Monday, July 27, 2009
8:30 PM
first period had physics test. wont fail, but wont pass greatly either :X
maths was next, will fail badly zzzz
construction, completely draw wrong-.-
second ques idk how do-.- third ques i do first few parts till damn shiok then was stuck at second last part WTF
Geog having retest on fri zzzz need stay back RAWR
Love Mr Tay's Geog lesson:DDD
Dylan and Suresh were making me laugh like shyt, as usual LOL
has stitches thanks to the maniac laughing-.-!
HChi had chi paper back... 33 RAWR
did corrections blahhh English, (WTF english is spelled wrongly cause its not
Had some kind of essay competition which everyone was crazy over the prizes LOL
esp chelsea :X
History needa do WB cause Ms Kee didnt come.
crapped much thanks to being sandwiched between suresh and gloria
-.- so extra sia LOL
After school went to Mos with shining, chels and yen :D
owe shining 2 bucks :X
told ya i'm broke LOL
eldest sis bdae coming in 1st Aug): suresh 5th ks 6th
LOL lalala~ sis and suresh one sure is combined so i can forget about ks one
ate, emo-ed, crapped, geek-ed, and took some random pics:D(at end of post:D)
LALALALLA~ i'm so gonna add Ignorance (not really nice but anyway, it sure can break my ears LOL)
now for a quizzzzie
LOL quiz addict like Christalle :X
WHAT IF.....
1. There was a maggot in your soup?
Choke, scoop out the maggot, threw it at chels and continue drinking :)
2. You woke up and only mcdonalds and starbucks exist?
3. Pokemon were real?
FREAKKK I want that nine tails fox thingy LOL
4. You walked around your block naked?
Dont even think about it lady
5. The person of your dream was finally yours?
:D OHHMYYGODDDD HOLY ALLAH LOL WTH i'll scream, laugh and cry LOL
6. The world ends in 24 hours?
Confess and tell truths/ things i wanted to say all this while:)
7. You could have 3 wishes but you had 10 seconds to say them?
First wish : Peace
Second wish : Let me return to the past for awhile. (for both cases)
Third wish : Love...
8. You could never die?
No thank-youu i want people to miss me :D
9. There were beauty pageants for men?
LO why not?
10. Models were short and fat instead of skinny and tall?
Well, there's beauty in everything right?
11. We celebrated Halloween like a dark Christmas?
Isnt it suppose to be abit like that..? 0_0
12. Girls wore boxers and guys wore panties?
13. Santa, the easter bunny, and the toothfairy really exist?
gimme my przzie, eggies and money LOL
14. Music could give you cancer?
I dont mind, i'm prone to getting anyway :)
15. Your parents arranged who you had to marry?
NOOOOO i'll be the runaway bride where the real groom fetches me in his limousine LOL
16. You could star as a character in your favorite cartoon?
LOL like what? idk
17. You got to try out on American Idol?
I cant even make it through singapore idol LOL
18. Your parents were spies, superheros, or something cool when you are not home?
YOU ROCKKK BUT HEY i also wanna be part of the teammm
19. Your life or death depended on any game of your choice?
COOOL. exciting like hell:D make it virus storm:D
20. You became a parent 1 year from now?
LOL am i to get like pregnant now?
21. There was a breakfast cereal named after you?
It would be a new dare: Dare you to eat TUNA CEREAL:D
22. You could talk to inanimate objects?
I wont be as depressed as now LOL
23. There was 10 more 'What If' questions included this as one of them?
24. You were the only person in the world to have unlimited gas for your car?
25. You woke up as your opposite gender?
LOL i'll pass damn hell HIGH in human biology LOOOOLLLLL
26. With the snap of your fingers, any problem you would have could disappear?
NO WAY. i wanna face challenges de okay!
27. It was against the law to eat more than one meal a day?
Tell the government to eat shyt larh
i really cant be bothered to study RAWR shall end off with another quiz:D
If you're a guy - post this as my kind of girl.
if you're a girl - post it as my kind of boy.
1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
(chels will be a big YESSSSSS) erh...not ugly can liao LOL
2. Smart?
somewhat equivalent with mine:D which is complete retardedness LOL
3. Preferred age?
Older by that few months:D
4. Preferred height?
lol 5-10 cm taller than me LOL
5. How about sense of humor?
6. How about piercings?
7. Accepts you for who you are?
WHO wont
8. Pink hair?
9. Mushy or no?.
10. Thin or fat?
Fit:D LOL all NCC guys have 6 packs? 0_0!
11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
LOL tanned larh
12. Long hair or short hair?
SHORT but not to short LOL
13. Plastic or metal?
LOL metal got more security LOLL
14. Smells good?
HUUUUHH deodorant?
15. Smoker?
16. Drinker?
Occasionally like me:D
17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
UHHHHHH neutral with anything LOL
18. Muscular?
arent NCC guys SUPPOSE to be? okay, i'm saying as if i'm aiming on nccguys LOL
19. Plays piano?
Neutral LOL
20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
I dont really mind
21. Plays violin?
I dont care about musical talent LOL
22. Sings very good?
LOL depends HAHA
23. Vain?
NOOO dont snatch my mirror from me OKAY
24. With glasses?
fine with it, no prob with kissing LOL
25. With braces?
26. Shy type?
Neutral larh LOL
27. Rebel or good boy/girl?
REBEL:DDD okay BOTH, bryan one is a lil tooo over rebel though he claim he's guai kia LOL
28. Active or passive?
29. Tight or bomb?
30. Singer or dancer?
Singer :)
31. Stunner?
32. Hiphop?
33. Earrings?
34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
LOL WTH? no thanks man
35. Dimples?
LOL WTH? neutral
36. Bookworm?
37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
38. Playful?
39. Flirt?
40. Poem writer?
In certain thing:D
42. Campus crush?
43. Painter?
44. Religious?
Not those heavily influenced kind
45. Someone who likes to tease people?
lol sometimes:D
46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
47. Speaks 20 languages?
48. Loyal or faithful?
49. Good kisser?
50. Loves children?

Sunday, July 26, 2009
7:52 PM
i'm so fuckingly not going to even talk/shout/ or anything informal communication with him AGAIN. fucker
Saturday, July 25, 2009
1 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek 8:12 PM
blame it that i dont have time to blog every day-.-
or every other day atleast and i'm gonna rush through this blog cause still got hw undone-.-
like WTH
phy ws, Home econ recipe finding and revision on bio and phy
*RAWR i wish i had ks or atleast dylan's brain for once*
--well, only for the physics part---
i guess i really completely forgot everything 0_0 looking at the timetable no longer helps LOL
YES. i completely forgot monday-.-tuesday...
PE! had some chasing red idian game LOL
tiring but fun:D B VS G damn long
and G VS B very fast all die liao LOL
Music, listen some stupid video again-.- WTH test that for EOY? better remember our notes
but given her STM (and scolds us for nothing thanks to her own SOTONG-NESS)
sure forget about the notes and when everyone fail, our fault again-.-
Newsmaking for EL. managed to edit some of the script and started on some vids.
have to stay back next tues to continue:D
btw, Mdm Zuraida's child is freaking cute:D
we were like doing this evaluaion of the prose then she started talking about 'a child's innocent outlook of life'
damn funny larh so CUUUTE:D
Hchi had spelling LOL
dylan like almost all wrong LOL waited for the rest to finish
helped cher with the books.etc.
become chi rep helper-.-
went to Mos and slacked till my tablet came back LOL
then Wednesday:D more memory cause went badmintoning after school
damn ps to bring badminton racket to school 0_0
forgot everything-.- dismissed at 12:D
rushed to chels house to change and headed off to bukit gombak
didnt bring wallet:DDDDDD
wrecked chaos in yentung dad's car. i cant even listen to a song without gloria making noise:D
okay, i made noise at the first part of the trip LOL
started playing 0_0 played with Shining:DDD
i SOOO cant double with gloria
ended up quarrelling with each other LOLLL
made shining run here and there and vice versa:D
then....scamming time:D
i started the topic though, FINE, chelsea's
unlogical cannot-self-restrain
was addicted to scamming 0_0 but should have just let yentung type 'it is not'-.-
wasted my energy of chasing her round the court-.-!
nevermind, not much difference just that i need act as if i like ks for like what...
half an hour? okay less than that LOL
idk larh. continued playing with shining till 3.
final score: 30+ : 30+ :D
headed off and walked back to chelsea's house cause i never bring wallet YAY
darn good bonding time larh!
from bukit gombak walk till CCK :DDDD
broke slackers' club record:D
slacked while i pigged:D
my freaking gosh larh i getting fat-.-
gained 2 kg in ONE WEEK
i'm not gonna eat:D
NCC cancelled-.-
Art was painting the CDs and got my hand white painted all over the place-.-
yea, i'm
obsessed with butterflies
the retards didnt bring CDs so was stippling (till halfway then cher say can paint on paper paste on CD)
thus while they editing me and gloria used another table to paint.
