Wednesday, December 30, 2009
10:15 PM
i'm half-dead
make that three quart-.-
today was FUN but TIRING. SHYT.
tmr still have to go to yentung house wtf.
let's seeee
thurs fri- rest
sat - ncc
sun- rest
mon- fds
tues- fds+contingent
wed- contingent
fri (depends on thurs perf but still...) contingent
how nicely my week and a few days are planned.
and cheng1 xia4 qu4 !
that means i'll have to bring Uni for like 3 or 4 days since one day is half sch u D:
no unit trng for first week D:
i want see my juniors soon :D
still cna rmb the first day went to ncc 0_0
games, games and random teachings :O
and the lao yu shengggg
hope more part As will join this year :D
and i finally manage not to screw up all my kekanan busings on march :X
i can do it. i will do it. i must NOT screw up :D
but the "my(or the) left my left my left my right
the left the right
the left right
the left right
got cut off but still :D
NCC SPIRIT shall be conveyed through our wonderful performances :D
hope can visit the booth though :D
Monday, December 28, 2009
10:55 PM
hope i'll be able to catch up larh :X
think the whole performance teach finish already T_T
Still wondering if i should use my ki siao pic for FB profile pic :O
shall update selected pics on blog next time :D
after scanning that virus i shall TRY to go to sleep
or i wont be able to wake up tmr
Friday, December 25, 2009
4:36 PM
Prank is just a mere shit prank.
oh wait, XIUQI: (if you ever read this)
Am i suppose to "act sad" if i got "rejected"? :O
And if i laugh, must i do everything again :O
Say NO to both and i'll be happy :)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
9:16 PM
So here i am, bored out of my wits.
Quizzes Back to back on Christmas EVE :D
Have you ever had to choose between two people? If so, how hard was it?
Never tried. But i guess it would be damn hard. [Libras are indecisive people]
Do you honestly have any regrets?
:O LOL our nice little forfeit:
iregretbreakingupwithyouback to the ques. Yes of course i have regrets. and one of them is not the above mentioned. ...i guess.
Which is harder: walking away from somebody you love or coming back to somebody who has hurt you?
Walking away duh-.-
Is it easier(EASY) to pretend everything's okay for you?
I guess...sometime's no..
Do you want a well paying job or a job you like?
A well-paying job that i like :D
What does your hair look like right now?
Wet mop.
When you say you don't care, do you mean it?
Most of the time, NO.
Does anyone call you babe/baby?
Do you prefer pasta, salad, or coleslaw?
Pasta :D
Did you reject or accept your last friend request?
Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
My parents? :0
Have you ever made someone walk on your back before?
Could you date someone taller than you?
I would
Do you wish someone would call you?
Sort of?
What are you doing tonight?
Waiting till 0:00 and spam plurk with merry christmas via smsyo :D
Would you rather sleep for 3 days, or stay awake for 3 days?
Sleep duh. though that would be rather comatose kind
Would you date a 18 year old at the age you are now?
Think no
Do you think you're good enough for the person you like/love?
Found noone yet but irls only look great with confidence :D
Will this weekend be a good one?
I dunnoe 0_0 if there's basketball then YES
Have you ever dated someone in jail?
Are you stressed out? If so, why?
Currently no. Even if i do, it must be because i havent finish homework :X
When was the last time you felt like throwing up?
Are you a patient person?
Sort of 0_0
Do you like to cuddle?
Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset?
Do you like the person you are becoming?
I dunnoe
Do you think too much or too little?
Who is your favorite person to have long conversations with?
Has anybody ever told you that you have pretty eyes?
Do you want to see someone this minute?
i dunnoe :o
Are you happier now or five months ago?
Do you ever think "what if" about anything?
Do you clean when you’re upset?
Nahz, i'm not some clean freak-.-
Are you nice to people you dislike?
Sort of
Was this summer a good one?
Singapore no summer :0
Do you honestly miss someone?
i dunnoe :O
Do you have any plans for the weekend?
You receive $50 without any reason, what do you spend it on?
Earpiece! then the rest would go to BANK
Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone?
Me Myself and I
What is wrong with you right now?
I'm become introverty
Are you happy with life at the moment?
Sort of
Who was the last person who called you, other than family?
How many people have you had strong feelings for in the year of 2009?
One? or Two. :O i think One-.-
Have you had any beer this week?
Does anyone disgust you?
Sort of
Is your best friend single?
Someone tells you that you're beautiful, you say?
Are you a jealous person?
Depends on the situation
What do you usually do when you have a bad hair day?
Spam-use straightener
Do you get drunk every weekend?
When people say "I don't ever talk about anyone" do you believe it?
