Saturday, January 31, 2009
31/1/09 1:06 PM
Last dae of Jan le!! somehow, i've suffered thru the first mth in nanhua. and oso in the new life without having c mi gfs almost everidae lol also nth much to endure larhz. juz some stress? but nvm! i'm getting my laptop next mth! i tink...aniwae....
29th Jan:
8 more mths zzz so long...nvm...main thing, couldnt get to band(although can strt frm scratch but alot ppl is gt music qualifications+vacancy full. didnt wan gb, transferred to ncc(chelsea there oso marhz). nh de gb marching rly lyk quite nt gd de marhz. still wad religion eeye...ncc seems more qin ku coz lyk army lyk tt but nvm larhz...atleast after the trainings, my chances of ''winning'' thrashings mite increase. but still...uniform grps sux...and i dun even haf the funds to take up courses...zzz...nvm...den after sch gt ncc so go lorhz. den qute fun larhz. esp the drilling. wad is to b learn wks ltr we learn now den the sergeants(idk how spell) and the staff slow us down lorhz if not they dk wad to teach if we learn everithing-.-i wan pumping zzz intro games sux though. den nid learn some commands, bang(i keep horsekikX__x), the 4 directions(idk how spell so anihow type arhz--kekire(left)keblakan(back)keharapan(front)keca..sthsth idk liaoz for right. den was dismissed late coz nid w8 for the sec idk wad de. w8ed wif chelsea for her dad to fetch her.den was drove to jurong east interchange. took the wrong elevator!!!!thus missed two trains zzz!!!!den at jp bus interchange went into wrong bus queue den nid go out again walao!!!!mind turn gong liaoz. wad u xpect? i getting scolded liaoz manz. reached home at arnd 7.20+ zzz in a rush, mind gone blank-.-
30th Jan:
PE: nid run 2.2km arnd the sch boundary(as in outside the sch but still within the boundary) walao sianz larhz but atleast pass by arnd 3mins?(as told by chelsea)18 point idk wad is passing mrk i tink. den ltr home econ still nid climb stairs till 5th lvl? idk larhz. den walao kneecap-pain again zzz nvm...limp not obvious...but after awhile jiu ok liaoz...den gt dance enrichment. lame manz! but quite fun larhz(though i look lyk an idiot). grped wif chelsea, felicia and idk hu. originated frm black smiths-.-lol they so lame one X__x...but enjoyed it larhz. laugh lyk crazie. stayed bck for lunch wif jieling den jieling nid go for softball training so go home first.
31st Jan:
left leg damn pain coz of the running baz zzz sturdy leg muscles are bound to grow zzzZzZzZzZz nvm...nvm...(y i keep saeing this arhz-.-)road run in april?idk larhz! aniwae coming soon. so nid train by run here run there le! zZzZzz but i lazy lehz...and tests coming next wk...nid memorise the atlas!!!6pgs!!!!go hell larhz!(i'm coming to adore tis word too-.-)...
OverView of The Month In NanHuaHigh
no diff larhz. sec sch vers of 6/1-.- somewad larhz...alot vulgar lol but fite haven seen a serious one yet. zZzZz jkjk(if nt i will sound lyk i wan c a fite going on-.-)in the following mths, stress will increase so sry if i ever lose my temper or wadsoever!!!lol
---TiNa---(i'm still tinking of arcade-.-)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
28/1/09 4:44 PM
sorry!!!balik kampung so cant blog X__x...and sorry again if tis is a long post(i noe u mite haf scrolled down all the wae to c how long my post is larhz...)aniwae...23rd to 28th..wad u xpect?gt main topic in the strt of each dae de can choose wad u wan read-.-(dun ruin ur eyes by reading all haha unless u are willing to sacrifice...i'll make it as short as possible..)
23rd: Main Topic: CNY/cl''bdae'' celeb/dinner at Spring Court
schooling larhz but spent the time prac cheers and deco classrm? still nid write notes at the somewad 109 messege board haha. nice yea the design. den went to hall for celeb. the ribbon performance nice yea!!still gt wad arhz...guzheng, chi dance, lion dance(the lion damn cute!!!!i wan hug it!!!still gt some kind of ceremony bfore the dance thus tempting mi to slp-.-)oh yea! bfore dismissal, some chers sang on stage wahahahah den ltr went to pps but all cher gone liaoz zzz so fast!!! nvm...den went to buy stuff den jl lost her key?(found bck le marhz?) so went to my hse den ltr cm reach liaoz so go lorhz. went to collect cake(i wan eat zzz) den went to bb court...
cl ''b'dae'' celeb:
scared cake melt, went to pearlyn's hse to freeze first. lol her bro?or huever he is so naughty hahah but oso is cm ''agitate''' him den he beat de marhz. lol the view frm bedroom so gd!lol (can c hunks everidae...jkjk!!)den cl sae he w8ing for bus so go down lorhz but cm stay there larhz. den they plaed wif spray zzz so messy!!!den my back kena sprayed wif green string!!!zZzZzz!!!!nvm...w8ed...den cl appeared out of nowhere-.-...(dun gif ppl reaction time one lorhz zzz!!!!) but nvm...managed to drag the wild animal to somewhere near 756? idk the block number...nv c...had a hard time coz he ran awae zzz but atleast gt jl there larhz lol even blindfolding him hrd-.-nvm...and oso can b counted as my fault tt #1.he tripped over a kerb(ps larhz i nt paying attention-.-)#2. he almost banged into a wall(nid choose btween falling into a drain or banging into a wall wadz since he cant walk straight-.-)nvm again!!!zZzZz( so long liaoz i cut short)...sprayed was finished soon, cake cut, cm smashed the cake to cl face hahaha evelyn came and i sprayed her wif snowspray wahahah went to sweettalk, den went home...
