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29/09/96! Single 13!
PPS 6/1 NHHS 209
NHNCC Girls PrivaTE
♥Freestyle Drill Squad-er!
♥ONE Star Kayaker
Autistic, Anti-social


New HP
Sports bag
New SchoolBag
New Earphones
New Wallet
New sports shoe
Black shorts
Cliq Tees/hoodies!
and counting...

Sweet Talks

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PPS 'o8




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Part Bs
FSD team
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109 'o9


6/1 'o8


Elder sis


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    DayBefore!Misery for the layout.
    Kadiozu Designer
    SwimChick for the brushes.
    photobucket for the images.

    Wednesday, October 28, 2009
    9:29 PM

    I'm still fagging angry at the person who printed my booklist with bvss one, which overlapped zzz
    Busy with post-exam stuff this week, gonna change blogskin soon too.
    Sort of bored from anime :X {words from an anime addict}
    WIRE ART! was quite fun :D stupid pics here:

    Freak Gallery :X

    NCC Salute NG 1 {it looks as if it's fainting-.-}

    Successful NCC Salute :D

    ME :D in the wire art form {fishy}

    Butterfly :D


    Went out to watch My Sister's Keeper with chels, gloria, xuening. Apparently i was the only one who DIDNT cry zzz i would have love to take a picture of everyone crying :X me and chels got ecstatic at the dating part -.-! SO SWEEEET hearts
    okay, i'm deprived of love, wadeva-.- went to shop around, then home-d
    TODAY :D
    Stupid YOG though-.- maybe got CIP points lol :X anw, it's FUN :D
    Ate lunch at Sumo with clique, and this is the creation of erm...me, suresh and maybe gloria and chels?

    Actually it looks kinda nice :X like...miso soup with overload of egg white or sth :X
    ANYWAY , me and xiuqi are still the pros :D

    9:25 PM

    the person who printed my booklist can just go and die

    Tuesday, October 20, 2009
    6:56 PM

    This quiz is sibei ancient but wadeva, feel like giving a shot after an afternoon of anime-.-

    Title: I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Tina

    Go to: http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi
    Put your name in, and generate slogan after each question.

    1. What do you say to yourself every morning
    Tina. It's Everywhere You Wanna Be {...}

    2. What do you want other people to say about you?
    Strong Enough for a Man, Made for a Tina {so NCC!}

    3. Someone asked you out, your answer is...
    Don't Just Book It, Tina It {sounds prostituty-.-}

    4. How would you answer a booty call?
    A Day Without Tina is Like a Day Without Sunshine

    5. How would you introduce yourself to someone you really like?
    Ask the Man From the Tina {sounds wrong}

    6. To someone you dislike?
    You Can Really Taste The Tina {sounds wrong #2}

    7. You're in a conversation and you suddenly feel the need to pee, how would you excuse yourself?
    Come Fly The Friendly Tina {LOL}

    8. Your parents ask you why you got home late, you say...
    Better Living Through Tina

    9. You're failing a subject, you say...
    Every Kiss Begins With Tina {.................. of course larh}

    10. The love of your life asks you to marry him/her, what do you say?
    I Wish They All Could Be Tina Girls

    11. Your bf/gf is breaking up with you, you tell him/her...
    Come to Life. Come to Tina {SICK}

    12. Someone told you you're an asshole, you tell them...
    You'll Wonder Where the Yellow Went, When You Brush Your Teeth with Tina {TOOTHPASTE?!}