Obviously not larh LOL
Who do you talk to most on the phone?
I dont exactly talk on the phone much.
Is there anyone who will always have a place in your heart?
I guess
What are you listening to?
Some weird drama thing my sis is watching
When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? What about?
Just now 0_0 "不要动我的礼物!"
Is anyone jealous of you?
Guess not duh-.-
Has anyone ever used you?
No idea :O
Are you single?
Yea ): LOL
Are you wearing jeans right now?
No-.- all my jeans are in the washmachine
Do you feel uncomfortable easily?
Do you get angry, depressed or nervous more?
I've come to realize that my hair:
is starting to curl after 1 week of rebond
I've come to realize that when I talk:
it's weird
I've come to realize that, when I love someone:
my heart starts beating at the tempo of a basketball
I've come to realize that I need:
to do my homework now. but i'm not gonna do so
I've come to realize that I've lost:
a lot of things i want to have
I've come to realize that I hate it when:
some bitch starts bitching bout non-bitches
I've come to realize that money:
has been wasted too much on me
I've come to realize that (sometimes) people:
act dumb-.-
I've come to realize that I'll always be:
there for you
I've come to realize that I love spending my time with:
someone special :O
I've come to realize that the last time I cried I was:
in the car TSK
I've come to realize that my cell phone is:
OLD, SPOILY, DISGUSTING. except for my pretty little hp straps and chains :D
I've come to realize that my friends are:
I've come to realize that before I go to sleep at night:
I cuddle in my blanket and think of stuff
I've come to realize that right now I am thinking about:
completing this quiz
I've come to realize that when I get on Facebook:
I start spamming stuff
I've come to realize that today:
is really EPIC
I've come to realize that tonight I will:
Watch TV and wait for christmas
Will you answer every question honestly?
Have you ever stayed up all night while drunk or high?
Have you ever punched anyone in the face?
Do you miss anything or anyone?
I guess...........not?
What makes you laugh no matter what?
The FB group : "Just give Dora a freaking GPS so she can stop asking us for directions!" LOL HSAHAHHA
Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past month?
did i? NO
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Name one person on your top friends who is the most like you.
Dunhaf :0
Do you get butterflies around the guys/girls you like?
Obviously like DUH
Do you think it is bad to have sex at your age?
YAH-.- premature sex WTF
Will you get married?
I guess
Will you be doing drugs in the near future?
NO-.-it destroys your bladder and bus trips will seem LONG. [koped from HK adv]
Are you happy with yourself?
Yea 0_0 except for that pacific ring of fire on my face >(
Would you change yourself for the person you love?
Bad habits, yes. others, think no.
What do you tell yourself when times get hard?
When did you last cry?
Veyr long ago?
Do you believe in religion?
What is currently on your mind?
Completing this thing
Has a guy ever seriously punched you more than once?
Have you done bad things with your parents nearby?
I dunnoe
Have you started a horrible rumor about somebody?
Did you ever fail the school year?
Have you ever been too drunk to remember a certain night?
Do you think your future will be a good one?
How i know
Do you think you were raised well?
Sort of?
Do you have a secret that you've never told ANYONE?
I dunnoe, i guess?
How do you handle stress?
Listen to music and hang out with peeeeeps
How would you spend your last day alive?
Hug everyone :D
Do you hide things well or do you have a guilty conscience?
Depends :o
If there were true love on one side of the street and a million bucks on the other, which one would you choose?
OH-.-true love DUH. then i'll go collect the $ with my true love-.-
If your parents got divorced and you had to pick mom or dad to live with, who would you choose?
I want both ):
If you had to choose between having one family member or 5 of your closest friends die who would you choose?
OMGF D: I want die myself D:
Do you spend time with the same people always?
Sort of?
Do you think best friends can be replaced?
I dunnoe
Are you the type that would rather stay at other people's houses or have them at yours?
stay at people house :D
When is the last time you were truly happy with your life?
I dunno 0_0
Where was your default facebook picture taken?
Do you think long distance relationships are ever really worth it?
I guess..........well yiming and that p6 girl's one a sweet case :O
What is your favorite colour?
What do you do when you have a bad day?
Do you really think exes can be "just friends"?
Who messaged you last?
If you could pack up and leave your life now to move away, would you?
Do you fall for people easily?
If easily, yea. if really fall, no.
Are you quick to start a fight?
Do your parents really know YOU?
More or less.
Lyrics stuck in your head?
Are you tired?
Any friends you'd like to tell how much you appreciate them?
Last time you walked farther than one block?
Just now
What curse word do you use the most?
Oh F
Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep?
Who would you want to be with right now?