Spring Court:(chinatown de larhz)
went there, they k-boxing liaoz lol den cont. until the food was served. k-ed(short for kbox larhz) 'tong hua' wif elder sis. finished, was asked if i everi wkend go sing-.-)i noe i pro at breaking the glasses larhz zzz den even msg-ing chelsea=mi msging my bf-.-lyk i gt one lyk tt...(haha no hope for valentine dae le lol wondering how mani mountains of prezzies char will receive wahhahaha)hmm...the food damn nice annd the customer service even shioker!!!they rarely even allow u to empty ur glass lorhz lol with the help of someone(idk hu), my dad finally let mi drink red wine hee!!!but oni a bit zzz( malaysia the white wine even more...but will tok abt tt ltr..)den erhz...laoyusheng, shark'sfin(c liaoz i oso dun dare eat lorhz zzz) den roasted pig is still ok but roasted pigLET!!!(i didnt even realize tt when i ate it zzzX__x...i wan puke it out!!!)still gt wad i oso forgt liaoz....listened o the adults singing oldies-.-aiya CNY marhz...let them happyhappy(nt the horny one zzz)den for dessert, ben&jerry's icecream and peanut soup(nice!) i dunhaf the habit of taking pics ps...den went home...
24th: Balik Kampung!!!(quite short coz i oni reach there in the evening-.-)
the gr was let out den when come down frm car it strted sniffing our legs-.-den my dad sae gt fleas!!zzz(but is true larhz) eew...den nth to do,looked for fleas but there nt pluck out X__x...den walao the mongrel forever so twilight saga eclipse de soft copy using cousin's latop...
25th:Killing Fleas!!!Movie:Inkheart
spent time killing fleas(amazingly, i've overcome my fear and actually enjoyed killing fleas!!!)but the sun damn hot niaz!!! nvm...atleast killed 10?eew....den still gt wad arhz...idk liaoz larhz. den...oh yea! cont. wif eclipse den coz they after lunch drink wine marhz den was given white wine hee!!! and more tis time yay!!but drink til cheeks hothot liaoz X__x...but bo drunk larhz, i nt tt bad...but maybe oso coz after drinking i faster stuff a bak kwa(idk how spell) into my mouth to keep mi frm being drunk...
walao the cinema damn cold siaz!!! den the movie oso nt v nice lorhz...atleast bttr than twilight larhz(or maybe is coz i read the story liaoz so seem boring to mi?)erhz...the popcorn was finished when the movie juz strted lorhz lol erh...nth much to sae larhz...come bck, bathed den use cousin laptop to on9 awhile den hear the tv go...10,9,8,7........3,2,1...
26th: K-Boxing+CNY dinner
00.00(pro ritez i send de b'dae msg at tis time haha)gang hao using com marhz so...den saw fireworks. lesser lehz tis yr...economic crisis haha zzz still gt wadz arhz...tink bo liaoz...
den ltr K-Boxing wootz! now is the teens time liaoz. even oldies were sang by teens haha! ex niaz! still no provide drinks de zzz next time go buy drinks sneak in larhz zzz den k-ed a few songs. glasses broke again lol ps arhz haha i noe sometime v bad larhz coz gt ppl sing until too off-key X__x...hmm...quite fun larhz haha sing till hoarse liaoz lol den went bck to prepare for dinner...
CNY dinner:
oni one word to describe the food+customer service...: sux! i'm serious...oni one dish i lyk: curry prawn(which i amazingly ate 7 X__x)den gt shark-fins' again but they help mi take without sharkfin so gt drink lorhz. lol sharkfin-soup without sharkfin haha den they took pics. dessert was jelly. was given red wine again hee!!but drink abit oni larhz lol when we cheers, can b saed to be the loudest?whoops...den gt one table oso cheers but lyk quite soft larhz X__x...continuous cheers at three diff tables. lol hoarse le larhz but fun yea! aini(my cousin name larhz nt chi de 'love u'-.-) damn chio in pic worhz! finished, den went home.
After...nite de shi hou
plaed cards? slapjack lol den plaed arnd at the swing. watched fireworks, snacked. den idk wad liaoz....
27th...i dun feel lyk typing le larhz...
was last to wake up haha i noe i pig larhz...kept snacking when slacking zzz gain by 1.5kg manz!!!!cont. reading eclipse...aiya i anihow type le larhz cant even rmb anithing...left wif oni 56pgs jiu nid go liaoz-.-
snacking even more!!!zzz but after w8ing for damn long...