    13. What are the best words to describe you?
    Pride of the Tina For Over a Hundred Years {THANKYOUTHANKYOU}

    14. If you're going to have a movie about your life, the title is...
    Tina Is Our Middle Name

    15. Your last words before you die..
    Come One, Come All To Tina {like Abyss like that}

    16. Your message to a special someone..
    They're Waffly Tina {:D waffles :D}

    17. Title of this post will be...
    I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Tina

    Sibei RANDOM-.-

    Monday, October 19, 2009
    9:46 PM

    Random post to delete the pics away :X
    Old News: went to catch 500days of summer with wobblers :D though it sucks but yea, wadeva:D still clique outings are meant to rock anyway :D
    Newer News : 0_0
    Went bowling with cliquee :DDD was scammed by sherrich-.- and amazingly not the last one to reach. Went to have lunch at Long John Silvers, the fish eat till damn D:
    Walked to Chevron 0_0 stupid sun. Played three games, skill improved a bit by wavering between 40+ to 50+ range zzz but still, disappointment zzzz
    JIeling's tyco-ness is :0......
    AND I WONT FORGET THAT WATER BOMB THING; though only a few drops landed on me-.-
    Trained back to JP, sweet talk-ed and off to arcade for neo-printing. :D
    Then....went to KFC to decide on next outing which was UGHHH-.- ended up eating instead of planning-.-
    but atleast some ideas came out, and a NEW CLIQUE RELAY SYSTEM:D
    (which chels is gonna stole the idea -.-!)
    After cl and his friend (yongzhi? or 1e1) came, chaos reigned-.-
    And jiayun started talking bout what seemed like "sensitive subjects". (which proved no sensitivity to me-.-)
    a true pastoral care conversation bout love, relationship, kissing, and last but not least, the "final stage" -.-!!!!!!!!!
    Greatly embarrassed but who cares, it's only once in a while that we started chaos-ing in KFC :X
    hope all goes well with jiayun :D
    Head back home while being the PRO MASTER in the bus :D
    okay done :D
    WAIT i should say sth bout everyone since i rarely post nowadays (my blog's still rather dead) and also to stop some sensitive freak from hallucinating :X
    MINQI! treat me taxi YAY :D
    XIUQI! her bowling score made me super depressed :(
    JIELING! tyco-master :X
    JIAYUN! cannot forget larh this one; HORNY SHYTZ
    EVELYN! first smack on her back :X
    no more girls liao 0_0 so less people..nevermind! this will only be as memorial
    sherrich: SCAMMER-.-
    tianyi: so ji dong at the water bombs lol:X
    cheeliang: it's snowing in singapore (my only sarcastic joke of the day ):
    HEH got so less guys only meh 0_0
    lalala~ OH YEA yesterday went to MQ house also :D
    nothing much 0_0

    Saturday, October 17, 2009
    1:10 PM

    Considering that anime loading so slow, might as well load some random pics here first :X

    random-ness of gloria's capsule ball and illegal chewing gum (emptied within 2days)

    FUGLY watch :X (sorry xuening! yours is way nicer :D )

    Bracelet souvenir/ present from gloriaa

    This is the only time i'm gonna hang that carebear on my pencil case ( by yen, shini .etc)

    MUFFIN! :D it nibbled my fingers WTH

    and my wondrous home-made bdae cake :X
    so less present ): p6 gfs still owe me alotlot zzzz
    okay ermmm NEXT QUIZZIE :D then head off to blog-hop before obsessing with anime

    How much teachers hate me
    Fill out each one you've done THIS school year.
    When you're done multiply the number you got by three.

    [ ] Gotten a referral
    [ ] Gotten detention
    [ ] Gotten your cell phone/iPod taken away
    [ ] Gotten suspended
    [X] Chewed gum during class
    [ ] Got In School Suspension
    TOTAL SO FAR = 1

    [ ] Gotten late to a class more than 10 times
    [X] Didn't do homework over 15 times
    [X] Returned at least 2 projects in late.
    TOTAL SO FAR = 3

    [ ] Missed school cause you felt like it
    [ ] Skipped class at least 1 time
    [ ] Laughed so hard you got kicked out of class
    TOTAL SO FAR = 3

    [x] Texted people during class
    [x] Passed notes
    [x] Threw stuff across the room
    [x] Laughed at the teacher
    TOTAL SO FAR = 7

    [x] Went on myspace, friendster, facebook , xanga , etc on the computer at school
    [x] Took pictures during school hours
    [x] Called people during school hours
    [x] Listened to an iPod/ CD player/mp3 during class
    [x] Hit a teacher or student with a textbook
    TOTAL SO FAR = 12