Jaslynn's one was nice:D
though the hearts are rather hard to draw 0_0
i havent see her end result yet zzzzz
Ks was scaring people all over the place-.-
YES, i'm so
obsessed with my butterflies that i didnt see his shadow '''hovering'' over the ede of my table and got a shock when he spoke
TWICE. i got shocked TWICE like WTH
didnt get to finish up CD design zzzzzz
i pronounced beige as bitch LOL bage bitch
Assembly have some kind of racial harmony dance stuff
LOL the guy keep 'ahhhhhh~'
everyone started laughing when he said that LOL
though it gets rather annoying-.-
then he changed to 'ohhhhhhh~' and back to 'ahhhh~'' again
anyway, dylan's DP so LOL
*he just signed in *
played bball:D
check rule was totally gone-.-! lost in the meander again WTH
nevermind, we lost. but the guys are plain ROCKKKKKS
WOOOOO their shots are like, siao one:D
damn exciting watching them.
headed off for extra games. next week havoing floorball:D
i rather exchange swimming for the string of land-sport activities:DDD
HEcon! i failed at sewing 0_0
my backstich quite okay but my hemming totally CMI larh
xuening stop feeling bad D:
posting pics time:D

Process of decolourizing chlorophyll:D its suppose to be green-.-

End product! okay not exactly decolorized but i dun care-.-:D

me being obsessed with safety goggles:D *safety gogs not needed when not handling fire*

Forced pic by GLORR--EEEEE--AHHHHH
cant hear shining!! zzzzzzzzzz
south park's stupid LOL
headed off to change to NCC:DD
was I/C for the day zzz
i cant see the part Ds 0_0
so copied the Part Bs greeting LOL then saw sandy and xixi
kept getting semula by sergeants cause never shout at platoon lol
and i continued to shout even though sandy and xixi looked at me-.-! only stopped when sandy greeted and xixi waved LOL
then of the sergents shouted Company Tiam, greeted, and Company at Ease when Part As were the only platoon there LOL
off to behind classroom block.
lol like company gathering like that 0_0
nccboys than part As then part Bs lol
prac drills. nccboys snatch watercooler from us-.-
mingjian was freaking irritating-.- anyway except for PT, our drills are better than theirs. -.- they too slack in drills 0_0
lol and they were practising marching lol okay WAIIITTTTT
i wasnt LOOKING at them. neither was i distracted-.- their 'left left left right'
was like wind blowing across my ears.
sadden zzzz
stood there for like almost an hour without realising LOL
crapped with kiathoon, xiuhuan and yanru for awhile:D
well not exactly crapp cause awkward silence..D:
suggested singing company song :XXX
kiat make us run to the staircase singing company song and back again but noone sang-.-
me and a few others ran to the staircase only-.-then suddnely kiathoon shouted for us to fall in in canteen in 5 secs-.-!
sprinted like shyt LOL
zzzzzz took some photos with the help of maggie:D
apparently su eng's photography skills sucks LOLL
nevermind, all pics will turn out nice:D
slacked at canteen:D
watched ncc boys dismissal parade with yentung LOL
lalala~ chelsea car was beside mine 0_0!
Gotta go do phy ws le! but like i would know how the hell to do-.-
oh yea, gonna post some pics i took in the car:

Saturday, July 18, 2009
4:41 PM
{Quiz found at the end0_0}
Friday 0_0
HEcon project...suck-ed like hell:X
as a matter of fact, noone would buy others and their own products lorh.
while discussing about that with shini and xuening, i suddenly thought up of a DIY car maker-.-!
Scores were suppose to be discussed in groups but turned out whole class discussing LOL:X
HChi test was brought foward to next friday 0_0
so not gonna spend too much time blogging cause next week got three test:X
nevermind, maths shall be a breeze, since last time already studied.
and my CD design still remains undone 0_0
SORRY p/6 cliques, cant go out this week cause of the hectic-ness of tests.
next weekend then can zzzz
Assembly at 2 was about H1N1-.-! thought what lorh WTH
After school went for NCC meeting.
given relay.etc. then headed off to chelsea house
wanted to maple but the com cant work-.- was going to sleep continuously zzzz
slack, pigged, crapped.
lalala that's all :D
finishing up CD design and is off to study
SOON i hope-.-
1. Handphone.
2. Bed
3. Tablet
4. Rubish dumps
5. Files
6. My TOYS:D
7. Mags.etcetc
1. Do You Like Anyone?
LOL my gfs larh!
2. Does Someone Like You?
My Clique loves me right:D
3. Looks or Heart?
HEART DUH. if chelsea does this quiz she'll say BOTH
4. Been Lead On?
5. Been Cheated On? {I'm gonna say Yeaps all the way}
6. Want A Relationship?
7. Wanna Get Married?
1. Music:D
3. Family:D
4. GFs
7. AIR
1. Believe In God?
2. Had A Dream Come True?
3. Read The Newspaper?
Reading Period
4. Get Enough Sleep Everyday?
Only on weekends
5. Have A Good/Best Friend?
6. Take A Bath?
Not done with today's second round yet:D
7. Wish On Stars?
1. Fallen In Love?
2. Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?
3. Hooked Up With Someone Who Had A BF/GF?
4. Been To A Bonfire?
5. Ran Away From Home?
6. Played Strip Poker?
7. Pulled An All Nighter?
nahz till 3 only lorh-.-
1. Cried?
2. Had Fun?
3. Been Kissed?
4. Felt Stupid?
5. Talked To An Ex ?
6. Missed Someone?
7. Listened To Music?
AM listening
RED : roses
1. Are You Currently Mad At Someone?
2. Which of Your family Members has the worst temper?
My older sis.