When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
I guess so
Is anyone in love with you?
Dunnoe :O
Ever cry in public?
YEA, in school-.-considered public right
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
What’s the weather like?
Would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos?
Do you pay attention to the calories in the package/box?
Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. i prefer rhetorical questions
Do you get along better with the same sex or opposite?
Opposite bah
Do you watch the news?
I'm off to watch TVVVVVV
2 more hours :DDD
6:48 PM
Just now was plain EPIC-NESS
Went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2! :D
Shini hit people seriously damn HARD.
And she was sitting at the row behind me :O
atleast not behind me or she'll kick my chair T_T
I almost cried-.-
After movie went to minqi house!
Rummaged around till xiuqi came :X
and played Junior Pictionary! :D
damn funny LOL
thenthenthen went to on the hang monkeys thingy.
It's like if you hang a monkey wrongly on the leaves, the leaves will fall apart(it's held by a very weak magnet)
sososo, we were suppose to spin the wheel and see need hang how many monkeys :O
then Minqi add in that whoever make the leaves fall apart shall do a forfeit by saying I Love You to a guy
then i was like trying to make xiuqi say ILY to sherrich so yeaps, Jiayouus-ed
i made the leaves fall apart FFFFF
Then my forfeit speech was like:
*call _______*
"Halo, is this ___? Do you know who I am? I call you because i have sth to tell you. I regretted that I ________ with you. ___ I have been feeling empty without you around. I Love you so can we ______"
FF. If i really said that, i would have been badly GG-fied.
AKA tio rejection-.-
But the forfeit change into saying Face-to-face WTF
OMGOMGOMG i doubt they will rmb this forfeit :P
Then help-ed out with shepherd's PIE :DDDD
BUT, didnt get to eat it-.-
NVM, there is always a next time :D
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
9:21 PM
The most ironic thing about my trip:
Among everyone, i'm the one who spam ate the seafood :
EG. 10-15 prawns in 3 meals. when others only ate 8+
6 "gonggong" [atleast that's how they call cheap escargots] --when others only ate 3+
adding on with crabs, lobsters, fishes.
I'm the one who didnt get any seafood allergy
so ironic-.-
1:42 PM
I'm still tired after waking up at 12.30 just now-.-
Photos will be updated on FB by my sis of course :D
The stupid trippp
Day 1!
Woke up at 3.00am thanks to the freaking alarm set by my dad WTFFFF
Had breakfast at a cafe in the airport.
My sis practically spammed soy sauce on the soft boiled eggs WTH
thennn was OFFFF
i shall write about that exp for my chi compo :D
Compo , Editings, Revision, Preparation and Tidying up left :D
Went sight seeing after everything. sort of boring-.-
Huhnes {?} (pronounced as HINES) [5-year-old] and his bro, Bryan [4-yr-old] are SIBEI CUTEEEE :DDDD
Bingbing/Er2 Zi3 [supposedly WenBing] [9-yr-old] was the exact opposite
And the other two 9-yr-old girls are very much autistic on the first day :0
Took loads of pics!
But the dinner SUCKED.
OMG i still miss that hotel :X
Day 2!
MTR-ed there.
[Singapore- MRT. HK-MTR] :O
[Sing-Taxi 德士. HK-Taxi 的士] :O
one more one more
[Sing-Overhead bridge. HK-Footbridge]
OKAY, was MAD when entering disneyland and totally spammed pics :X
Bingbing was "searching for his sleeping beauty"
so me and elder sis kept teasing him about it :X
BUTBUTBUT the ironic thing is:
he's attracted to a fully awake person aka ME-.-
he's like some kind of pest that wont get off me-.-
ANW, the 3D movie was DAMN NICE
esp the aladin flying carpet one :D older sis was like avoiding the virtual obstacles LOL
Cruise around the river was SWEE too. though was a little paranoid whether sth will pop out behind (Miranda-ness)
Rides were WOOOOOOSH
MADNESS. the rush through the virtual stars were SHIOK.
then went for some lame-shyt laser shooting thing.
though i only got level three since need synch with older sis
Dinner was GREAT. then went back to hotel after that.
Day 3!
No shou huo-.- cos couldnt find tees-.-
2hours of shopping only leh, it's not even enough-.-
Went to Ocean Park?
The dolphins performances were OMGODLY.
[no, this is not praising chels or anything related to chels]
Played around with the rides :D
Raging River ROCKED.
Though i screamed at NOTHING. -.-
what a waste of my voice-.-
But Dragon [roller coaster] was TOTALLY MAD.