Balik SG!!!!!!!!lyk i care abt going sg lorhz...all i wan is my singtel line to b bck so i can msg wahahhahaha but atleast a malaysia gt laptop can use msn and visit blogs den wun miss u all so much but wadever the case, missing u all is part of my life wadz!haha den ltr...
older sis keep tell mi go appeal for going wif jieling tmr...and hey! christofle hates ms yeo too! and 7yrs ago she alrdy sae is coz she sore-throat den her voice lyk tt-.-life-long sorethroat? but maybe her throat really gt prob...but she still wan scoldherescoldthere, shouthereshoutthere zzz dotz...hmm...tinking of changing blog idk how put the thing lehz...aiya suan le..change first den da suan...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
20/1/09 9:20 PM
ps arhz nv blog after came bck frm camp so here's a long post tt you haf been waiting...-.-
had pre-cheering session wif classmates. strepsils were provided by nick lol. opening ceremony and all the crapps....was bought enthus by suresh, ryan and nick. den went for survivor challenge. i try rmb...erh...there's one tt u nid pass an item frm one end of the line to another and oni can use each body part twice. and one of them nid use mouth!(as told by seniors zzz) and the crd had so mani toothmrks X__x nvm...passed it aniwae. managed to complete and gt full marks!! coz teamwork good, timing good and idk wad. tink gt highest score for timing? idk but ttz the station tt is best in idk y den erhz...nid build a net den idk hu sat on it for 10s. lol den erhz...lunch was great lol den still gt survivor challenges...nid limbo while holding hands wif a guy-.-coz lyk girl guy girl guy marhz. atleast i is at the side de hehz. den ltr nid pick out one pingpong using chopsticks. den nid throw pingpong balls back-facing den the guy, brandon catched. den went to last obstacle, nid pick out marbles using toes-.-left one, he found it den completed. but we made the station master dman frustrated...sory!!!den next one, nid go find ''food'' den each item will stand for no. of food. was to pass through benches blindfolded and they will pour cold-water!!!!zZzZz picked until bo liaoz. den erhz...nid go one classrm, oso blindfolded, den nid find others of ur kind(we sorted into animal grps) buy oni using sounds. lol and i heard snake as goat! -.- den erhz...another rm, was to b blindfolded and pull strings to make the chopstick inside bottle and gt two ppl direct. someone cheated, had to do the ''nanhua quackquack''!!!!!lyk frog jump lyk tt de larhz. oh yea, gt one more. gt two victims den we at the end of canteen muz go to the front den muz oni stand on two benches den travel across. kept falling. and the moment we reached to save(gt two grps marhz den one burst), the balloon burst haha. ps arhz ryan and suresh haha den camouflaging suresh was another task. erh...cant rmb le...OC dance, paired wif jowell? keep forgt the steps X__x...but still quite fun larhz. preparation for tribal runway lol chermine looks lyk some kind of tribal queen! cute! dinner was dman nice too. briefing for night activities make mi slp...Huanted Walk wootz!!! Exile Island: Haunted Walk:
Station One: Intro
they kept banging the door-.-den gt one senior go hit my leg wif sth and xpected mi to b scared but station 2 onwrds more scary zzz and here's the story...
There's a girl called Amanda(damn chio worhz!as in the coffin vers), and she had a teddy bear which is possessed by somekind of spirit? den the bear gifs her horrid visions and all tt stuff? den one dae she dies? and the quest:
to find the charm of sthsth and Amanda's soul---...---
station 2:....
was listening to instructions when suddenly a ghoul appeared bhind mi and....and scratched my back!!!(i'm freaking out when typing this) i jumped and almost tripped over coz walao lyk so....eerie!!!!but the other gals more worse lorhz. keep push here push there. den erhz...''Amanda 1" had a teddy bear tt lit up?? but it looked lyk a baby. haha bangings on the door. someone found the charm(yellow paper wif '''blood'''' and finally gt out of there
Station 3: House of Phantoms....
saw 4 phamtoms outside-.-... is amanda 2 inside too? erhz...u juz noe tt amanda stretched her kneck and hung in btween mi and gloria de shoulders...wad she looking at? our shoes? or her soul?(coz her soul=red light stick and i was wearing one-.-aniwae, the ghouls de mask is paper not plastic-.-but still i was trying to avoid it i screamed i noe. someone found the red light stick den they on the lights and toked den went to station 4...