3. Have You Ever Thrown Something At Anyone?
LOL hand sanitizer at brandon 0_0
4. Does Your Face Turn Red When You’re Angry?
LOL my face always red leh:D
5. When You’re Mad Do You Prefer To Stare Angrily Or Yell?
1. Has Anyone Ever Thrown A Surprise Party For You?
YEAPS but i ruined it cause i guessed my way in:D
2. Are You Easily Excited?
3. What Event Is Coming Up That You Are Looking Forward To?
4. If You Won A Million Dollars, What Will Be Your First Thought?
5. What Would Make You The Happiest Right Now?
fine happiness
YELLOW : yellow, dirty fellow LOL:X
1. Full Name
Liow Jia Zhen
2. Birthday
3. What’s Your Main Goal In Life?
4. Do You Want To Have Children?
5. How Do You Want To Die?
1. When Is The Last Time You Cried?
dont remember LOL
2. What Is The Saddest Thing That Is Happening Right Now?
3. Do You Usually Cry/Get Depressed When Something Doesn’t Happen Your Way?
4. Has Anyone Made You Cry In The Last 24 Hours?
5. When You Are Sad, What Do You Do?
Guitar Hero at the nearest possible date
PINK : hot pink room wooo
1. Do You Have A Crush On One Of Ur Friends?
2. Do You Believe At Love At First Sight?
3. When You See Your Crush, Do You Act Differently Around Him/Her?
lemme ask you a ques, WHY SHOULD I-.-
4. Do You Have A Girlfriend/Boyfriend?
5. Do You Believe Everyone Has A Soulmate?
YEAPS:D have or use a:
[X] straightener
[ ] curling iron
[ ] mousse
[ ] hairspray
[ ] gel
[ ] other sprays
[x] bobbypins
[ ] round barrel brush
[x] blow dryer
[x] mirror
[ ] you have or had dyed your hair
[ ] you have or had highlights
[ ] you need to check your hair at least once every hour
[X] you hate it when ppl touch your hair
Total: 4 have or use or do:
[ ] black eyeliner
[ ] other color eyeliner
[ ] eye shadow
[ ] mascara
[ ] fake eyelashes
[ ] eyelash curler
[ ] eye shimmer
[ ] colored contacts
[ ] stunner shades
[ ] eye makeup remover
[ ]you refrain from touching your eyes because of your make up
[ ] you try to avoid from getting your makeup smudged
Total: 4
LIPS/ have or use or do:
[ ] clear lip gloss
[x] red or pink lip gloss
[ ] lip stick
[ ] chap stick
[ ] lip plumper
[ ] electric toothbrush
[ ] teeth whitener
[ ] lip liner
[ ] more than 15 lipglosses
[x] toothpaste
[x] mouthwash
[ ] you reapply your lipgloss/lipstick frequently
[X] it takes you at least 5-10 mins to get your lip gloss perfect
Total: 8
[X] blush
[x] moisturizer
[x] face wash
[ ] bronzer
[ ] makeup remover
[x] face wipes
[ ] powder
[ ] cover up
[ ] tweezers
Total: 12 have/use/do
[x] nail polish
[X] nail file
[x] nail clipper
[ ] nail buffer
[ ] cuticle remover
[ ] nail hardener
[ ] nail brush
[ ] have/had Fake nails
[ ] nail scissors
[x] you hate it when your nail polish chips
Total: 16 have or use or do:
[X] takes you 30 minutes or more to pick out an outfit
[X] almost never like your outfit
[x] hate it when you spill something on your shirt
[ ] obsessed with what people think
[x] you hate it when you can't find shoes to match
Total: 20
Over-all Total: 20
LOL same as kiathoon 0_0
4:14 PM
Xuening Is Your Soulmate

You truly love Gloria.
You consider Yentung your true friend.
You know that Shini is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Chelsea for the rest of your life.
You secretly think Kaisiang is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that Cheeliang is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Bryan (Lim) is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Bryan (Lim) changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Suresh is shy and non-confrontational. And that Suresh has a hidden internet romance.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
7:58 PM
how hard can this be
this hard
it doesn't seems to be
that's just cause you havent experience love
well, have you
take a look at my heartI was unintentionally questioning my heart:D
No, I should say i'm questioning my soul LOL
i dont remember anything 0_0
only remembered calligraphy LOL
cher's drawing were like....damn realistic 0_0
Remembered that we last time p6 first lesson drew grapes:D
Now, one year later, drew water melon LOL
draw till like shyt like that larh.
nevermind, we are born RETARDS:D
kept running out of ink and those in front eg suresh, dylan, austin, tonghe-.-
kept kope-ing our stuff LOL
accused kaisiang of stealing my masterpiece cause i didnt get my previous work back-.-
went to have lunch at Mos? 0_0 me chels and yentung ordered the same thing LOL
Shini was quiet like usual zzzz
no serious H2H session zzzz
nevermind! its fun anyway:D
i was mixing chelsea's fries with chili sauce and ice from the milktea 0_0
lalalalala~ OH YAH dylan was super hyper in class also LOL
he was like trying to find out who's 'Salmon'
then he keep shouting 'salmon!' then noone response then he went
CLASSIC!:D but still noone bothered responding to him:D kena rejected by the class LOL
oh yea, lionel was being 'gang bang' like every few seconds:X
Moving on to THURSDAY!
which is today-.-
PC also nothing one LOL i didnt even realise that PC was over-.-
Art did some damn cool painting WOOOO
DAMN NICE LARH cher do one 0_0
had hard time trying to paint:X
gonna redo it:D
nothing much to say 0_0
CHELSEA stop being emo 0_0GAMES:D
instead of swimming YAY:D
i rather it not continue after the exams zzzz
Captain ball and handball :D
played handball:D
i suckked at throwing i know:D
ryan and brandon were fast 0_0
though they never solo all the way larh:D
YAY:D i love rejections:D its not even painful-.-
then there's this bitch:X
damn what larh-.-and HELLO they FOULED like dunnoe how many times lorh-.-
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dunnoe how throw issit-.-
passpasspass that's all you know arh-.-
one ball can two people hand hold one meh?
NEVRMIND, we still won 2 Nil or 2-1 dont remember
went for a break and watch chels, yen, nick, weikit they all play.
nick and weikit were like WOAH
rockks larh. and damn rough LOL hit the cher twice sia WTH
then went back for the game with 107
atleast they play fair
then we scored thrice in a row then cher say give them a chance, only girls can shoot.
but gloria was a great attacker WOOOOOO:DDDD
scored twice before game end:D
then Brandon gave them two no-block shots cause he said must give them chance-.-!
nevermind, won 5-2:D
handball guys team also won:D
walao the referee for the guys team was like...
Mr chan or sth
bball 3-pointer silent 0_0
damn nice larh
i only 3-pointer-ed two times in LOL:X
KS was advertising his EMO class/club or whatever thingy-.-
amazingly, chelsea joined LOL
lalala~ packed, bought a drink and walked to MRT
i asked 5times whether we are walking to MRT
and 3 times whether we are having a H2H session while walking to MRT-.-!
walked, crapped,drank LOL
not funny-.-
reached there, chels and gloria went to take MRT so went to wait for 185
then xuening and jialin came, went to buy chocs, and came back:D
saw ks hop out of the bus. then saw the rest eg. lionel, dylan and shenwen?
me and jialin were like acting stupid LOL
but in the end they also come ka-jiao-.-
that retard-.-
*he just added me and ks into a convo , said TALK, and left-.-NICE ONE DYLAN.*
WAITED till idk how many MRT has gone by~
bus-ed home. damn cram larh the bus-.-hoped off and went home:D
tmr after school got NCC meeting:D
and after that going chelsea's house to room-warming:D
*and stuff on time-outs:DDDDDd*
OMG I'm gonna get fat WOOO:D
-.-! i wanna go swimming with u all again:D
apparently my p6 clique doesnt like swimming 0_0
even though there's a gold and a couple of silvers-.-
and a handful of noobs eg. me:D
Okay! i shall stop here:D
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
6:43 PM
*edits are at the end:D*
i LIKE:D freeze that number there:D
well...forgot much but anyway...MONDAY!
or moanday blahblahblah
Viva Voce ended at GLORIIIAAAA:D
Mine would be extended till idk when-.-
Freak! :D
Recess was trying out marching
But suresh and kaisiang keep getting in the way
And i ended up kicking them:X
and landing a 'perfect bdae present' aka my 'famous slam-dunk' on kaisiang head LOL
okay, i seem so xin zai le huo:X
Geog went through test stuff-.-!
HISTORY! walao all the presentations put till after the test zzzz
i want see Toaism ACT!!!
Then at night everyone was chionging Geog test for tmr cause its known to be damn hard
Gloria was fan-ing me -.-!
Just a few things to apologize and thank i guess....
Sorry Yentung and Gloria (esp gloria) for screaming/shouting through the phone at times, i was simply too stressed up:X
There's more to come-.-alot i guess-.-or only two larh-.-
The following will be dedicated to the crapper, kookaisiang
wait, need i even spell his full name out LOL okay, i dont want end up crapping cause i havent study for maths test:X
Firstly...Thanks LOADS for your encouragements:D
Second....Thanks LOADS again for putting up with my sucky behaviour (if i ever did flare up cause of stress)
Thirdly...Thanks LOADS for telling me not to stress myself out:D
Fourth....Thanks LOADS for your advice
Fifth.....Sorry that I didnt take your words to heart
Sixth.....Sorry that I keep snatching your papers (that's not related but WHATEVAR)
think no more liao hahas:D but that's quite a list:D atleast i wont do the sixth one again:X
Geog test was like....
I totally forgot everything about the mapwork sure fail one.
At that instance i didnt even know what is Mount Everest-.-nice one.
