Monday, November 30, 2009
9:43 PM
Hectic Life brings bout fruits of labour
or i should say
It just sucks the life out of your soul .
Saturday, November 28, 2009
8:15 PM
OH HI!okayokay blogging bout idiot stuff wahahah
Yesterday's EOY party was EPIC FAIL + IRONIC.
Reached there with xq, and edited the vid with like shyt forms. and lotsa shyt pics LOL
i shall post it on clique blog and my blog sometime :X
though its kinda embarrassing cum IMBA. [we know its nice]
Slacked around till lunch cause there was nothing to do.
Rest for abit and started on treasure hunt.
Jiayun and sherrich helped me on the carrying of water bombs thus wasting their time so half-ed their task.
waited for DAMN FREAKING LONG, till the next group came. :D
Jieling and yihao made me wet like shyt LOL
Yixin and alicia came, most successful group.
Then went off to Sweet talk to meet up with others :D
Yihao was doing pumpings under the sun LOL
Off to bball court, slacked for awhile before it started raining :(
Shelter-ed and CAPT BALL :D
Star players aka bryan and cl own si le ):
Went to have dinner at Mac.
Had a hard time trying to get the guys to go cut the cake, and dealing with yihao's sick joke of kissing goodbye to them WTF
But thanks to HUAHUA :D who convinced them to go :D
Cut the cake into shyt pieces. [SHOULD HAVE TAKEN PHOTOS!]
Me and char were totally IMBA while cutting the cake LOL
esp me who made everyone eat SHYT LOL
[and there was a big hole in the middle thanks to me :X]
Clean-ed up and played blackjack to finish up the popcorn.
Left at 8.30 :X
Went sch like 30mins EARLIER WTF
Drilled there for awhile, and started at 9.30.
Performances were GREAT :D just screwed here and there.
After 1st performance went to talk to Mrs Tan :D
and found our bags missing.
Which was then found in the SJAB room LOL!
slacked, had lunch and 2nd performance!
Senior was like timing how long it takes for the SJAB people to get across the parade sq LOL
3mins :X
Then there was the slow, solemn music which was evaluated for the melody played when the person is dying LOL
Screwed up my 2nd performance :X
flying around~~After dismissal, went to take chels and her juniors around.
Telling ghost stories was scarier than hearing it :XXXXXX
Slept in the bus on the way home.
Lucky the person beside me was rather noisy and woke me up before i missed my stop :X
TIREDTIREDTIRED MONDAY FDS! sort of looking forward to it :X
Thursday, November 26, 2009
2:30 PM
Long back NCC ANNUAL CAMP '09!
Having cramps from limbs to stomach ):
DAY 1!
orientation games.etc :D
SUAY-ed again at the seating position zzzz
weixin was damn quiet arh LOL
Contingent training while water games were on ):
Knocked out shyt :X
First time being Detail I/C too, was sabo-ed by SGT Mengting, cause reaction too slow :X
Then second time was sabo-ed by staff yiming
ZZZZ i hate reporting :X
Jianle was shouting like :0
so missed out the lift lobby there de (according to chels need crawl through each tunnel and there will be a NCO there 0_0)
Weixin was like standing infront, then me, wangling then jianle.
And in the end we dont dare enter so staff yiming bring us in and abandon us there-.-
AND later after the night walk he claimed he wasnt there then we were like "THEN WHO WAS THAT" with a shocked face :XXXXXX
Then at the ring of fire there i thought SGT Ruichen was a GUY.
Aiya there darkdark then under jerkey cap so thought the idk who was joking when he said that was his "sister" who blahblahblah
OH and ghost stories were-.-
Didnt sleep well for the first night :X
DAY 2!
SHYT i really cant rmb :X
had drills AGAIN (yentung's style of emphasizing AGAIN)
and was off to West Coast Park for TREASURE HUNT!
was kinda .......
Limbs were broken :X
rested, and had drills again ):
Skit-planning was epic fail.