Station 4: Coffin? Revival of Amanda?
at the entrance, someone popped out i tink so they backed off and screamed. inside, someone wld b strangled(lucky nt mi) but when i walk the person crawled towrds my leg and i tot she wan grab mi but when i nv move she nv do anithing den when i move she juz crawl over walao!!!! den went to the coffin. and while looking, someone grabbed my arm and thrashed mi aargh...i was focusing on the coffin!! pain for a few secs oni larhz. den amanda grabbed someone's shirt den ltr threw it bck not gif-.-sorude...den stayed abit longer to tok lorhz...if the amanda nv put on dark makeup she dman chio manz and lyk barbie doll lykk tt. her spine damn straight!!! den chatted wif valerie outside den went for obstacle course again. was to crawl and nt touch the net. den one is nid fish for metal rings in bean sprouts in water-.-den went for blindfolded walk. walao ryan so tall i nid hang my hand zzz and wif chelsea bhind mi. den went for a erm...the leader saw a thing den u nid act out den the last person to noe muz guess wad they acting. mistook elevator as staircase-.-bathed damn fast, lights out. too tired, fell aslp but keep wake up coz i miss my hp!!!and even the games haha i too bored marhz. slept arnd 2-3 hrs.
washed up, morn xcerise damn lame manz! and we nid sing national anthem and sch song without music-.-cheering session, no ewnthu le larhz zzz den Disco rox woah!!! created an earthquake by jumpjumpjumping haha den gt train, rush here rush there woah!!! den gt one guy noe break-dance? damn cool manz! i wan go disco again!!!! den had pic-taking. den went home?
18/1/09: slept at home larhz haha
19/1/09...mondae ritez?forgt everithing. oh yea! went to buy chelsea's present
20/1/09...gaf chelsea her present and she went totally crazed!!!! siao lang...keep laughlaughlaugh....plaed at white board at recess? den erhz..nid go le larhz next time den update
tmr hope get into netball audi!!!but i noe i cant....
Thursday, January 15, 2009
15/1/09 5:41 PM
erh..i guess i haf sometime left to post? wadever itis, my eyes are ruining..totally coz i read lots of long post zZzZz and my eyes cant tahan animore so cant read shuyi's blog posts. and i cldnt rmb anithing, serious.
idk when, jieling sae is sundae lehz but i dun rmb x_x...plaed bb?761? wif jieling, minqi bryan cl? went to 7-11? they wan try out coke+mentos, kena caught by someone hu's video-taping? sci project cant arhz? lol den block-catching, loads of noise made. wif xiuqi team twice but last rnd wif jieling(eh nv black-white marhz i volunteer X__x) erh...first catching wif xiuqi, wrk-ed together and cornered the runners. second game lasted damn long. hid at 6 floor last step and in lift. keep pressing the floors den stopped at third lvl(i fail to deny i haf a phobia of nt moving elevators but atleast gt xiuqi there so nt tt scared larhz..) den last rnd wif jieling but they cheat de lorhz. 7-13 floor den they go 6 floor-.-den went to playground? den catching, hide-and-seek. saw a cat(itis dieing? coz it didnt even feel threatened-.-) minqi dared mi to touch it?(but tt was my intention so doesnt matter) my hand was covered wif viruses? hope not coz rashes hadnt formed yet. kept drinking xiuqi's champagne grape. ps arhz i dieing of thirst. and cl's a soyabeanmilk freak zzz den went home lorhz
still gt wadz arhz...sch life...i forgt!! oh yea physics did xperiment in lab. wad soda arhz...erm..baking soda+vinegar to make the raisins float and sink-.-and tink suresh poured the whole thing in and it xploded!!! but nv saw it zzz someone suddenly brought up sth lyk...nvm...den here's my teachers, hopefully rmb
el lit: mr soo?(somewad lyk mr seto coz first two lesson he keep link here link there but nv tok abt subj-.-
chi cher: zheng lao shi(and i was to describe her todae zzz so made a fool of myself)
ACC: huang lao shi and sssshhheeee(lol X__x) lao shi
physics: mr ling
el: ms edwards(edward cullen..X__x)
georg: mdm poon??
history: ms kee??
forgt it larhz idk liaoz larhz. and oh yea maths cum form cher: mrs tan. erhz...chelsea and jieling both korean-freaks was running arnd sch coz oni left 10mins? and i'm oni 159!!!!(in height)oh yea, will haf a half-dae off coz o'lvl results good!!thz seniors!!lol and w8ed for jieling damn long zz nvm larhz. after netball audi, chelsea wanted go make fun of the guys? + we wan go buy drinks marhz. den they saed sth abt chelsea and ryan(rumor larhz lol) den i shouted sth lyk: ryan jiang(shortcut for zhe yang) chou, shei hui xi huan ta? translation: ryan so ugly hu wld lyk him. X__x but haha and eh i nt jealous horhz...i may go for class jokers but he's nt one of them. went to plaeground, tried balancing(i shrieked alot i noe, coz i was toking while falling)
still gt wadz????tmr strt of OC!and i'm gonna scream y heart out!!!! i noe the cheer lame larhz wad
109 oi! OI! and blahblahblah and wad S-U-P-E-R super is wad we are!S-O-L-I-D! solid blahblahblah den north *4 claps?* south*4claps* east *4claps* west*4claps* northsoutheastwest hu's the best sth lyk tt de larhz.haf i ever saed tt bfore? wanna refresh my memory too. cmaping in hall wif aircon and nt slping and NO hp lol gonna plae wif torchlights. and y my post so damn short de arhz lol first time my arnd 1wk post so short hahaz erh oh yea! at netball audi i tink hear someone sae sth abt the skin darkdark den cant wear dress or wadever idk larhz. and i juz realise my scroll up thing bside the sunset pic damn lame lorhz but fit the first opening music marhz...? and heard tt huayi de volleyball ppl is paikia so evelyn, u bttr dun mix horhz if nt i'll b the first to end ur life X__x...hw will b piling up after OC so keep my blog alive if can? and tinking abt cl(the 'multi-sport talent') gd in netball??? -.- and oh yea! forgt one ting...yest travalled 3places(847, the paikia there and char there) de bb court but all full-.-cldnt recognize char though she across the traffic light oni X__x. chatted wif her but nt enuf time to chat finish!! den went home. OC here i come!!!
