the other wae den crapped till i reached the lift lorhz. walao go long wae sia! shld walk outside the carprk den walk inside and out again zzz suan le...leg bttr(coz gt abit cramp marhz) aftr kena hit by bb. hopefully can make bck alive aftr sundae hahaz and i juz realised i belong to 4 diff families...one blood-related, one jieling and xiuqi(rom liaoz hahah), one jiayun cl peisi.etc de and ch one but the last one is god-daughter marhz. zzz aniwae, twilight faster come...though i nt looking forwrd to tt dae when it screens larhz...and oh yea...dad changed car and i actually made a promise tt if itis silver in color i ill wash the car X__x i wanna take my wrds bck hahaz aniwae typed for almost an hr X__x