TRASH FOXTROT! SGT [idk who] and staff Leon {?} was WOO-ing with the cheer :DDD
Just a little WOO little WOO little ROCK & Roll
Just a kinda WOO kinda WOO kinda simple soul :D
During skit was uber HIGH!
as the angel of the skit-.-
it was epic fail but yeaps, who cares :D
I still think Father Abrahim dance was RETARDED LOL
Was refraining from laughter when wanling was doing the hand actions :X
The other versions of steam roller baby was LOL
"SHOOT all over you' :D
auction was LOL
Oscar THREE throw all the money inside LOL
Atleast the campfire made up for all the pumpings given by the sirs :X
sleep damn well :D
first time woke up at first call WOO
Totally forgot how to be IC so was like.....
then the OC was like refraining form laughter :x
though the BB waves are like
a few stuff here and there, prize-giving.
and of course SINYI :D
Stayed back for rehearsals. and was off.
Went to xiuqi house to plan party stuff, tired like SHYT
bought stuff and yeap that's all
After open house will have 5 more FDS training ):
schedule shall be packed like mad with only one week with nothing to do.
And i'm suppose to be doing learning log now zzzz
BAHHH leave for weekend lurh :X
i hate yentung ;P
Friday, November 20, 2009
7:25 PM
The week's finally over!
Thursday and friday had been a flurry of NCC
Today's prof test was erh...
Far from what i expect :X
But for the endurance one, i'm glad for my "deaf-ness".
cause i was thinking bout sth, then mdm corrine came to "disturb" and i didnt even hear what she was saying :X
27th alot people going HRC :D
But havent book yet :X clique hoodie also ):
Might have ot get char to help me settle admin stuffs :X
Endin here :X
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
9:06 PM
Am tired out.
And today's Wednesday.
Well, and also FOUR more days to go before camp *yawns*
I shall use my last ounce of energy left in my fingers to type this post.
Well, noone would expect e to type a one week long post again right?
Anyway, MONDAY!
Scammed by the letter-.-and wasted one hour. Rushed to NCC, was obviously late :X
Did some drills, the "prang" was a little wrong cause i wasnt wearing boots and affected my already very short height :X
Was a little struggling with kekenan on march, got better soon :D tired :X
Went back to Dance for 30mins. slacked around while they do stretching stuff.
Then went back to NCC.
Training was fun! cause we did continuous diff drills in sections :D and being the "commander" for the section was plain awkwardness-.-
Went to Kayaking! Fun, but burnt. And was aching all over when came back.
First up some theory stuff, then went for some prac :D
Capsizing drill was erh....
Alot of us failed at the first time cause forgot to tap 3times-.-
Hydro-phobia acting up on my first try :X but succeeded in the second since i learnt that i can just reach for the ground-.-
Hmm...also did some paddling here and there, FUN :D
Today did RESCUING! was the victim first -.- atleast the kayak assures me :D
But role of being rescuer: the cockpit pull too far back, all the water in shiyuan kayak flow into mine-.-
Couldnt get any more water out + thought no more liao and try to flip it over-.-
Which obviously i failed-.-
But succeeded in the second! though with the risk of my arms breaking [which was shaking at that moment]
Learned the stern rudder, prac abit. and got to paddle in "rough waters"
[well, if you call the existence of wind and waves = rough waters]
FUN :D though i was lagging behind but atleast in a straight line larh. improve alot eh :D
[btw they are gonna build a fountain-.-]
Got scammed by their "theory test", which was only meant to make us read sth-.-
Passed! :D though most of us would have failed if they had been stricter. :X
Anyway, today was a MASS joke day! Laughed like mad, esp at jianle and "uncle" Van's debates :X
Wont be able to take 2 Star next year [D:] cause need go prac on my own, which my parents dont allow D:
Will have to wait till JC and take up kayaking lorh...