15/1/08 5:03 PM
Juz a short notice for the 111th post(so waste horhz...) aniwae...
i'll b out of contact for 2daes zZzZzz but if tt saves my $$....and if there's sth important(there wun coz noone wld die while i'm awae ritez?lol) how i survive without hp???hopefully can stay up late tonite since i couldnt msg for 1daes+ but noone wld b awake to waste msg lyk mi haha wadever itis, hopefully i get into netball but nt much chance coz test 1: guess i failed coz i couldnt run in sch shoes(so loose!!but sport shoe tight gt blister-.-but atleast run faster) test 2: lost in capt. ball PATHETICALLY and 'injured' arm-.- Test3: was to haf three tries in shooting but oni scored one. few scored 2, none scored 3, some scored 0 and others scored 1. first ball in, last two ball nv use energy so air-ed zzz will be updating after coming bck frm camp, but most lykly i wld haf forgotten almost everithing so it wun b a longlong post.
i wan netball!!-.-
Saturday, January 10, 2009
10/1/08 8:20 PM
10th of Jan, 110post-.-erh...cut tt crapp
NETBALL!!!!!rocks my life manz~!!!!!!!!!! i'm officially crazie for netball but hopefully i get in larhz...firstly was crazed for dance but after trying netball at the cca xtravaganza, i'm addicted!!!!and i'm oso officially crazie and itis all coz of audrey's fault coz she influenced mi jkjk bck to...(i not in order arhz, cant rmb)
erh...hws coming in. home econ test, saw a palette knife as paring knife coz i saw frm side view and thus getting 9/10 zzz one mrk manz! den erh...tis few daes keep go jp? i dun even rmb wad i go there for-.-xcept shopping for mingjian sis de b'dae present. and buying notebook? which gt lost(tink left it at banquet) oh yea, banquet de chicken spaghetti so....sux...den erhz...manz! at nanhua, tying the jacket arnd waist is considered fashionable!!!=.-(typo but quite cute-.-)so nidda take out-.-el presentation, guys first, no time for girls. mani used wallets-.-but still, suresh de more special? coz everione is ppl buy one den tt is he buy himself de. but is he wan gif his fwen but his fwen go overseas bfore can give den coz of over-whelming wallet presentation, ryan(his previous idea=wallet-.-)used three notes-.-two stories of two notes true, one made-up. den after they presented, cher sae sth tt i forgt X__x..somekind of value i tink. and oh yea so damn long nv stay up late le...damn tired niaz...but maybe todae can a bit later? next wkend go camp, nextnext go malaysia, nextnextnext is last wk of mth liaoz lorhz-.-den erh...todae cca xtravaganza....
watched performance by dance and uniform grps first. dden went to diff classes to view. band too loud so nt really nice? and dance society and the boy brigade? their performance is the same as open hse de!!!lol den harp was still the best though the laed the oldold 'yue liang dai biao wo de xin'. tried out at netball, scored some in. others either air or bounce bck zzz gd enuf le larhz beginner lehz but still....v noob...oso tried out at idk wad station larhz nid hold gun de. and the food the uniformed grp cook de is nice yea! most ccas keep saeing their cca v fun one lol den softball sae wad bb and netball boring or sth lol lion dance was oso damn loud, going deaf soon. didnt haf time to c mass dancing. shld b damn cool!!!lyk disco lyk tt? n toking abt dancing, our enrichment programme is learning to dance traditional folk dance-.-and first which is the easiest, Chicken Dance-.-paired up wif elaine? and other two girls for double-pair. idiotic but fun yea! lol i bet i looked lyk an idiot but hu doesnt when chicken dancing is on?and if i rmb correctly, perhaps they gonna teach mass dance too? if yea, i wan it now!! den next time go clubbing X__x jkjk unless theres a decent clubbing arnd nt lyk pub those kind? and oh yea, after viewing ccas, heres my choices...
1st: NetBall!!
2nd: Dance Society yea!(but nid flex so i shld b cant)
3rd: OutDoor Adventure Club?rock on!
4th: Girls' Brigade?(but i hate the marching...
but coz i nt allowed to go ODCA(zzz) so change to...
1st: NetBall forever!!
2nd: Dance Society(hu cares if i dun get in?)
3rd: Girls' Brigade(in order not to go into.....