I shoudlnt have been so freaking stressed...should have taken his advice bt whatever, all's over. I shall fail the test...
even so...results are not imporatant, its what you've gain from the process:D
but still, i'm gonna strive for BOTH:D
stresing myself again LOL
PE is FUN:D paired and grouped WOOO
become so high i was jumping to catch gloria's overhand throws-.-
or issit overhead-.- nevermind. its fun and music just plain sucks. She has STM too-.-
Newsmaker! hope it turns out well:D
brandon was happily zi kua-ing with the script zzzz
E LIT! Irony! the song plain rockks:D
nothing much:D went home via mrt/bus, finally:D
next wed gonna have early dismiss:DDDDDDDDD
going gloria house for a break from the test:D
shall breeze through chinese:X
going off now:D rushing to bath LOL
bahh...i'm still wondering if i should buy bdae present for ks after all that he's helped me through-.-
that wise old panda-.- i still remember one phrase!
Over means Over:D i like:D
FINE, the incident where the ball hitted my head-.-
so LOL larh, i was going to put the hoops then suddenly ball hit my head LOL!!
Gloria and Yentung said i looked white 0_0...
when i was usually red as tomato-.-
i'm immune to getting hit by balls:D rebouncer what:D
see larh, gloria, never hit you hit me instead. never do a good job of protecting me:D LOL
okay larh, stop crapping liao:D
Monday, July 13, 2009
8:18 PM
bahh i cant study anymore zzzz
Geography test is so damn SICK
damn hard, as heard from those who had already taken zzzz
Gonna screw it tmr...
not gonna post about the things that happened cause it would be rather long and dont have the mood to post le...
must STUDY HARD...
Plurk kena spamm 0_0
lalala~...6unread liao lol
lalala~ hope tmr kena stuck in sport stadium again:D
okok dont crapp le larh...
wish us luck for tmr:D
Saturday, July 11, 2009
5:01 PM
Another quiz cause i really dunwanna study...~
1. Tag 10 people {I wont tag}
2. Tag at least 2 of the opposite gender {all 10 shall be guys:D}
MY FRIENDS: {alpha order O_0}
1. Bryan (Lim)
2. Cheeliang
3. Chihon
4. Sherrich
5. Tianyi
6. Yihao
7. Brandon
8. Kaisiang
9. Lionel
10. Suresh
------------------------- ANSWER THE FOLLOWING -------------------------
1. Among all 10 friends, name the friend that you enjoy:
a) talking to face-to-face
First FOUR!
b) smsing
Bryan/Kaisiang? idk-.-
c) IM-ing
same as sms minus bryan :XX
d) visiting his/her blog
a) is 2 pretty/handsome? [Cheeliang]
*ahem* compared to Bryan, NO.
b) is 10 a mugger? [Suresh]
erh..neutral? LOL
c) how old is 7? [Brandon]
d) if 1 were to date someone among the ten, who would it be? why? [Bryan]
ps lorh, i put everything as guys:D
e) will you be 2's bf/gf? [Cheeliang]
I did-.-but moved on since idk when:D
f) what is the relationship between 5 and 6? [Tianyi Yihao]
ex-classmates and friends
g) assume 8 and 1 went out on a date together, where do you think they would go?[Kaisiang and Bryan]
clarification: i wont go after bryann with a parang LOL they dunnoe each other what
h) you find out 9 is related to you by blood. your reaction? [Lionel]
NOOO! that's crazy even though he also a malaysian-.-
i) is 8 cute? [Kaisiang]
j) what do you LOVE about 4? [Sherrich]
k) if 7 were of the opposite gender, how? [Brandon]
OHH he'll be wearing his sister's skirt LOL
l) ever wanted to tell 5 something but never had the chance to? [Tianyi]
m) what would you do if 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 had a crush on you at one go? who would you pick?
[Bryan Chihon Tianyi Brandon Lionel]
LOL only bryan is the hottie around:X tianyi and brandon got xin shang ren liao:D
So, in conclusion, it will never happen:D
n) you ever had a crush on 2, 4, 6, 8, 10? any of them?
[cheeliang sherrich yihao kaisiang suresh]
LOL 2 and 6 yea. the rest should be no:D
o) who do you want to be bf/gf with?
OHH. idk LOL
p) who would you save first in case of trouble?
Let them die themselves:D
3. When is the next time you will go out with:
a) 1? [Bryan]
IDK. if minqi have badminton tmr or got some party lorh.
b) 2? [Cheeliang]
Same ans as bryan one.
c) 3? [Chihon]
4. when is the next time you will kiss
a) 4? [Sherrich]
He's my nephew-.-
b) 5? [Tianyi]
He got xin shang ren liao what
c) 6? [Yihao]
NO WAY even though he NCC also
5. when is the next time you will hold hands with
a) 7? [Brandon]
he got xin shang ren liao~:D
b) 8? [Kaisiang]
ahhh...never! i orientation camp will stay farfar from him
c) 9? [Lionel]
d) 10? [Suresh]
NEXT! kinda cute:D
would you rather...
lose a lover, or love a loser?
Love a lover:D
never see again, or never speak again?
Never speak again. i dont mind silent treating everyone:D
run 2 miles straight, or walk 8 miles?
Run 2 miles:D
go to the beach, or have a milkshake?
Beach DUH
laugh when no one else is, or not laugh while everybody else is?
Laugh when no one else is:D i always do that LOL
drink 10 cans of soda at once, or never drink soda again?
Never drink soda again. i dont like drinking soda in the first place-.-
have your pants ripped, or get thrown in a trash can?
Trash can-.-NCC what
work at McDonald's, or join the army?
LOL army larh! NCC leh
kiss someone you don't like, or kiss someone who doesn't like you?
NEITHER. i rather not kiss anyone.
be an only child, or have 5 brothers?
5 BROS!!!! only child sucks.
be able to rewind time, or see the future?
Rewind time and freeze it there:D
be hated for who you are or, be loved for something you're not?
Be hated for who i am:D me is me:D
die the day after the best day of your life, or live to be 90 with everyday being 'okay'?
Live till 90:D
go skydiving, or go scuba diving?
OMG skydiving! i hate marine:D
be loved by one person, or have 10 people who like you?
Loved by one DUH
have one absolutely amazing kiss, or have 40 okay kisses?
love and lose or, never love at all?
Love and lose:D i'll pick myself up anyway:D
Who are you ?
a lone girl:D
Where do you stay ?
Pioneer and Boonlay de zhong jian
Are you still schooling ?
Nahz, nanhuahigh is not a school.
What's your nickname ?
Tuna, sashimi(in time to come when yennie kills me) rotten tomato.etcetc
Do you believe in god ?
lalalalala~ holy allah?
What's your height ?
What's your weight ?
What's your hair colour ?
What's your eye colour ?
Do you have a secret admire ?
How i know LOL
How many enemies do you have ?
Not that i hate anyone
How many friends do you have ?
From Pioneer until bukit panjang (how far is that?:D)
Do you like yourself ?
question my heart-.-
What's your favourite colour ?
Lilac, black, white .etcetc
Do you like anyone in your school ?
LOL who knows
What phone model are you currently using right now ?
How many phones have you been using ?
2-.-broke one yay!:D
What are you doing now ?
slacking, not preparing for the 3 tests-.-
Which countries have you visited ?
malaysia only-.-
Which countries do you wish to visit ?
rome, paris, .etc
How many friends of different races do you have ?
chi, malay, indian, mixed.
Do you wish someone dead ?
How long do you wish to live in this world ?
Till the end of time where the rain wont hurt~
Do you believe in the tooth fairy, Superman, Spiderman .. ?
OHHH. tooth fairy and super man where got exist larh. spiderman is ryan and kaisiang what. (used to be)
How old are you ?
13 larh DOPE. okay, its NEARING
Which month, date, day, week & year were you born in ?
SEPT 29 SHATTERDAY 4th week 1996. LOL
What's your gender ?
Female breed-.-
Which primary school and secondary school do you belong to ?
If you were to pick one, which will you choose ? Family or friends ?
Who do you like most ?
people aorund me:D
What's your zodiac sign and horoscope ?