And that's like the only time i wasnt afraid of deep waters :D kayaks are my lifeline :D
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
4:05 PM
Did some stretching excercises 0_0 and proceed on to some random activities :D
Was separated from clique, but with xuening and jialin :DDD
Hmm..the most interesting one was the explosion thingy :X
The senior go tickle me then i think chels join in too ZZZZZZZZ
Ended up being carried away by senior chels and yentung i think zzz
When groups switch over, yentung was being dragged across the hall by me jialin and rachel? Till suresh came along and lifted her off the ground LOL
And i remembered labbid saying want post some random damn FUNNY quote on blog but i forgot what it was-.-
Anyway hmm...prac some "fishy tricks" and headed off to lunch with jialin and chelsea.
And lastly, walked in the downpour-.- OKAY
QUIZ:D (to satisfy my need to listen to One Half by Jerry Yan :DDDDDD so that i wont watch anime and cant listen song :D)
Who do you text the most?
CLIQUE! but mostly yentung-.-
Do you wish you had smaller feet?
EEK foot-binding :X and 6 is avg size OKAY :D
Has a rumour been spread about you?
Used to have :X
Ever fallen for your best friend(s)?
Doubt both humans are considered as "best friend"
Would you rather give or receive?
Both :X
Are you a gullible person?
YES though i scam people just as much
Are you easy to get along with?
I guess 0_0 except for my Miranda-ness and Fishy-ness LOL
Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
How i know-.-
When you're walking, do you stop to drink?
Just drink while waking larh-.-
How old will you be in 15 months?
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Currently no
Are you in a complicated relationship?
Not even in one zzzz
Are you too forgiving? :X but LABBID is :D NICEY
Are you thinking about somebody right now?
ONE HALF:D (not jerry yan uh)
Do you like your hair colour?
Black is common-.-
Relationships or one night stands?
Do you kiss a lot of people?
What were you doing at 8 am this morning?
Just woke up
Are you someone's best friend?
I dunnoe LOL
Last person you talked to on the phone?
Do any of your friends have children?
How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Are you wearing make up?
What colour are your nails?
When was the last time you spoke to someone you don't like?
Noone that i dont like 0_0
Has a boy/girl ever called you baby?
NO :D i would kill anyone who does that-.-
Have you ever kissed on a boat?
No :X [come to think of it, one ""hydro-phobia"" , one gold star eh...]
Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
Have you held hands with anybody in the past week?
Erm...LOL jialin
Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologise?
I dont think so LOL
Did you go out or stay in last night?
Stay In
Do you like to text or call more?
What was the first thing you did this morning?
Open my eyes
Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
No :X
Looking back in time did you ever waste your time on a certain boy/girl?
Do you know anyone who’s pregnant?
Have you ever had a really big fight with your best friend(s)?
Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone?
-.-like? JULY
Would you kiss anyone on your top friends?
My top friends = girls-.-
Is there anyone who understands your relationship status?
EVERYONE :D Singletini :D
Do you say sorry first?
Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes?
Who was your last text from?
Last time somebody hurt you physically?
Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to be doing?
Erm...almost :X
Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
Will you be in bed within twenty minutes?
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
....I AM A FISH-.-
Is there a girl that knows everything or mostly everything about you?
In the past week have you cried?
Think no bah
Is it easy for someone to make you smile?
Meet anyone new this year?
Have you ever told anyone you were OK when you really weren’t?
If you could change your eye colour would you?
Can a girl and a boy be best friends without having feelings for each other?
Yeaps :D
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
8:57 PM
HELLO! Bowling today WOOOOSh
We were super late esp me :X
Ate at Pepper Lunch WOOOsh :D But i didnt know it was spicy-.- nevermind 0_0
their caramel icecream is a lil sweet though :X
Went off to Chevron to bowl, scores below :
By Human - Game 1 - Game 2 - Game 3
Me- 41, 47, 49 [still have not grasp beginners' luck technique :X]
Gloria - 50, 72, 46 [beginners' luck :D]
Yentung- 67, 45, 65 [the pro]
Xuening- 49, 55, 84[and the pro-er :D]
Chels- - 49,46 [and the one gloria's gonna kill for last game 0_0]
These scores still cant be compared to those on cl's blog D: though well, his "technique" still worked slightly for me [though it's a common sense tech that i failed to realise-.-]
ANYWAY, after bowling went to the miniature arcade [-.-] and wasted 2 bucks. First time waste so less in arcade :X
Shuttle-d to IMM, shopped around :X and went to Popular.