4th: Library...the EMO club-.-
really emo lorhz the music and presentation so emo de lorhz...sianz manz...nid one uniform grp but if it really saved mi frm being stuck in air-con rm all dae long(itis great but nt when i haf to stack bks.etc) den i shld rly b grateful for it. stayed bck for awhile after sch to plae netball. skills not as gd as first? i tyco marhz zzz den erhz...nid train use one hand niaz? den went to bb court but they plae marhz. den erhz prac throwing wif one hand. quite ok larhz. drank fn grape till mouth purple? rly arhz? den daryl took awae jieling's wallet? den they chased arnd den went to shleter w8 them come bck + look afer bag. den daryl cl came to shelter. den ltr when cheemeng coming they went awae? wif the bb tt i practicing wif-.-den ltr i tell them where they go they dun listen zzz den ran arnd. help jieling slim down yea! and they went 7-11 lorhz-.-eh cheemeng de telepathy quite gd de marhz...he guessed mini-mart den they at 7-11 lol almost same larhz. den erhz...went to park. they go destroy the swings-.-tried prac again haiz i still noob nia but hopefully sch team larhz. i dun mind getting skin diseases haha den erhz, jieling went home, accompanied her oni till 826 coz i no energy le larhz. went bck, i gt act emo mehz-.-den they wan go 7-11 eat instant noodles so go wif flow lorhz. was bored w8ing for them to finish their noodles so went to prac but they came out zzz den daryl nidda rush home so left his noodles and i nid finish it zzz den they mixed the remaining soup wif water zzz and poked it so the soup spilled out zZzZz den erhz...found a damn long branch? but broke the unstable prts. den cheemeng and cl wan snatch frm mi zzz den idk wad happen larhz did i swing it or wadz? but i dun rmb flinging it wildly i noe wushu? jkjk larhz but atleast they stepped bck twice larhz. and almost hitted cheemeng? coz i use left hand marhz den second time was kinda laughing but still managed to swing or wadever i did. third time, sleeve kena pulled, cant swing or wadever zzz den so branch kena snatched and it broke. den after cl left, crapped wif cheemeng den went home coz mum called lol past curfew?
aniwae, hope can get in netball sch team...i'm totally crazie...ending here,
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
6/1/08 3:38 PM
Woah 109TH post frm a student in class 109 yea! lol i noe i lame larhz. aniwae...todae last dae of orientation...nidda bring bks and the sch bag sux...i didnt min tt wae so huever hu bought me the bag plz dun b offended. is coz i dunwan bring so much bks and nt much place to stuff. aniwae todae...
worked on cheers first. lol nt enthus de hahaha den suddenly class 110 came den bombed us den when we saw them outside the cheer leads tell us prove to them tt we v loud so kept cheering den didnt hear tt they were bombing us til a student leader came in tell us lol so the bomb thing goes lyk...
To Bomb A Class(example: 109 to 110):
One-Nine Bomb!
One-Nine Bomb!
One-Nine Bomb To One-Ten Bomb!!
stupid ritez? den...
To Diffuse A Bomb:
Diffuse Bomb!
Diffuse bomb!
Only kinas plae wif Bomb!!
lol hahah den classes gathered arnd outside den kept hearing shouts lol lyk 101,102,103,107 and 109.
den went to class picnic at amphitheatre but didnt eat. and i found xiuqi number 2!!! but still, xiuqi will b my dearest liowliow jie!!!lol and her number two is a gal called Audrey coz she mixed the drinks into concoctions and even added choc(she accidentally dropped in actually...)and coz gt the choc dun dare drink liaoz so idk y strted adding tissues in!!! suddenly rmb the last time idk hu make de 'bird-nest' in a bottle tt consist of water and tissues and idk gt ink anot. hahahaha disgusted...till now, oni found to ppl tt are lyk ex-ppsian zzz but of coz even if they are lyk them, cant b replaced larhz haha and tt is: Audrey for xiuqi and Ryan for cl(erh...the norm de cl nt the one ttz ''possessed'' by robert zhang horhz) den went bck to class for blow wind blow. den erhz...first forfeit: pole dancing-.-den ryan was first to do it but he hit his head wif the pole instead-.-but made the class laugh larhz den second person was mi zzz forgt chicken dance so nid pole dance but walk arnd the pole den student lead let mi pass liaoz lol den the rest of the forfeits was juz to finish a handful of Twisties-.-where gt lyk tt one zzz den hahaha a chair broke walao so violent arhz the class lol den game ended zzz den erhz...they did the flags. nth to do, read books till wan slp and secretly msg-ed in class but oni once larhz ltr kena caught by cher. and zzz shavonne maybe gonna transfer to rv if appeal succeeds. seriously idk is to b happy for her or wadz manz zzz and...was tinking tt i shldnt waste time auditioning for dance society lehz...audition liaoz oso wun get in the marhz...and perhaps i haf two-left-feet? idk larhz...aniwae, after sch, was damn famished so went to mac wif jieling to haf lunch. tok-ed abt going bck to pps to visit...30th can manz! on a fri and sure let us in de larhz. 2nd last dae of the mth lehz sure no parents le larhz. lol den mac
first time eat so full. had one filet-fish, 19/20 of fries??more than tt larhz, one mcflurry and one sip of coke. so mani manz! jieling oso eat until dman full. firstly is stomachache coz of hunger den ltr stomachache coz too full. den went home and left the almost full coke thereX__x waste of water...