Though it's not rough or anything but felt my body flinging by itself TSKKK
the 360deg was like........
can't feel anything. but was dying when step out of the RC
VIKING SHIP. noone dared to take with me and older sis anymore WTH
DAMN FUN. even nicer than genting de woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
Lunch-ed and went to see my cousins :D
though it's SUPER BORING zzzz
Bought popcorn and Huhnes was like sticking to me LOL for the popcorn DUH
OMG SO CUTE WHEN THEY [huhnes/bryan] SAY:
"i want to hold your hand"
freaking CUTE larh.
Day 4!
the place is niceeee
and the pace of life is damn slow :D
The Fortune Tree , Golden Dragon and water performances were breath-taking! :DDDD
dinner was rather erhhhhh
but even though macau is small, the sights there are NICEY too :D
Shopped around and FINALLY bought my first tee.
Bus-ed back.
Legs are BROKEN
Day 5!
Last day D:
I totally fell in love with HK's weather i tell you :D
Early in the morn went SHOPPING!
but most shops havent open yet-.-
Bought an Abercrombie hoodie-shirt :DDDDD
Though i doubt I'll wear it alot in the burning weather of Singapore-.-
Lunch was GREAT.
was sick of restaurants so went to some kopitiam -style.
The food was nicer than restaurant de leh :DDD
Went back to hotel and waited for buss
at airport talked about the dinner in airplane.
My GODLY prediction of sandwiches was RIGHT-.-
so dinner-ed at a nearby cafe :D
we were like passing food from table to table LOL
pigg-ed much :X
and went back, reached singapore at 12?
spammed replies :X
thenthenthen sleep at 2, woke up at 12.30 T_T
Anime websites are getting on my nerves -.-
i havent posted this longlong post yet after 2hours WTF
1:48 AM
I'v swam back from HK woosh :D
LOVELOVELOVEd the weather there and Hotel Panorama rocks :D
didnt take pics-.-
only took a pic of the BEAUTIFUL hotel room and shall take pics of
TIRED LE, going sleep now :X shall update tmr :X
Thursday, December 17, 2009
3:19 PM
Last post before i'm off flying~~
Today's training was :0
Quite successful :DDD
I screwed up kekenan busing on march like...... 3/7 times.
Managed to do belok rather properly too :D
But at the end of the day my feet were blistered like....
going to walk a lot tmr! :X
Edits for sui bi and compo left!
Shall chiong them after coming back on the 22nd :X
30th training will be totally crazy :X
Reserving energy for that day :X 9 hours leh :0
First time so long.
Hope i'm gonna enjoy this 4-5 day trip in HK! :D hopefully got enuf money to buy 10keychains too :X
i dont care if there's another cliq keychain coming up. peeps will just have to use both :X BYEES till 22nd!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
4:47 PM
Don't care if you have/are a boyfriend or girlfriend right now.
I don't care if you are a guy or a woman
Just read this, it will make a difference.
If only everyone could see this and understand it.
Answer it too :D
When he stares at your mouth
Mouth some vulgar :X
When he pushes you or hits you like a dummie cause he thinks hes stronger than you
Punch back harder and stuck the tongue at him :P
When he starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
Start being a bitch and make him feel puny
When he's quiet
Poke him and make him talk :XXX
When he ignores you
Stuck a tongue at him and look the opposite direction
When he pulls away
0_0 Act as if nothing happened
When you see him at his worst
Joke about him :XXX
When you see him start crying
Take his hand in mine :XXX
When you see him walking
SMS him if he doesnt see me
When he's scared
:0 Laugh and say "siao arh you"
When he steals your favorite hoodie
Say : OI WALAO" and snatch it back
When he teases you
Ignorance is your new best friend
When he doesn't answer for a long time
Start poking him again :X
When he looks at you with doubt
When he says that he loves you
Don't reply and pretend to not hear it :X
When he grabs at your hands
When he bumps into you;
Give the "zzz" look
When he is Bored
Hang out with him
when he cries
0_0 try to make him smile
When he want to break
when he is sick
Spam his inbox with questions bout his health :XXX
When he is sad
Poke him till he smiles
When he tells you a secret
0_0 Thinking: what am i suppose to say
When he looks at you in your eyes
Mirror him Thinking: get on with the kiss LOL:X
When he says it's over
Expected larh, still friends?
When he reposts this
There's no he anyway :D
And when he says something and he doesnt mean it
TSK. ignore him till he says sorry
When he runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
she better do this thing man :X
and oh, finally realised that being my bf is tough work since all i do is POKE and POKE and POKE :X
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
10:46 PM
spam post :X
come to think of it, after i come back from hol, 1 week later and there would be trainings on going.
which means that i barely have time to blog 0_0
I shall make a list of the sort-of important dates in life.