Rat, Libra
Have you did any piercings ?
Have you did any tattooing ?
Friday, July 10, 2009
9:37 PM
196 quizzie post! nothing do larh, cant blame me:D dunwan study for geog:X
Name Somone:
1. With black hair: Gloria!-.-
2. Younger than you: Jingwen!
3. In your class: Chelsea!
4. That is one of your best friend: Minqi!
5. Someone that is older than you: Bryan!
6. That lives close to you: Cheeliang!
7. With curly hair: Christalle! {?}
8. That lives far away from you: Kaisiang! {?}
9. You love: Xiuqi!
10.You Dislike: Me!
How old is #3? [Chelsea!]
13 zzz
Are #9 and #1 friends? [Xiuqi! Gloria!]
They dunnoe each other:X
Does #2 have any pets? [Jingwen!]
Why do you love #4? [Minqi]
as a friend la! LOL.
Does #5 hate #4? [Bryan! Minqi!]
They are cousins nia!:D
What is #6's weakness? [Cheeliang]
Wahahah i have many many descriptions of him LOL flirtay!
How does #10 go to school? [Me!]
Who do you talk to more, #2 or #8? [Jingwen! Kaisiang!]
-.-kaisiang larh-.-
In how many years does #7 turn 21? [Chrstalle!]
3! I maths fail:D
Whats #5's favourite bandd? [Bryan]
How i know-.-one from the top paikia song list-.-
Would you ever have sex with #1? [Gloria!]
How far away does #3 live from you? [Chelsea!]
Pioneer to choa chu kang-.-
Do you hang out with #8 a lot? [Kaisiang!]
OMF(freak) NO-.-
Who is crazier, #6 or #9? [Cheeliang! Xiuqi!]
Same deg of craziness:D
How long have you known #4? [Minqi!]
p5? p6?
Does #2 like #10? [Jingwen! Me!]
even if not friends, acquaintances what.
How old is #1? [Gloria!]
What is your favourite thing about #8? [Kaisiang]
Th humor in not knowing what he's talking about-.-
Have #4 and #5 made out? [Minqi! Bryan!]
FREAK! they are cousins HELLOOO
Is #9 related to you? [Xiuqi]
What would you change about #10? [Me!]
Stop falling in love LOL
What colour of hair does #4 have? [Minqi!]
Is #1 immature? [Gloria!]
To a high extent:D
Whats your relationship with #6? [Cheeliang]
FREAK! i rather you ask what my relationship with #8-.-
okay erm...ex and clique matey:D
Is #8 still in school? [Kaisiang]
NONONOOO He drop out of sch before finishing sec 1 and i still see him from mon-fri.
Where does #7 live? [Christalle]
IDK lol
Does #9 have any siblings? [Xiuqi]
Yeaps, a bro?
What sports does #5 play? [Bryan]
Basketball? Tennis?
Have you ever held hands with #1? [Gloria]
who want hold hand with her LOL
What kind of eyes does #4 have? [Minqi]
Have #6 and #8 ever dated? [Cheeliang Kaisiang]
LOL GAYS! too bad, one's attached and the other dont even know what is love-.-
*but both was/is my rumor mates:D*
Have you ever seen #5 cry? [Bryan]
That will be a super RARE moment.
Do you have any classes with #10? [ME!]
Every hour.
Does #5 drink alcohol? [Bryan]
I bet so.
When is #6 birthday? [Cheeliang]
ahh...26th Jan 1996-.-
I shall do the following quiz TWICE. one is for RETARDS another for 6/1 de:D
You and your friends are going on a road trip. (this is for RETARDS de)
You can bring 8 friends (you are 8) who are they and why ?
1. GLORIA! (she'll provide all the food:X)
2. CHELSEA! (The non-stop talker)
3. YENTUNG! (can quarrel witj gloria and make us laugh)
4. XUENING! (She never go out with us before zzz)
5. JIALIN! (she also never go out with us before-.-)
6. SHINING! (photorapher:D)
7. RACHEL! (part of Retards also what)
8. TINA!(:D)
Where are you guys headed for?
you rent a van, there are only 8 seats. who's sitting where, and who's driving?
Chelsea's driving, yentung's beside her in case of a car accident. shining, xuening rachel sit together. I sit beside gloria for foooood:DD
Who brought the most luggage?
ME! or should be gloria cause of our food:D
Who came with no luggage at all?
Who got car sick?
Who makes the driver pull over so they can go pee in the woods?
LOL got chamberpot in the car leh!
*remembers ks 'theory' of cyber-bullying-.-*
You stop for lunch, where at?
Who spills their pop in the van?
ME! whoops
Who forgets their food under the seat and causes an ant problem?
What does everyone buy for food?
Eat anything gloria brings LOL
you rent two rooms, each have 2 double beds but only one has an extra cot.
Me yentung gloria chelsea?
Shining, xuening, jialin, rachel?or we'll just sqqqquuuuueeezzzeeee into one room.
Who Run's Through The Lobby All Night?
Me and chelsea with a torchlight:D
Who fell asleep first?
dunnoe? xuening?
Who got up in the middle of the night and woke everyone up by accident?
Who takes over 3 hours to get ready?
ME! or chelsea if not in NCC mode
Who complains that the bagels are moldy?
Who goes on the rollercoaster 37 times in a row?
Chelsea and Yentung:X
Who throws up on someone elses lap?
Who sits on the merry-go-round the whole time?
who goes straight to the snack bar and gets a large popcorn, some cotten candy, an order of fries, 2 hotdogs, 2 bottles of coke and a caramel apple?
Gloria agin:D No larh, its me:D
Who goes straight to the lingerie store?
LOLLLLL that is what jiayun will do-.-
Who do you call to rub it in their faces, where you are?
who tries to go up the escalator the opposite way?
chelsea or yentung, the siao-kias
what store does everyone spend their time:
sports? clothes?
Who wants to get drunk?
Who goes right to sleep?
Who's making out?
LOL making out thru the hp with bfs?
Who's building a fort?
Me and chelsea whoops
Who's crying because they want to go home?
LOL we love each other company:D
who blasts music?
ME larh!
Who wont shut up?
Who cries because they didnt want to leave?
Who forgot luggage back at the motel?
-.-we not that retard
Who took pictures of the trip?
Now for the 6/1:D
Low batt le...wont finish today:X
You and your friends are going on a road trip. (this is for 6/1 de)
You can bring 8 friends (you are 8) who are they and why ?
1. MINQI! (she can fight with me throughout the whole trip JKJK)
2. XIUQI! (she's always up to something~:D)
3. CHARMAINE! (to be pissed by me:D)
4. EVELYN! (Got volleyball marh YAY!)
5. JIELING! (Can blast Music:D)
6. JIAYUN! (the siao-kia)
7. WINNIE! (Can help me piss char off:D)
8. TINA!(:D)
Where are you guys headed for?
Some random place:D
you rent a van, there are only 8 seats. who's sitting where, and who's driving?
ME drive!:D minqi sit beside to distract me and cause car accident:D char, xiuqi and jieling sit tgt. evelyn, winnie and jiayun sit tgt.
Who brought the most luggage?
ME! :X
Who came with no luggage at all?
Who got car sick?
Who makes the driver pull over so they can go pee in the woods?
You stop for lunch, where at?
Who spills their pop in the van?
ME! :D
Who forgets their food under the seat and causes an ant problem?
What does everyone buy for food?
erh...set meals lOL
you rent two rooms, each have 2 double beds but only one has an extra cot.
CHAR, WINNIE, JIAYUN, EVELYN! all squeeze one room bttr:D
Who Run's Through The Lobby All Night?
Me and jiayun whoops
Who fell asleep first?
char? eve?
Who got up in the middle of the night and woke everyone up by accident?
Who takes over 3 hours to get ready?
ME! or CHAR!
Who complains that the bagels are moldy?
erh...idk LOL
Who goes on the rollercoaster 37 times in a row?
Who throws up on someone elses lap?
Who sits on the merry-go-round the whole time?
Noone LOL
who goes straight to the snack bar and gets a large popcorn, some cotten candy, an order of fries, 2 hotdogs, 2 bottles of coke and a caramel apple?