tmr perhaps gonna nid stay bck for deco? and haiz...sch bag so heavy aargh i hate it!!!hopefully queue wun b so long den go buy lock. I WAN ORIENTATION!!!!(orientation camp faster come oso can de larhz)
and oh yea, almost missed out, mingjian hit off damn well wif a gal manz on the wae home wootz! mi jieling and tianyi so third-prties haha
Monday, January 5, 2009
5/1/09 5:31 PM
in point-forms coz i couldnt care
-went to jp
-luckily didnt clash wif sis X__x
-w8ed for ashwin
-went to a few sports shops in serach of a windbreaker??
-but the shop assistant didnt noe wad i saeing( my pronunciation wrong mehz?)
-went to Mos coz bento box too ex
-tried unagi rice burger?
-sux lyk shyt
-and on top of tt,
-eating wif guys sux even more
-went to Myuk in search of a erh...wallet?and idk wad pencilcase or sth forgtg le
-went there to b a servant rather than a 'style manager'? or 'style assistant'
-obviously coz guy and gal de style where gt same de??!!
-and i NOT emo lorhz....
-juz tt i kept staring at sth X__x...
-went to popular
-they went to buy items
-followed them arnd coz nth to do/ buy
-was bored so went to Motivation books there
-strted reading one and was absorbed in it
-realised tt i didnt c them so went to find
-and couldnt so cont. reading
-den went to search again but cant find
-zZzZz met outside popular and was dragged in zzz
-i regret accompanying them
-ashwin wasnt as bad but mimicked cl to ruin my apetite
-popular queue damn long manz
-finally bought den cl treated taxi
-rushed to minqi hse and wasnt late?
-watched tv den went
-ABC: my skills rusted so much tt when everione atleast 4 shoots i 1 oso dunhaf!
-and xiuqi...dun b supersituous larhz...presence and absence of ppl wun affect my shooting-.-
-den minqi completed so went to plae soccer
-a guy looked lyk hector X__x
-cl joined in abc
-den capt. ball
-10-9: guys- gals
-went to diff court
-matched, 2-2
-minqi too pro le
-so mi and xiuqi lost(we same grping again yea wootz!!)
-den prac ABC wif xiuqi
-finally my skills are improving!
-but couldnt score in 2pointer so gt sianz
-and went to drink water
-went to fitness corner
-they competitioned racing and monkey bars
-and wootz jiayun flexible yea! hanging wif oni her legs X__x
-den erhz...minqi kept throwing twigs zzz
-nidda go,
-shot in one last ball in my socalled fav spot
-den washed up
-kena splashed wif water-.-
-crapped in van
-went wif jieling
-i still nt used to sch song...
-had enviroment talk??
-den CCA
-now i cant join anithing xcept uniform!!which i so dman dun wan!!! reasong coz:
I cant join Dance coz: i nv learn bfore or attended ani lessons. Parapara nt counted. p1p2 training not counted
-i cant join netball coz: pss de is oni a bit and i nv learn bfore
-now i dunhaf anithing to join!!!idk wad to do...
-tyco wun help mi either...i bet...
-haiz...and cca xtravaganza is tis sat...
-and i haf to gif a reply on mondae...
-auditions on tues....
-i hate it...i wan learn Dance!!!!if nt y i wan join...-.-
-plaed Bingo
-run here run there zzz
-took the lift to go bck class
-kena caught by councilor X__x
-den went for 'lunch'
-den went bck for ice-breaking
-plaed sth lyk Double Whacko?or Whacker?
-imagined a guy tt has characteristics lyk yihao+cl
-if u cant, juz imagine a taller cl wif a diff hairstyle(idk wad the hairstyle larhz)
-and u wld get my class joker-.-
-yet again, the one wif no manners and respect for the seniors-.-
-whole class was sabo-ing two guys called Suresh and Junyuan? most of the time
-plaed for 40mins but noone's sick of it so didnt plae blow-wind-blow
-finally game ended and strted to tink up of cheers
-so noisy and weird haha
-but may trigger some memoirs of p5 camp!!!
-maybe nt may but did! i love p5 camp and sec1 sure wld b much bttr
-even if itis wif diff ppl...