Orientation camp FTW
Bond-ed me with fellow classmates :D
Started to make new friends too.
23/1! My first ever planning that i took on. Celebration wasnt much of a success, though i bet the cake-smashing was "enjoyable"
26/1! CNY. celebration wasnt much but still, first time ever birthday msg send on 00:00
Formation of WOBBLERS?
:D Bonded as a clique.
14/2! Created much memories here and there :D enjoyed the few months as a whole.
I'm still feeling very much guilty.
3/3! Little mistake but still, :D
NCC march hol!
Bonded the company of girls:D NHNCCG as ONE
11/4. time for a new beginning. don't exactly regret having you around though.
SORRY WOBBLERS! For making you worry about me :X
MAY! ~healing in process~
Was starting to believe in it again, but i still feel stupid bout myself in the confused mode.
Things were advancing very much smoothly, and enjoyed life veryvery much. :D
thanks for all those care and concern you showered me with.
17/9 another beginning awaits again.
I'm still not gonna use that care bear.
~time to get over it~
put me through a real test of secondary school life.
taking an EOY paper was just like taking a PSLE paper.
but still, i'm glad i pulled through.
Seeing everyone study so hard, 109 is not exactly a bad class after all.
NCC ANNUAL CAMP! Bonded with both girls company and guys company.
Made new friends and such, enjoyed myself GREATLY.
OPEN HOUSE. though our performance really sucked, it was still a great accomplishment to be able to learn the new formation within 3-5 days.
2009 really flew past. the once slacker '08 has somewhat changed too (:
well, be it or not good or bad, i've enjoyed my 2009 tornado year :D
oh well so much for this long post -.-
why do i suddenly want someone to talk to me. why do i want him to talk to me. a single life is nice is it not?
10:31 PM
QUIZ by CHELSEA-.- it was.....indescribable
I confessed that in 2009, I have actually...
( ) stayed single for the whole year
( ) made out in/on a car
( ) kissed in the snow
( ) celebrated Halloween
( ) kissed in the rain
(x) had your heart broken
(x) broke someone else’s heart
( ) had a stalker
( ) went over the minutes on your cell phone
(x) had a good relationship with someone
( ) someone questioned your sexual orientation
( ) gotten pregnant
( ) had an abortion
(x) have a relationship with someone you’ll never forget
(x) done something you’ve regretted
(x) lost faith in love
( ) kissed under a mistletoe
(x) painted a picture
(x) wrote a poem
(x) ran a mile
( ) shopped at Hollister or Abercrombie{i like the clothes!:D} and Fitch
(x) posted a blog
(x) listened to music you couldn’t stand
( ) went to a sleepover
(x) went camping
( ) threw a surprise party
(x) laughed till you cried
( ) laughed till you peed in your pants
(x) visited a foreign country
(x) cut in a line of waiting people
(x) told someone you were busy when you weren’t
(x) partied to celebrate the new year
( ) cooked a disastrous meal
( ) lost something/someone important to you
In 2009 I…
(x) broke a promise
(x) lied
(x) went behind your parents back
(x) cried over a broken heart
(x) disappointed someone close
(x) hid a secret
(x) pretended to be happy
( ) slept under the stars
( ) kept your new years resolution
(x) forgot your new years resolution
(x) met someone who changed your life
( ) met one of your idols
(x) changed your outlook on life
(x) sat home all day doing nothing
( ) pretended to be sick
(x) left the country
( ) almost died
( ) given up something important to you
( ) lost something expensive
(x) learned something new about yourself
(x) tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it
(x) made a change in your life
(x) found out who your true friends were
(x) met great people
( ) stayed up til sunrise
( ) cried over the silliest thing
( ) was never home on weekends
( ) got into a car accident
(x) had friends who were drifting away from you
( ) had someone close to you die
( ) had a high cell phone bill
(x) spent most of your money on food
( ) had a fist fight
(x) went to the beach with your best friend
(x) saw a celebrity
(x) gotten sick
( ) liked more than 5 people at the same time
(x) became closer with a lot of people
this is short-.-
4:40 PM
Finally my BIGBIG wish has been striked off :DDDDDDDD
Gonna clean the bag (THOROUGHLY) later :X
but it's like bigger than the Converse one WTH
Maybe if go out use Converse then if need carry lots of stuff use Zinc?
Was late again :X
Went arcade to take neoprint?!
and play Daytona :X
first time win leh :D
Mainly cause yentung and labbid were like laughing-.-
And i just realised how hiong p6 '08 cliq were playing compared to us w-bblers.
Neo print was EPIC.
And i forgot to smile at the camera :X LOL
After deco-ing.etc, played the drum thingy.