And i'm the only one without tuition and assessment :X
So was rather emo-ing when they are browsing through the assessments :X
Went to library to borrow chi books for book review, wasted much time on it-.-
I doubt i''m even gonna read any of it :X
But Sec2 streaming D: i'm so gonna die for history since i have total
ZERO interest in history of Singapore :X
There's a reason why i hate this year's bbss history books, why i dont listen in SS class last year, and why i only studied for the SS SA2 last year when it was the morning of the exam-.-
OKAY anyway, perhaps it's time to get to work + mourn bout my missing handsfree D: now i cant listen on the bus tmr DDDDDDDD: 40mins of 185-nothingness DDDD:
Hope dance goes well with the games :D
PS: ks is an idiot who talks to people for one sentence and says byebye-.-
Saturday, November 7, 2009
6:29 PM
i'm fucking pissedi'm fucking pissed
i'm fucking pissedi'm fucking pissed off at the fucking peers of ONEOHNINE.
How ever much i love them, can't they just cooperate???
More than half the class is free on 10th, yet only like w-bblers are cfm going. they wasted my money, wasted my time, wasted my effort just to make 109 like a normal high school class. DONT THEY KNOW THAT 109 IS THE ONLY CLASS WITHOUT A CLASS OUTING THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE FUCKING YEAR?And here we are trying to plan some class outing, hopeful that it would be successful, not like the june hol one. BUT YET, noone actually is gonna go. LIKE HELLO, are we a class or not? A happy class outing of +/- 40 become like what, CLIQUE OUTING?! comeon larh, it's obviously impossible that out of all 40 peeps, only 10 is able to go right? sentosa isnt even THAT FAR. 30mins train ride from JE MRT. face it up man, not like we're going to escape or WWW. Too ex? $30 bucks can last through the whole day. By the beach activities = free + comeon, only a vball is needed to last till sunset. it's the end of studies, and sec 2 hadnt even started yet. cant they just come and enjoy a class outing for just ONCE. once a year is already unnatural okay. like comeon, if there's no class outing yet, starting next year,
i'm not gonna fucking care bout 209 anymore
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
8:50 PM
I have decided not to post this on the last day of dec-.-
I'M BOREDI'M BOREDI'M STILL BOREDTime to waste time reminiscing memoirs (:
Did i do this last year 0_0
NO I DIDNTzzzz nevermind, i did some evaluations in the old cum del clique blog :D
That's not much to write bout this year though but yea, will go according to blog links :D
i dont think any people would see this MUSHY as possible :D
Okay i know you dont really blog so yeps, this is gonna be mushy :D being an organiser must be hard :X but also, dont take things to hard. life's filled with ups and downs (: i think you already know that-.-
[the easiest book to read]i dont really have anything to say bout this :X lol..this person doesnt come rly hop our cliq blogs T_T (first time use this emote in 2 years) first up, thanks, but you scrwd my life up for a while lol :X but still, 18more years WOO :D and if you ever read this, change your tactics abit leh LOL
Actl i should follow the cliq blog order-.-
YH okay i have nothing to say haha :X emo kia-.-
sorry bout the cliq name thing ): it's being used as our clique blog title :D our mind still clicks as one yea :D while, sort of larh hahas moi not as creative as you :X and being a greenhorn organiser very fun right wahahahah ;D
our plan to kill cl still is not carried out-.- nevermind zzz erm...THANKYOUUS for helping me during tests and eoys. esp e lit since my cher is so...UGH. :D
Lagger zzzz come outings more often i tell you ): or you'll get another SMACK from me the next time you see me :D getting well in your school bah, hope your feelings have changed throughout this one BIG year :D
MINQIIIII [my reader of my book-.-]
I'm SO missing your bball sessions cannnnnn zzzz better lemme go or i'll start gaining in weight zzz or go your house train audi also can larh :D though please off the aircon in future :D till now, you still can read me like a book zzz nevermind! LESBO :D get some bf soon yea?