-class dismiss
-had lunch
-den took bus+mrt to jp
-went to ntuc to buy snacks for tmr class picnic
-tmr's gonna b a mess, i bet
-den went to CD Rama
-and jieling bought sth idk wad
-den went to popular
-amazingly cld stay there so long X__x
-i wan the motivation bk zzz
-but i read liaoz sure collect dust-.-
-den went to another bkshop inserach of new moon, and the rest of twilight series
-couldnt find, went arnd jp2 for shuang
-den went home
-took a short nap in bus, standing-.-
-finally top-uped
-sry if tis post is long but u've come to the end(dun care if u scroll down all the wae larhz! lol)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
3/1/08 2:59 PM
Yest was officailly first day of sch...and it totally sux coz on the first dae i gt reprimanded for nt bringing the yellow color form. and den didnt meet up wif ex-pps-rians coz cher forget let us for recess-.-den went to hall for assembly. bored! and ltr at kfc ty sae mr foo our principal is retiring i dunwan!!!!i dunwan new principal!!!!zZzZzZz den tok-ed to 6 ppl coz of the class flag thing. lol everione contributed abit haha quite fun baz? but hopefully orientation camp wld b loads bttr? den oso nid go 7-11 buy snacks for class picnic. den bfore end of class, gt the gal sitting infront of mi, Shavonne, de hp number. den went to meet the others. den go take mrt lorhz. walk so long haiz...den went to pps but they dun alllow us in. and we were damn thick-skinn as to w8 outside zzz hahaz and i was saed to b a hooker???!!!!!!! zzz suan le...den mingjian had to go home. den didnt wan to w8 ani longer, went to kfc to haf lunch. hadnt been there for damn long so idk wad to eat so tell jieling help mi buy but she dunwan den cl took awae the $$ and returned wif it-.-so was treated toaster twister, a cup of pepsi and a slice of meltz coz khe couldnt finish. ps arhz guys i ate the slowest. and the meltz sux. ty kor(?? nanhua family haiz...) help mi finish the pepsi and the meltz. den went to minqi hse. mq tykor and cl plaed soccer + wrestling den mi jl watched+ toyed wif hps? and then, was thrashed. walao yea erm sry jieling if i accidentally kik-ed u coz i rly dunnoe where i was kiking. (how can i even c when i'm strunggling under a blanket--ALONE)totally hated it coz: #1. the blanket was stuffy and hot #2. i dun haf much time to react much less to breath so was kinda breathless #3. itis more of painful den ticklish or itis quite almost the same. but atleast he gt idk how mani kiks frm mi haha and thus coz of the thrashing, i was given the role of yuzhu zZzZz but atleast thz kor for helping mi divert his attention so i can get a brk. den xiuqi came. was alrdy thrashed lyk 3 times? bfore she came-.-den when she did, tink kor saed sth abt the thrashing, thus was caught by surprise and shrieked when was forced to demo. but atleast it was oni a fews secs? den helped to fold stars. long time no do manz. and oh i've gt 4families. one blood-related, one xiuqi de, one ch de, and the nanhua de(biggest population of arnd 1730 bros and sis)den they shared curry puffs? and when the door was left open, caught the smell of fish and chips(walao minqi so shuang!!) and den all of them left at left wif mi, minqi, jingwen and cl/'''robert zhang'''' den tried teaching jingwen the stars thing but failed coz no air inside den cant press. didnt haf the mood to make more coz the two had made a deal tt if minqi wins the soccer thing, i'm gonna get thrashed again!! and ttz nt a fair game coz two ppl score one goal and thus, 9(mq)-0 walao!!! haiz...but longest yet shortest coz gt loads of pauses. thz to kor again for calling mi and spared mi a few mins. and oso kudos to minqi and jingwen hu helped in beating him up hahaha but hey minqi! next time watch where u pushing manz lemme get out to a safe place first marhz. they two really gt mo qi manz! but still, was thuded on the bed 2times? and fell down of the edge 3 times? estimation larhz. den finally nid leave but w8ed 5mins aftr he left(dangerous person on the run cant help it) den plaed the piano to while awae time and minqi stoled my elastic and hid it and promised 5$ if i found it. and wif the help of jingwen i found it but no $5 -.- den mq aunt helped mi find my other shoe which was hidden den went home without tasting the mushroom soup coz cant stay till 6.30. walao i type so long
Thursday, January 1, 2009
1/1/09 2:54 PM
Ps for the previous longlong post larhz tis will b a shrt one kayz? coz i juz wanna once again, Wish EveriOne Happy New Year And Success+ Happiness in The New Year, 2009. and nt oni tt larhz...tmr will b updating too coz sch reopen marhz...and yea! next yr (xcept for first dae) shld b going to sch and coming bck wif jieling yea!!^^!!juz tt she wld haf to come out to prime there den fetch her. January is gonna b hectic!!! esp after the 1st wk!! juz tt first wk haf orientation haiz!! lyk jieling, i hate intro myself hahaz den 2nd wk will haf orientation camp for two daes. and third wk on the 23rd will b dinner den on the 24th i'll be off to mlysia and coming bck on 28th. and so, the mth will past so damn fast. but idk how i gonna survive wif no sms-ing X__x..and as everithing clashes, i wun b able to celeb cl's b'dae which is on 26th since i'll be at mlysia and tt the closest is 18th but i came bck frm camp a dae ago so i'm not allowed to step out of the hse. but still, the next b'dae, 20th March which is xiuqi's, i'll be there! and itis on a Fri so we can celeb on the actual dae. aniwae tis post short ritez...hope tmr's orientation goess well...but i dun tink so....jieling bttr be in the same class as mi!!!!i hope...