Who goes straight to the lingerie store?
Who do you call to rub it in their faces, where you are?
who tries to go up the escalator the opposite way?
what store does everyone spend their time:
Clothes bah or that they would rather go look for arcade-.-
Who wants to get drunk?
Who goes right to sleep?
char, eve? all of us?
Who's making out?
throu the hp with bfs:D
Who's building a fort?
Who's crying because they want to go home?
We love each other company:D
who blasts music?
Who wont shut up?
Who cries because they didnt want to leave?
Who forgot luggage back at the motel?
-.-we not that retard
Who took pictures of the trip?
okay, my eyes need a break:D
8:04 PM
Today! got quite a few pics nidda update:D
cause got bio lab lesson marh!:D
for major of break turned GEEk and practiced Viva Voce.-.-
Only remember a few things.
HECON had to finish up the project.
We gals finished the project while the guys did the questions needed to fill in:D
Had some problems trying to draw the product:X and the color looks totally weird when in full screen:X
I love our outlet add:D
Clementi Street 109:D
Elaine group's brochure is totally business-like:X
That's why we decided to change to something else cause we wanted to do pamphlet also:X
Somthing similar yet different:D
Kaisiang keep come extra kia-.-
The guys esp wensiang used shining tablet to listen music-.-
Bio lesson went to Bio Lab and did two experiments:D
Gloria and xuening tested for starch while me and rachel tested proteins. me and rachel's end products:
This is the apple juice-.-no protein

Test for starch (for fun since nothing do)

Before the starch solution is iodinised i think..

The MILK! lotsa protein eh:D


Egg-white solution:X too much protein LOL

Soya Bean MILK!!:D

And last but not least, DILUTED WATEr! which i so damn love best:D

the diluted one looks abit cloudy cause i didnt shake the solution evenly before taking the pic:X
osmosis i guess LOL
Bahhh! so many tests coming out. i need make a list of everything liao-.-after this post of course.
Maths started the Viva Voce thingy:X
every RETARD nervous like hell:X
damn fast larh! but ended at wensiang:D
So Viva Voce next week YAY!:D more time to prepare:D
MSN-ed while doing online sums-.-
CEP! lol Shilei's group presentation rockkks!:D
didnt even felt like sleeping.
School ended and here i am, awaiting SHATTERDAY~:D
Moanday Tearsday Wasteday Thirstday Frightday Shatterday Sadday!:D
Sadday going out to jiayun party but like very less people going-.-nevermind zzzz
ending here and off to edit some bits and pieces of my blog!
*currently touching up on Misery business from Paramore!:D*
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
9:59 PM
Quizzie first! gonna update next time:D
some wedding plan quiz 0_o
1. How old are you?
2. Are you single?
3. At what age do you think you'll get married?
23 onwards~:D
4. Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
NONONO LOL i'm with noone and btw, why stop at one:XX
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
want to? see first bah...
6. Who will be your bridesmaid & best man?
ahh.....gloria use liao right....chelsea and whoever she ends up with!
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
8. Where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
9. How many guests do you think you'll invite?
idk leh, see how freaking rich that guy is:D
10. Will that include your ex-es?
Yea-huh.Pri Clique-mate after all:D
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
9~!:D i know i'm crazy:D 3!
12. When do you want to get married, morning or evening?
Whole day can?:D
13. Name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
Every single song on my 'love song' list and 'dance/rock' list:D
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon,fork and knife?
15. Champagne or red wine?
BOTH!!:D and a martini to add up to the touch:D
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
Days after:D
17. Money or household items?
what talkingyou
18. How many kids would you like to have?
2 bah:D
19. Will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
LOL *mind going wild* see the venue first.
20. Whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
even though gloria dunhaf blog but still...:D
Quiz on stupid things i've done-.-
Once you've been tagged
Do this and repost it with the title:
I've done --- out of the 132 stupid things.
And tag 10 other people
Level 1
( )Smoked A Cigarette
( ) Smoked A Cigar
(x) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) Drank Alcohol - Wine, beer, champagne
Level 2
(x) Are / Been In Love
(x) Been Dumped
( ) Shoplifted
( ) Been Fired
( ) Been In A Fist Fight
Level 4
( ) Had A Crush On An Older Person
( ) Skipped School
( ) Slept With A Co-worker
(x) Seen Someone / Something Die
Level 5
(x) Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
( ) Been To Paris
( ) Been To Spain
( ) Been On A Plane
( ) Thrown Up From Drinking
Level 6
(x) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been Snowboarding
(x) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
( ) Been in a Mosh Pit
Level 7
( ) Been In An Abusive Relationship
(x) Taken Pain Killers
(x) Love/loved Someone Who You Can't Have
(x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
( ) Made A Snow Angel
SO FAR: 11
Level 8
( ) Had A Tea Party
(x) Flown A Kite
(x) Built A Sand Castle
( ) Gone mudding
(x) Played Dress Up
SO FAR: 14
Level 9
(x)Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
( ) Gone Sledging
(x) Cheated While Playing A Game
(x) Been Lonely
( ) Fallen Asleep At Work / School
SO FAR: 17
Level 10
( ) Watched The Sun Set
( )Felt An Earthquake
( ) killed a snake
SO FAR: 17
Level 11
(x) Been Tickled
( ) Been Robbed / Vandalized
( ) Been Cheated On
(x) Been Misunderstood
SO FAR: 19
Level 12
( ) Won A Contest
( ) Been Suspended From School
( ) Had Detention
( ) Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
SO FAR: 19
Level 13
( ) Had / Have Braces
( ) Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
( ) Danced in the moonlight
SO FAR: 19
Level 14
(x) Hated The Way You Look
( )Witnessed A Crime
( ) Pole Danced
(x) Questioned Your Heart
(x)Been obsessed with post-it-notes
SO FAR: 22
Level 15
( ) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
(x) Been Lost
( ) Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
( ) Swam In The Ocean
(x) Felt Like You Were Dying
SO FAR: 24
Level 16
(x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
(x) Played Cops And Robbers
(x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
(x) Sang Karaoke
( ) Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
SO FAR: 28
Level 17
(x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
(x) Made a Prank Phone Call
(x) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
( ) Kissed In The Rain
SO FAR: 31
Level 18
( )Written A Letter To Santa Claus
( ) Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
(x) Blown Bubbles
( ) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere
SO FAR: 32
Level 19
( ) Crashed A Party
( )Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
( ) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
(x) Had A Wish Come True
( ) Been Humped By A Monkey
SO FAR: 33
Level 20
( ) Worn Pearls..forced.
( ) Jumped Off A Bridge
( ) Swore at the teacher, in front of them
( ) Swam With Dolphins
SO FAR: 33
Level 22
( )Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
( ) Kissed A Fish
( ) Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
( ) Sat On A Roof Top
SO FAR: 33
Level 23
(x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
( )Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
( ) Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
( ) Recently stayed up for a while talking to someone you care about
SO FAR: 24
Level 24
( ) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
( ) Climbed A Tree
( ) Had/Been In A Tree House
(x) Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone.
SO FAR: 25
Level 25
(x) Believed In Ghosts
( ) Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
( ) Gone Streaking
( ) Visited Jail
SO FAR: 26
Level 26
( ) Played Chicken
( ) Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on (almost~:D)
( ) Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
( ) Broken A Bone
(x) Been Easily Amused
SO FAR: 27
Level 27
( ) Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
( ) Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
( ) Caught A Butterfly .
(x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
(x) Cried So Hard You Laughed
SO FAR: 29
Level 28
( ) Mooned/Flashed Someone(...)
( ) Had Someone Moon/Flash You(...)