    [ ] Threw something at the teacher
    [ ] Went outside the class room without permission
    [x] Failed a subject this year
    [ ] Ate food during class
    TOTAL SO FAR= 13

    [ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved bad
    [x] Didn't take your stuff to school
    [ ] Gotten detention and didn't go
    [ ] Used passes from other days/Or made fake pass
    [ ] yelled during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
    TOTAL SO FAR = 14

    [x] Slept during some of class
    [ ] Played basketball with paper balls using a trash can as a basket
    [ ] threatened a teacher
    [ ] Felt hungry during class and went home to eat
    [x] Treat the teacher as invisible
    TOTAL = 15
    Calculation: 45 % -.- {so guai right}

    So would you rather...

    1. Be recognized for saving 500 people's lives or be voted the #1 Sexiest person in your country?
    I could never be sexy like DUH

    2. Have an alarm clock that wakes you by slowly making your bed ice or one that wakes you by shaking the bed violently!
    Ice. Just take a taxi to school-.-

    3. Run into a wall or fall down the stairs?
    Wall, lesser injuries what-.-

    4. Be a pirate or be a ninja?
    Ninja :X

    5. Be the #1 Entertainer for 4 years or be President of the U.S?
    Entertain 0_0

    6. Walk on the ocean floor or jump on the moon with moonboots?
    Walk on the ocean floor and try to step on chels when she surfaces :X

    7. Be a superhero or be a super villain?
    Innocent passer-by

    8. Be really creative or be really intelligent?
    Creative 0_0

    9. Be able to fly or be able to turn invisible?
    Invisible. no need go school liao :D

    10. Be super famous on YouTube or win $1000 cash?
    Famous and earn more than $1000

    11. Have cookies and milk or juice and crackers?
    cookies+milk :X

    12. Go without watching TV for 2 weeks or without a computer for 2 weeks?
    TV i dont watch anyway 0_0

    13. Have a million friends that secretly hate you or have 1 best friend?
    1 invisible friend:X

    14. Live in hot weather for the rest of your life or cold weather for the rest of your life?
    Cold 0_0

    15. Take over the Playboy Mansion when Hugh Heffner dies or win the Lottery?
    Playboy :X

    16. Be a good singer or be a good dancer?
    Dancer 0_0

    17. Be a famous singer or be a famous actor/actress?
    ehhhh? 0_0

    18. Sleep with a celebrity of your choice or not have to work for 5 years?
    ...not working

    19. Win 5 million dollars or find true love?
    0_0 love lurhh

    20. Live in a house on the water or live in a castle?
    I cant live out of the water 0_0

    21. Be Johnny Depp's girlfriend or have Johnny Depp's salary?
    Who's he 0_0

    22. Be the same age forever or live to a hundred?
    ehhh same age :X

    23. Become famous for having a meltdown on YouTube or never become famous?
    First choice of course-.-

    24. Have lived in the 8th century or be born in the Year 3000(If the world still exists then)?
    8th Century 0_0

    25. Be a mad scientist or a private investigator?

    26. Have rain for a year non-stop or have nothing but sunlight for a year non-stop?
    Neither, negative effects of climate

    27. Kill your own kind(cannibalism) or become a vegetarian?
    I am already cannibalistic :X

    28. Get stuck in an elevator for 34 hours or gain 15 pounds?
    Stuck :X fishes dont die that easily anyway

    29. Be too hot with all your clothes off or too cold with a winter coat on?
    too cold :X

    30. Be allergic to your favorite food or never find true love?
    Allergic lurhh

    31. Be a dinosaur or be a penguin?
    Peguin :X Antarctica :D

    32. Be trapped in a haunted house alone or alone on a deserted island?
    Deserted island :X

    33. Have love but no money or have money but no love?
    Love's the best solution

    34. Do Elmo's Workout videos or be obese?
    Workout :X

    35. Live in Paris as a bum for a year or live in Kansas and be rich?
    Be rich and fly to Paris

    36. Get hit by a car going 8 miles per hour or fall down 2 flights of steps?
    Car. Atleast no need to suffer before dying 0_0