My beautiful chio little niece XD LOL :DDDDD act cute more leh zzz now you seem more like a guy than last year zzz [i solemly hope he sees this--which is rather impossible] nevermind, HUAHUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :D
CHIHON [the blind-ed]
you didnt see me on the bus when i was 3 seats behind you-.- anywayyy GAN-DIEEEEE where's your new gf ;D uncounting the korean chiobus larh. :D and blog more often if you see this-.- AND I WANT MY KOREAN SOUVENIRS :DDDDDD
some kind of nan-huarian brother you are zzz though you saved me from the horror of RZ quite a no. of times in the past :D erh..that's all bah 0_0
THANKYOUUUS for actl listening to me "complaining" in the past and giving me your advices.etc. though i'm so not gonna forgive you if you ever told minqi anything-.-but you're quite a nice person after being in sch gang and all :D [eg. burning up a trolley-.-i wont forget that]
MAD celery :X and your stupid jokes that made me roll of a chair and get cramps on the sides zzzz but still, you made my day! [with a celery salad]:D
LOL sorry to keep disturbing you whenever i need help on locating places :X next year be more enthu and noisier yi dian :D after all, we all come from a mental hosp right :D and your advices are GREAT :D
i hope you know you piss me off often LOL :D you're nice in a rough manner 0_0 but anw, thanks for all that you've done for me :D though, less bitching brings about harmony :D
you're irritated-ness at rumors have been cured by us right? but you still dont have the art of blogging/ visiting blogs zzzz one day we must force you to blog zzz and YES you irritate me alot too; i might just scream at you if you sms me in the middle of the night again. thanks for helping whenever you can, but please stop calling ppl stupid when you arent very clever yourself-.- zzz
LABBID :D your art's amazing :D esp at drawing anime :D sorry bout your bag again ): nd your food ): but thankyouuus for forgiving me and my miranda-ness so fast :DDD
you're way too nice :X thankyouu for listening to me.etc:D i love your encouragements and advices too :D but still, dont always hide your unhappiness; though smiling's your trait. And the way you get angry at people are funny :X though that should be the way since at the start of the year, i dont rmb you getting angry at anyone :x
it must be hard staying at home all hol long ): hope your mum doesnt change your class );
SOUL BUDDDY :D you and your beautiful msgs, how dare you del when i havent read finish LOL confiding in you was fun :D and your concern is also in a rough manner lol :X but still, i appreciate all that :D
THANKYOUUUS for listening to me and giving all those encouragements when i was at the lowest also :D never give up on your academics; and you've shown drastic motivation level comparing start of year to EOYs :D JIAYOUUUS :D
ks 0_0
thanks for your concern.etc [since he wont read this] DONT SO "BITCHY
' LURHH it's unnatural for me to be bitchy at guys and i dont want lose my image just cause of you can-.- start of year with you was fun, and you're timing is perfect-.-[attack me when i'm vulnerable CLAPCLAPCLAP zzzz]
Thanks for all those scammings LOL they made me laugh my fins off :D
MY SON OF A B!tch :D your jokes have made up my life :D esp menopause and salmon LOL hope you loveloveLOVE your wallet :D though i forced you to use it :X
Our beautiful corner talks plus up the wastage of your notebook on often chats with gloria and dylan :D
All my project groups: (excluding those with the clique)
weikit, ks, xuening, gloria:D [MUSIC]
our 1st ever NH project :D the music vid is made possible with all of your helps but in the end everyone learnt a lesson: read the instructions before starting out-.-
EL [Newsmaker, storymaking]
wangyan, shavonne, brandon :D
yeps, we argue alot :X but still it was fun :D to me the newsmaker is still rather screwed but better than nothing :D
6/1 CLIQUE or temp known as M-etaphoric [Me-tamorphosis still sounds nicer-.-]:
THANKYOUUUS for everything you've done to me:D of course they "exciteful-ness" from Feb till March you all wont forget right? ESP minqi [whp set up the forfeits] and xiuqi[the camera-woman] Last year was a great year, this year too :D though we've all gone to diff schs, our contacts still there :D esp with all those clique outings to sentosa/bowling/safra :D YOU GUYS ROCK MY LIFE :D for two whole years :D