Lunched at Burger King cause i was broke :X
Shopped around, and went tooo
Sapmmed the Big SWEETLAND
i think we wasted more than $7 on that machine larh :X
Remembered once where this uncle spammed the machine and gave us a whole bag filled with sweets :X
somemore the bag was like TRASHBAG SIZE.
Dont remember where we dumped all the sweets :X
and the PET SHOP!
Disussing bout labbid food-.-
and Labbid went crazy bout Turtles again 0_0
went to the playground beside the lib
labbid was being ALLAHDIN
so religion-ist
Then "swing" was scary okay :XXXXXX
Talk about the fear of heights-.-
Went to Mac after everything :X
and hogged the table :XXXX
While talking crap-.-
Home-d at FOUR.
first time so early go home leh :X
More like cause there was NOTHING to do, and NO MONEY to spend-.-
Monday, December 14, 2009
8:25 PM
"spammed" yentung and labbid's blog 0_0
Longest and the only dream i remembered-.-
apart from nightmares-.-
i feel asleep and started dreaming like 2 hours later-.-
p6 humans were having lunch at "school"
and the canteen structure was exactly the same as nanhua's except idk the stall auntie-.-
0_0 i was dreaming that i was a P6 WTH
anw, (my god this is IMBA:)
there's was a bento box on my table-.-
with a dumb note attached to it-.-
-.- -.- -.-
oh yes, it was some sort of "love letter"
(i was like WTFK when i woke-.-)
thenthenthen, everything was WEIRD.
OH and i woke up when the writer of the letter came and i was turning "tomato" (like roughly 6mths ago that "red")
(and i was WTHFKING HELL when i woke-.-)
but then, unconsciously slipped into dreamland again after a few minutes-.-
Scenerio 2:
The letter turned out to be some invitation to some random reality show or sth
then i woke up again-.-
(thinking: wtf is this-.-)
Scenerio 3:
Was home from school, on the TV and saw the "reality show" i was suppose to attend-.-
Checked my hp, no msgs 0_0
Asked my mum if someone called me and she said she wrote the number on a paper already-.-
Called and found out i was suppose to go to the idk what place in TEN minutes.
Started blaming my mum and shouting like shyt.
I think i took a taxi or sth
Scenario 4:
of course the dream wouldnt have last so long if what i typed = what i really dreamt but some parts are seriously CMI that i didnt want to include :X
and of course
bento box shyt-.-
my mind's going mad 0_0
Had a headache after waking up :X
Saturday, December 12, 2009
1:35 PM
Blog-hopped around :X
and someone tag-.-
it looks weird with an empty tagb-.-
Friday, December 11, 2009
9:54 PM
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Menopausal Maniac XD
2. Have you ever fallen in love?
DUH {i'm surprised at xq's answer :X}
3. Do you like older guys/ girls ?
Depends 0_0
4. Who are the most important people to you?
Refer to HEARTS list :D
5. What/Who are you thinking of right now?
Stuff XD
6. What is your favourite colour?
White. Beige. Brown
7. Are you seriously in love?
Currnetly nopes :D
8. Would you cry for the one you love?
Never tried
9. Have you ever failed in life?
DUH who hasnt
10. What is your full name?
Liow Jia Zhen 0_0 {LOL @ XQ ans}
11.Do you like your surname?
12.How long have you liked the person you currently like?
Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?
14.Did you cry today?
15.What are you doing this morning at 8am?
Woke up due to some random dream-.-
16.What are you doing an hour ago?
Watching H20: Footprints in the Sand :D
17.What are you currently doing?
Doing quiz larh DUH
18.Who last texted you a msg?
19.Have you told anybody that you love them today?
20.Do you miss anyone now?
0_0 i guess LOL
21.Any plans for tomorrow?
22.Is there anyone you want to be with now?
yea 0_0
23.Name someone who make you smile today.
24.Name a friend whose name stats with 'Z'.
Zi hui
25.Which of your friend stays closest to you?
26.Do you prefer to call or to text?
text :X
27.Was yesterday better than today?
28.Can you live a day without tv and your phone?
I guess. got TPC can liao!
29.Are you mad about anything now?
No lol
30.Do you ever think that relationships are really worth it?
Yeaps ;D
31.Last person you visited in a hospital?
My mum? 0_0
32.When is your last and second last hug?
Les-ed by Evelyn and MQ arh? cant rmb :X
33.What does the last text msg in your inbox says?
should be "Kays" by Yihao bah
34.How do you feel about your life now?
Empty LOL
35.Do you hate anyone?
Currently no :X
36.Last person you called?