    37. Give up alcohol or give up your favorite food?
    Alcohol ):

    38. Skip Christmas for a year or skip your birthday for a year?
    Christmas prove nothing to me.

    39. Own a MAC or own a PC?
    doesnt make a difference

    40. Never use MySpace again or never use Facebook again?
    I dont use myspace-.-

    41. Only eat chicken for the rest of your life or only eat beef for the rest of your life?
    I dont eat beef 0_0

    42. Date wrong people or stay single till you meet the right one?
    Date wrong people (which i always do :X)

    43. Have muscular abs or have muscular arms?

    44. Go to federal prison for 3 months or go through 4 years of high school all over again?
    High school:DDD

    45. Have a bird that curses or a dog that humps things?
    bird that curse :X

    46. Be rich and lose it all or never become rich?
    Never become

    47. Experience life like a video game or a movie?

    48. Pee your pants in public or hug a random person?
    Hug a random person :XXX

    49. Hit every red light for the rest of your life or always be wrong?
    Hit every red light.

    50. Be able to have super strength or hear other peoples thoughts?
    Hear other's thoughts :X

    51. Have a unibrow or have a uniboob?
    UHHH 0_0

    52. Have sex with a dozen gays or have sex with your brother?
    ...................Different species cannot mate

    WALAO LOAD FCKING SLOW SIA. go blog hop :X

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009
    9:15 PM

    Well, it's been an indeed long while since i last touched my blog.
    Many things have past, many memories still etched deeply though.
    {cant blame me, me sentimental person :)}
    Decided to speed up the renewal of this blog since tmr's last paper's art and well, my prep stuff are done :D
    what to blog bout leh 0_0
    My sis bought a new guinea pig, name's Porsche 0_0
    OKAY start with some past events :
    Thankyouuu guys for all your presents and wishes:D
    Acknowledgements to:
    Gloria, Yenung, shini, {idk who contributed in the pencil case}, and my sis for your lovely presents. -- will be updating pics next time :D (and not excluding that watch)
    Bryan {for your beautiful 23.59 sms:D} , char, xiuqi, ks, felicia and shilei for your wonderful wishings:D
    Presents are LOVELOVELOVEd and wishings are appreciated :D
    *for those who havent buy better remember you still owe me pres arh (esp to 6/1cliqq)
    NEXT: the broken part :D
    Well, atleast i didnt poke on salmon rice like what i did last time :X
    believe that cl's event lasted LONGER than mine ):
    like wth, when did he become so relationship-longlasting RAWR bian tai one
    nevermind :X i wasnt involve in any relationships this year *whoops* so yeaps :D
    NEXT! i fell sick AGAIN:X nevermind, MAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
    the stupid rain made us bring our tables here and there.
    Even though sales and games werent that successful, it's OH-KAY :D
    we did our best for charity :D
    *and of course our UNhealthy class fund :X*
    SORRY ONCE AGAIN :X esp to gloria :X {but i doubt she would even accidentally click into my blog-.-}
    EOYs! coming to an end :D
    ending tmr :D yeaps, partays follow.
    and to some personal and past matters, well, i still feel that a good talk is the best solution.
    though sometimes we cant get peepos to sit DOWN and talk-.-
    but wadeva, life still goes on. Stick through thick and thin like glue :D
    and dont let the glue dry up 0_0 like what it did to me and xuening's ""Disco Ball"" ):
    Or dylan's *ball* which burst into multiple pieces -- F sick :X
    what else to say 0_0
    i love you guys-.-
    anyway, take a turn to past events, considering that i had not blogged for so long.
    YEAPS, Good-Decision Making:
    Before that CEP lesson was told, i made multiple mistakes. freedom of speech, public actions, vandalism, idk what-.-
    i've learnt, and i'm learning not to be governed by Love yeaps:D
    shouldnt be so vulnerable or i'll vanish from this Earth faster. :X
    ending here now, shortest post of my life-.-
    will be updating pics SOONSOON :D