BUT separately to the girls, you guys totally changed my life from a quiet, autistic kiddo to a crazy noisy teen :D
You guys stood by me when i was down, changed my moody into crazy :D hilarious jokes and all those make up major of my life :D sorry that i cant really go out during the hols but still, YOU GUYS ROCKKK :D
The best class of 2009 :D well, in my mind that is:D without you guys, i wouldnt have been so happy and looking forward to school everyday :D esp the guys/jokers of the class :D OC camp was FUN :D though its rather UGH at some parts :X but still yeps, i totally love 2009 109 :D and am looking forward to 209 :D though studies might get tougher but still, you guys sure rockk my life :D
TO ALL: I LOVE YOU GUYS :D no matter how much you guys screwed up my life, i still love you all anyway :D
#15 :D
This is the longest post of the year :X
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
4:50 PM
99% copied from FB
100 truths about you
Today at 4:15pm
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, tag people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)
1. Last beverage: Ice Lemon Tea
2. Last phone call: My sis
3. Last text message: some random stuff from singtel
4. Last song you listened to: Fireflies
5. Last time you cried: Dunnoe
6. Dated someone twice: yea..
7. Been cheated on: idk if that's counted
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: not really...okok larh
9. Lost someone special: i dont really give a damn..
10. Been depressed: i dont have severe mental illness before
11. Been drunk and threw up: no
12. white
13. silver
14. beige
15. Made a new friend: duh
16. Fallen out of love: -.-obviously
17. Laughed until you cried: yes :X
18. Met someone who changed you: erm...i guess :X change for the worse-.-
19. Found out who your true friends were: i guess
20. Found out someone was talking about you: idk
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: ...wadev
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: circa. 80%?
23. How many kids do you want to have: think bout that in the future
24. Do you have any pets: yea
25. Do you want to change your name: YES i hate tuna-.-
26. What did you do for your last birthday: erm...rewind back 2months post
27. What time did you wake up today: 9.30
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: thinking bout stuff/emo-ing
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: p6s clique buffet :X which i havent plan finish
30. Last time you saw your Mother: A few mins ago
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Myself
32. What are you listening to right now: SOS
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Me
35. Most visited webpage: plurk
36. Whats your real name: LJZ
37. Nicknames: tuna. etcetcetcetc
38: relationship status: single
39. Zodiac sign: rat
40. Male or female?: female
41. Elementary: pioneer primary
42. Middle School?: nanhua high
43. High school/college?: ask me in 4 years time
44. Hair colour: black
45. Long or short: shoulder-length++
46. Height: 159 WTF
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: ...should be no bah
48. What do you like about yourself? My bitchiness at times :XX
49. Piercings: no
50. Tattoos: -.-no
51. Righty or lefty: first left then right
52. First surgery:
53. First piercing: none
54. First best friend: alfie
55. First sport you joined: heh? didnt specialise in any
56. First vacation: malacca i think
58. First pair of trainers: i forgot the brand :X
59. Eating: air
60. Drinking: saliva lol :X
61. I'm about to: Type
62. Listening to: what did you say
63. Waiting for: love happens
64. Want kids? : i guess
65. Get Married? : duh-.-
66. Career? : i'll kill myself if i dont
WHICH IS BETTER (im assuming its talking about ppl of the opposite gender here -.-) :
67. Lips or eyes: eyes
68. Hugs or kisses: both
69. Shorter or taller: taller
70. Older or Younger: preferably same age/1 year older
71. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic :D
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: ....stomach bah, got phobia of arms and legs :XXX