37.Who usually sent you the most texts in a month?
38.Is your room messy now?
39.What are you currently doing?
Isnt this ques repeated before-.- Doing quiz larh
40.Tag 10 people to do this survey.
1) Christalle
2) X2
3) X3
4) X4
5) X5
6) X6
7) X7
8) X8
9) X9
10) X10
I told ya she's fat :D JOKING :P
4:36 PM
though $70 rebond is WAY OFF $200 one :X
Hair's not that straight though, may be a good thing or bad thing :X
7 more days!
Gonna miss a FDS training and a Contingent training ):
Hope can catch up larh :X
I need someone to pei me go buy sling D:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
8:40 PM
OH WAIT, something i seriously left out:
During NEW MOON,
Jacob didnt wear his jeans properly LOLL
i dunnoe what's eating me-.-
Feels totally WEIRD bout my behavior today...
Even though i bet i did a lot of weird things today,
It was totally enjoyable :D
Was rather late as was having some closet SOS :X
But xq and mq were later-.-
Bus-ed to JP and met with others :D
though like....6 people were there....
Bought tickets and met up with cl.
7 people! Headed off to Arcade and spent the rest of the morning + noon there.
Hopped to SUBWAY! :D
Though i accidentally ate xq share cos idk that she's eating too :X
$4.90 for lunch :XXX (inclusive of a cheesy hotdog that i finished in like 2mins-.-
The adv was already driving me CRAZY.
When it FINALLY started, was rather okay larh.
So drag larh ): Almost slept in the cinema :X
But the cold-ness was getting on my nerves and making me stay awake -.-
Did our "usual thing" after movies LOL
Met up with cl again-.-
And off to shop for me and char's present!
Walked the whole JP 1 & 2 in search of a slings/backpacks but couldnt find any-.-
OH before shopping dropped by M1 shop?
Went CRAZY when i saw AINO-.-
OH WAIT, that was before the movie :X
And i was the only one who didnt dump any litter in the cinema WTH.
me and char did find anything that catches our eyes-.-
Decided to shop ourselves and claim the $ from them :X
I doubt i'll go out to shop anyway :X
AND the shopping was rather EPIC when everyone got frustrated with us :XXXX
The guys went off to
somewhere -.-
Walked around while char called them :X
Was scammed but ANYWAY,
cl bought sth and wouldnt tell us what it was-.-
ty was too innocent to tell us -.-
SOOOO wiild guesses like
inner wearWTH LOL
SOOOO decided to do our "usual thing"
LOL MQ charged :D
and we "back-uped"
And it turned out to be a BELT-.-
Talk bout efforts being wasted-.-
Headed off to arcade again :X and wasted muchmuchmuch more $$ :X
After a while, evelyn headed off, mq accompanied her and went to buy sth 0_0
HMMMMMM. Then....
walked around cause arcade was FILLED.
cl went off.
when mq came back, played a few games here and there LOl
Considering that this is our first time playing :X
grade C not bad liao larh, better than fail :XXX
SWAM home in 242 :X
cause the firts time i didnt exactly stare out of the window :X
ANW, yeaps, reached home and started feeling weird.
this post is never-ending as you can start at the start again after the post "ended':D
i know i'm lame-.-
ANW, tmr going rebonding/shopping sooooo
Well, dont talk bout monday and tuesday-.-
Guess i'll have to chiong this wkend and next week since i cant go out after rebonding-.-
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
8:17 PM
Training today! :D
Met chels at IMM for lunch -.-
Pepper-lunched alone cause she's SUPER late-.-
Went to CJGLS or STH larh to "fix her hp"
AINOOOO :D it's fugly but the touch+keypad and the WiFi thingy is niceee :D
And it's price dropped 0_0 to $798 T_T not much diff-.-
Went to Pepper Lunch again-.-
Ate two cupfuls of ice-cream while waiting for chels.
Graffiti-ed the survey paper with cliq designs :X JIAO-ed the people from the survey :X
Wanted to put age as 40-45 :XXXX
AND CHELS, if you ever read this, CIRCLES are NOT
Slacked, and headed off home.
Wanted to sleep in the bus but POOF, no free seats zZzZzZz
Just now went off to "Badminton!" T_T
Was totally EPIC
We were like playing under the darkdark sky, then the way i facing only have ONE light T_T
cant see the shuttlecocks flying-.-
LALALA i haven complete my chi compo and FOUR bk reviews yet T_T
and Talk bout the chi test man-.- i forgot everything i learnt-.-
Monday, December 7, 2009
6:40 PM
i'm "menopausing" for no reason.
and i highly doubt its
*pms* since that'll be the first time-.-
what the heck is wrong with me
get better soon by 9th(:.....