(x) Cheated On A Test
(x) Forgotten Someone's Name
(x) French Braided Someones Hair
( ) Gone Skinny Dipping
( ) Been Kicked Out Of Your House
(x)Tried to hurt yourself
SO FAR: 33
Level 29
(x) Rode A Roller Coaster
( )Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
( )Had A Cavity
(x) Black-Mailed Someone
(x) Been Black Mailed
SO FAR: 36
Level 31
(x) Been Used
(x) Fell Going Up The Stairs
( ) Licked A Cat
( ) Bitten Someone
( ) Licked Someone
SO FAR: 38
Level 32
( ) Been shot at/or at gunpoint
( ) Had sex in the rain
( ) Flattened someones tires
( ) Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
( ) Got five dollars or less worth of gas
SO FAR: 38-.-
okay larh, better get to bed though so early:X
anyway, observed 995 for a longlong time but it still doesnt get my attention like 705-.-
seriously wonder why i actually wanted 715 over 705 so many months ago-.-
i must be blind-.-
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
7:33 PM
lalalalla~ damn addict to Monsoon:D
Yea, i know it's a super old 2007 song but anyway, it rockkkkks:D
So, start from tuesday eh?
I forgot everything-.-
Had physics test? gonna flunk it i guess:X 108 de majority got 6/20 leh:X
PE! went to indoor stadium to so call try out softball pitching and running
OMG LARH! I went all crazy when i stepped into the bball court-.-
sorry,a bit siao-ish for bball:D
so yea, prac pitching and running:D
floor so slippery cant run properly-.-
nevermind, i love pitching:D
then after PE Mr Mun cant open the door YAYYYYY!:DDDDD
cause next lesson is Music 0_0
But back door can open-.-
So much for all that cheering-.-
But also dont have music:D
will have to do a quick one today cause tmr got Viva Voce test:X
presented on our legalism:D
roles: suresh=qin shihuang, junyuan=royal prince(ss), me, chels, and xuening as guards and dylan as murderer:X
Damn funny larh. I suck at debating with chelsea:D
crapp loads while doing the skit. :D
but atleats the class laughed like what they did for the Confuciasm LOL
weikit's hat and beard LOL
I actually forgot that the next day ot E Lit and didnt bother to do the homework:X
Nothing much:D
(Wednesday larh)
was introduced to Viva Voce~-.-
some kind of maths oral thing-.-having test tmr so freak fast-.-
Physics went to lab?
played with some electric things:D
Then Mr Ling tell us dont connect the dry cell (high voltage) one together with same wire cause will 'create spark'
Thought it wont work when i connect an anmeter to it but really got sparks come out:X
lucky cher never see:X
E Lit:X
Didn't do homework thus was punished:X
around 3 quarters of the class stood:X
wasted 20minutes doing it-.-
write till no space liao larh-.-
go through only a couple of question then school over-.-
and listened to her lecture also-.-this is like the first time i actually got punished for not doing homework-.-
Calligraphy again!
last lesson for writing module:D
then will move on to drawing YAY!
reminsce (idk how spell) the memoirs of p6 YAY!:D
though it seemed more like coloring but WHATEVER:D
went to JP after school and shopped around. Return book for chels and went home.
PC...talked about bullying-.-
A & D was funfunfun! i love painting! color-wheel!
Bio...discuss about experiments blahh..
then got a few minutes left then Mdm Tan tell us to flip through and see if got any questions.
Flip to chapt 27:X
then there's this experiment to observe a sperm and egg-.-
then i go ask Mdm Tan if the sperm and egg is live one or dead one:XX
but she say we not doing that experiment WTH-.-
Assembly was nothing larh-.-
el spelling-.-lamer-.-
better finish this post fast though alot of things to post-.-
swimming cancelled cause of H1N1 situation so will be going to auditorium for olympism.etc till resume/for the rest of the term:D
then after swimming went to Gloria house!
i left my tie on my chair-.-Pro-ness-.-
went to her house and YAY! GUITAR HEROOO
okay, i was aiming for the food cause damn hungry:X
Had hard time finishing food cause we crapped and laughed like hell and kept almost choking:X
Was the vocalist-.-
then the drummer and guitarist role kept swapping
Rocked songs like Monsoon!!!!!!
Misery Business (which i couldnt keep up with the rap)
Eyes of a Tiger?? that song suckks
What I've Done (siao one, the 'Done' part drag till i no breath liao)
bahh i running out of time.
yentung gloria and chelsea played cards while me jialin and xuening rocked with josephine and felicia as audience
lalalala i need go prac liao larh!!!
thnak-youu xuening for sending us to mrt:D
BTW EOY party must go gloria house hor!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
9:32 PM
freaking tired today:D
had 'badminton'
*omg i type as bedminton LOL*
*my mind has been dirtied by jiayun zzzz*
But was raining-.-had to wait for the peepos who were late-.-
AKA minqi and cheeliang-.-
wasted my time but anyway....atleast msg-ed while waiting:D not that bored.:DDD
i'm siao-ed:D then minqi came:DDD
went to shelter help her do homework while she trained badminton with her new racquet.*issit spelt like that?*
same hchi TB:DDD
cl came. then he also need do work.
played around then moved to the senior citizen corner cause got table:D
and i hate the sound of rain batting against the roof of the shelter-.-
i was inevitaably grinning like shyt for NO reason-.-randomly zi high:D
and yea, i know my grin is DAMN big:DD
jieling came:D
walao cl call ch and jieling all can through then me and minqi call cannot sia-.-
nevermind...then jieling help minqi finish the chi, then i go do cl E Lit ws:DDDD
crazed about e lit again zzzzz
some kind of stupid worksheet man. crack my brains till like shyt:D
Theme: Bully-.-!
first question jiu ask something about your definition of bullying-.-then second ques, is there 1 or more types of bullying-.-! CMI larh
but nevermind! cl's handwriting is easier to mimic than minqi one:D
even though he this retard damn picky-.-abit of smudge then i need rewrite-.-win liao
then moved to minqi house YAY!
minqi and cl played com. then jieling prac softball:XXX YAY i daydremaing wahahaha
joking larh. jieling super violent:X damn pain nia her throw:XXX
had a bigbig ball fight WOOO:D
i love my SLAM DUNK:D and i know it rockks:D
cl's spinball sucks:DDD
kena defended by jieling and minqi and missed my head by mere inches:D
then bryan the HOTTIE :XXX came. started on monopoly.
keep guai lan people woooo:D
i know i got serious attitude problem:X
bryan's top pai kia songs list totally sucks:X
before leaving, (my parents want go out-.-)
gave my 'money' back to the bank *yay i love the bank cause right beside me even though i not banker:D can help myself YAY:D*
and divided some of my 'property' to the rest of the players:D
damn fun lurh! make noise like shyt:D
then TODAY!
was late by a few minutes:D
walked the long way cause i never walk there before:X
only got yentung and gloria-.-
went in and changed then waited for the rest in the toilet:D
we look weird:D chelsea looks sexayyy:D i look like a diver-.-!
went dipping in the outdoor pool:D
grabbed some tecniques thanks to CHELSEA;:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
i LOVEEE the kick-off YAYYY:DDD
went to lazy river?
lahlahlah brief thru larh. i tired of typing:X
and also the indoor de:X
swam around:D then went to the slidey:D
gloria screamed:X nevermind, dman fun:D
though it made me lie down at the end bit:X
went to lazey again and played monkey with idk who's goggles:X
kept getting stuck in being monkey:X
LOL then after freaking many rounds, went to play catching in the water?
oh yea, that was before the lazey:X
nevermind, my thoughts are suppose to be messed up anyway.
chase people till tired out like shyt.
zzzzz felicia kept pausing zzzzz
then go lazey lorh.
after lazy went deep pool for awhile and went off for bathing:X
swam for around 2hour+-.-
thought that chelsea will bathe her usual 2hr so slowly bathed:X
and ended up being the last:X
dripping wet LOL thank-youus chelsea for the conditioner:D
then went to JP:D
had lunch at KFC.
then had a truth or promise game:D
dman FUN:D except for the part of white lie confessing:X
and the night before i made a deal that i either go to hell or that 1year before i go to hell i must fulfil my white lies and make them true-.-
but then, the equation=
x years in hell = 1 year of missing and loving _______
x in hell= 1 of missing and loving _____ (minus the years)
*i know my algebra rockkkks*
x=1 of missing and loving (in hell= ____)
x=missing and loving(x=1)
YAY:D equation solved:DDDDD
i know i rock:Dplayed WHAT IF:D
oh yea before playing planned chelsea's wedding:D
*Bride + Groom = Broom:X*
i really typed broom okay zzzz
Bride + Groom: chelsea + idk who:X
Priest: YENTUNG:D *kaisiang kena fired LOL*
Bridesmaid + Bestman: so many choices, which one chelsea want?