73. Sensitive or loud: neither
76. Kissed a stranger: no-.-
77. Drank hard liquor: idk :X
78. Lost glasses/contacts: no
79. Sex on first date: no-.-!
80. Broken someone's heart: idk...
82. Been arrested: no-.-
83. Turned someone down: yea :X
84. Cried when someone died: no
85. Fallen for a friend?: yea
86. Yourself: -.-
87. Miracles: sort of
88. Love at first sight: no
89. Heaven: dunnoe
90. Santa Claus: dunnoe
91. Kiss on the first date: as long as the feelings are there
92. Angels: dunnoe
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: no-.-
95. Did you sing today?: yea
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: no-.-
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: 14/2/09;i'm still guilty bout causing someone to lose his pride ):
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: 2nd day of Jumble sale...
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: i dunnoe...sort of...
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: already did-.-
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 100 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.
i typed this quiz as an emo quiz-.- so much for making me emo-.- AND this post wasnt meant to be a quiz so....wadev, no mood to type anything now.
oh yea, now i've ran away from my buffet plannings for yet another day :X shall call up the hotel tmr :X
Sunday, November 1, 2009
7:00 PM
Quiz Spam:D
Once you've been tagged, Fill this out IN YOUR OWN WORDS and repost as, "My Autobiography" ...
And use your own answers, not anyone else's.
1. Where did you take your profile pic?
2. What exactly are you wearing right now?
3. What is your current problem?
Figuring how my heart works in the double-circulation way
4. What makes you happy most?
Cliques :D
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
S.O.S - Jordin Sparks
6. Any celeb you would marry?
No celeb-craze
7. Name some one/persons with the same birthday as you:
Sharity Elephant and xiuqi's cousins
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
If you consider cliques as "large"
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
yea :X
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
When there's nothing on TV :X
11. Do you speak any other languages than English?
12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?
13. Do you ever watch MTV?
14. What's something that really annoys you?
My heart lol :X
Chapter 1
1. Middle name: Divide: (Tina Liow Jia Zhen) into half and you get th answer
2. Nickname(s): Tuna/TOOOOna/Miranda.etcetc
3. Current location: Home
4. Eye color: Black
Chapter 2
1. Do you get along with your parent(s): of course
2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced?: married
Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream: chocolate chips
2. Season: winter
3. Shampoo/conditioner: pantene
4. Favorite Thing: my heart :D
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower? LOL for the fun of it
2. Do you write on your hand? Sometimes
3. Call people back? When they spam my hp
4. Believe in God? I guess?
5. Any bad habits? Unglam-ness
6. Any mental health issues: Insanity
Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Sprained stuff: Ankle
2. Had physical therapy? Nope
3. Gotten stitches? No
4. taken painkillers: Yea
5. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling: No
6. Thrown up at the dentist: No :X
7. Sworn in front of your parents? No, too guai liao :D
8. Had detention? No zzz
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Movie(s): My Sister's Keeper {the uncryable show}
2. Three people who texted you: Char, Gloria, Jieling
3. Person you called: My dad
4. Person you hugged: ... *a vulgar of a name*
5. Person you tackled? Nahz
6. Person you talked to on IM? Cliq bah
7. Thing you touched? The letter "h"
8. Thing you ate?: Food
9. Thing you drank: Water
10. Thing you said: "I didnt know what was wrong with your microsoft what zzzz"
11. Person you kissed: ... *vulgar of a name again*
13. Friend you saw: Char, xiuqi, yihao, sherrich, cheeliang, yongzhi{acquaintance}
-.- Christalle = 20 people