Ring bearer: I WANT I WANT
Planner: Xuening
Photographer: Shini:DDDDDDD
Gloria be bridesmaid YAYY:D
see larh, chelsea wedding so perfectly planned:D
but all like about love 0_o
and marriage:X
nevermind, it still rocks.
chelsea and yentung went shopping while me and gloria went arcade:D
Thank-yoous for treating:X
had parapara, failed dance dance revolution and bball:D
oh yea, the drum thingy also:X
then chelsea and yentung came. so they need head home?
follow them till MRT then went to meet up with th rest:D
i know i look weird-.-
now i owe jiayun 3 ren qing and xiuqi 1 ren qing-.- LOL
went to shopshop for evelyn's present. walked from jp1 to jp2 finally found one:D
and she'll have to wear it 459 times to 'pay us back' .
jiayun was being dirty and getting crazy over....
went to arcade and played a few before going home:X
xiuqi hid her bubbletea in her bag:X
then...went home. lahlahlah.
what if~:D
ohyea, we exchanged inbox msgs too:D
bahh, gloria one only had one guy-.-and its serious stuff, no crap zzzzzzzz
yentung one also nothing read:X never got to read chelsea one RAWRRRR
the most interesting de leh zzz nevermind...
i know my msgs are a wordtherapy:D
i deleted alot too:D
and i'm gonna get crazy with the what ifs thing-.-
the word is like stuck in my mind when i dont even know what if what-.-
like what? what if one day i really fell for someone? well, i know i mustn't:D that's seriously all i know:D but then...sometimes my mind dont really agree with my heart...-.-
FORGET IT. just let nature take its course and let my mind and heart decide which will take over my whole situation. i cant be bothered feeling weird confused frustrated anymore. OKAY.
final decision: love-free for the time being YAY
BAHHHHHHHHHH i shall carve THAT on my mind before my heart keeps heart-deluding itself that i'm wrong-.-
or is my mind mind-deluding myself...
FORGET IT MAN. if i type anymore i'm gonna die. anyway, i'm not even suppose to say all that but i seriously duncare liao.
lovefreelovefreelovefree FULLSTOP.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
10:24 PM
Currently waatching Harry Potter-.-
shall update on friday.
Music was watching a video-.-
The RETARDS were chatting at the back then me and gloria too engrossed in the video didnt hear them
Only heard chelsea 'ahem' . and its engrossed in VIDEO, not the guys.
PE took height and weight, 1kg heavier, DIDNT GROW TALL AT ALL.
STill stuck in 159 WTHHHHHHH
this term doing softball.
walao raise my hopes for frisbee zzzzzzzzzz
Mr Lieu last lesson le!!!! zzzzzz
gonna screw physics test:X
geog cher ROCKKKKKKKS!!!!!!!
i dont even feel like sleeping ONE BIT zzzz
EL nth larh. CEP YAY!
Free period nia. shiok-ness
i forgot what i did-.-
oh yea, something siao-ish.
i was renovating the class message board. then after some copied the timetable from mine, kaisiang want lend also.
then i went sorta frantic cause mine is like freaking tattered liao.
then he went like 'LEMME COPY LARH'
tio shocked and went dumb for a few seconds, but ended up laughing like crazy with chelsea.
siao one larh LOLLLLL
then after school went to chelsea house!
to screw her house up again.
chelsea and yentung mapled, felicia read books, gloria music-ed, rachel and me watch them maple while i munched on Time-Outs:D
ate DAMN loads of Time-outs:DDD
had Taboo also:D
i still remember one!
chelsea was retardin with the squeaking thing. -.-
then went home!
sprinted, ran, jogged, walked, dragged home rather.
bahh ending here, i want watch harry potter:D
even though watch alot of times liao.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
5:57 PM
*i do sound as if i'm in love huh? well i'm NOT:D*
Hadnt update since last sunday:X
so yea, let's talk about MONDAY!
Blahh, what's new when gloria's MIA.
Quiet like hell LOL and she can really bother people.
Called me exactly when i step into the house-.-
In the morning had some kind of H1N1 talk-.-
Bio wasted-.-
First time dont seem so tired in HCHI class YAY!
well, not saying that Mrs Tan not good but YAY! never once sleep in his class LOL
or felt like sleeping:D
No memory of E Lit-.-
EL did some pairwork that's all:D
Had art and i lost two paintbrushes-.-
Went frantic the night before but nothing one lorh WALAO-.-
Laughed alot but forgot about what-.-
Physics was crapping around, then HCHI and EL AGAIN.
discuss about project, but most of the time me and shining were laughing and laughing:D
then wensiang suddenly say 'gorilla'
then linked to her being sexist LOL
and say she very Guai Lan but since she dont have lan so new vulgar created,
guai bai-.-
Laugh till stitch till idk what LOL
and SAF DAy!!!!
went frantic the night before (AGAIN) cause i dont know where my no. 3 belt-.-
nevermind. reached there was last-.-
chiong-ed with the uniform, checked and went back to class.
BAHH, totally inconvenient-.-
and looks horrible.
Gloria said i look like air stewardess-.-
Others say i look like DM:D
chelsea was mistaken as a cher by alicia hahahahahaha
seriously, the sound of our walking really...
was split into groups to do project:X
which only have like one day of preparation:X
but we crapped anyway-.-
EL and HCHI AGAIn for the third day of the week.
Doing 'dui lian' :D
wrote like some idiot:D
Then YAY!
went to cityvibe to have lunch at Long John Silvers.
With gloria, chelsea, yentung and shining:DDDD
we ordered the same things:X
hmm...quite nice yea?
then we started crapping:D
shining keep 'huh'-ing LOL
laughing like shyt:X
chaotic. then nothing to do so i suggested a retarded game of
the full game is actually called
Truth, Dare, Kiss or Promise.:D
Truth or Dare sucks so Truth or Promise:D
shining promise to stop 'huh'-ing after her two given 'huh's
yentung promise to go swimming on monday
and me? forget it lurh
some '''truths''' were out too LOL
i should really consider white lieing since they'll stop teasing me about it:D
but then again, even if the retards dont, it has already spreaded all over 109.
nevermind, i'm use to it anyway:D
just that each year, rumor situations get worse and worse:X
2008 Jan 01
okay, am exagerating and anyway is
2005 June:D
wei jie one didnt even last a day LOL
okay, back to 2008 de:D
lasted for almost a year LOL pro-ness man.
2009 de:D
i didnt even know when it started LOL
okay this is so crap:X
PC is slack duh-.-
rushed script cause should be present today de. only have 30 more minutes to prepare-.-
but the Confucius group presented and no more time liao:D
wooo weikit as confucius with his paper hat and beard LOL
freaking funny.
brandon was rather GOOD at Qin Shihuang '''burning''' all confucius books LOL
and killing weikit HAHAS
Math was the same.
Gloria thought got assembly LOL
Mdm Poon away for 3months so new cher take over.
Intro period cause only got one period.
BIO! mark WB-.-
went for lunch, crapped and had swimming briefing
Freaking lame.
wrote down about possible dangers.
Nick's presentation was...LOL
there's one with molesting? HAHHAHAHA
Lightning strike somemore LOL
then walao suaysuay kena me-.-
tio shocked cause i not focusing-.-
bahh, shuddup with saying 'ks' all the way-.-
kns larh-.-
stupid dylan lawrence han
from the guys spread to RETARDS, worh-ers didnt say anything:D , now audrey that clique also started saying-.-
then after school took 185 with da rest.
today no homework right?:D
done with maths in class:D
nidda study for phy test YAY!:D-.-
excited for MONDAY ONLY:D
and weeeeeekends cause can sleeeeep YAYYYYY
Reminder to self: tmr MUST bring earphones.
wait, i didnt update my mp3 so yea, bring for what-.-
nevermind, if possible i shall lend ipod from gloria:D
or just make do with radio on hp
as long as it blocks out the noise from the RETARDS tmr:D
anyone got earmuffs to lend?