I WANT GO KBOX ON 11TH! what the fuck larh, i didnt go out at all since 27/11 thanks to all those trainings.
Friday, December 4, 2009
4:02 PM
[some random quiz to see how old you act like 0_0]
[ ]You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own a credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ ] You've done your own laundry
[ ] You can vote in an election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are interesting
[ ] You show up for school late a lot
[x] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket
[x] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have forgotten your own birthday
[ ] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You know what credibility means, without looking it up
[ ] You drink caffeine at least once a week
[x] You know how to do the dishes
[x] You can count to 10 in another language
[ ] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[ ] You study even when you dont have to
[x] You have hand washed a car before
[x] You can spell experience, without looking it up
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[ ] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type pretty quick
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[x] You have been to the beach
[x] You use the internet every day
[ ] You have been outside of the united states 3 or more times
[ ] You make your bed in the morning
Total: 13 :D
13 is the new MENOPAUSAL age of the era :D
60 honest questions
If you're not going to be honest, don't take this survey.
1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
Some NCCB cadet 0_0
2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
4. Have you ever drink milk straight out of the carton?
5.have you ever won a spelling bee?
No 0_0
6. What is your longest fight with one of your friends?
Few months bah
7.Are you afraid of the dark?
8. Where did Number 9 go?
9. What do you think of this quiz?
In tribute for christalle LOL XD
10. Who can you always turn to?
Me Myself and I
11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
Very long ago 0_0
13. Are you drinking anything right now?
Wheres 14 .15 16?
17. What do you want for Christmas?
18. Do you know the muffin man?
What's that
19. Do you talk in your sleep?
Used to
21. Have you ever flown a kite?
22. When was the last time you went swimming and where?
Very long ago. Bukit batok
25. Have you ever asked for a horse?
No ):
26. Plans for tomorrow?
Sleep, try to do homework
27. What's your middle name? and why?
TOOOONA thanks to the wobblers
28. Missing someone right now?
you know i'm just kidding ;P29. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
HEH. almost one year ago lol :X
34. What are you looking forward to?
35. Have you ever crawled through a window?
36. Have you ever eaten dog food ?
39. Have you ever tried eating green eggs and ham?
41. Any cool scars?
42. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?
45. How often do you talk on the phone?
46. Do you believe in love?
Why not
47. Is there something you want that you can't have
48. Four things about the preferred sex that you first notice?
49. Who are you thinking of right now?
Where's 51?
Num-napped by 50
52. Where is your phone?
Beside me 0_0
53. What was the last thing you ate?
54. Orange or blue?
orange 0_0
55. Last movie/t.v show you watched?
Sister's Keeper
56. What song are you currently listening to?
No song 0_0
57. What do you want?
58. Who was the last person you ate your favorite food with?
HEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Chels and yentung :D
59. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My dad
60. Who was the last person you hung out with?
Chels and yentung
SHall try to get started on that reflection :x
3:39 PM
my hp is fuckingly screwing my life up
songs could not be transferred properly into the hp = all songs that are bluetooth-ed or transferred any other way cant workWas at Bukit Timah Plaza tmr with yentung and chels.
Subway-ed while crap much
Yentung's more unglam then me zzzz
Started while waiting for chels,
(was trying to act as if i'm waiting for her to come when i opened the bread without eating, and munched on the cookie) :XXXXXXX
After lunch went walking round in circles,
Went to chels tuition centre and went off to Lot 1 with yentung
My first DOLLAR was wasted on CANDYFLOSS!
My second DOLLAR was wasted on CHOC MIlKSHAKE.
My third DOLLAR was wasted on OLDCHANGKEE {IDK how spell larh}
gotta start
cutting down STOP eating snacks here and there :X
Walked idk how many rounds around Lot 1 :X
i still want AINO 0_0
Went off to hunt for LABBID present!
Bought a *ahem* for her :D
$$ flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Shopped around till 5, mrt-ed home.
was raining ):
stop screwing up my life you fucking screwed w810i#tOOOOONA
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
8:26 PM
my knees cracking.
my legs are breaking.
and i'm turning into a rotten fish.
LALALA, i want go out with clique! ):
9th Dec faster come ):
and some random outings with w-bblers 0_0
or i'm gonna really rot at home :X
Havent practice the stuff with the "fish" yet :x
Shall start someday...
[i hope]
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
4:06 PM
[Suppose to be homeworking right now]
(Or so I thought)
Name: Liow Jia Zhen 0_0
Birthday: 29.09.96
Age: 13
Nicknames: TOOOONA
Zodiac sign: Libra
Sex: Female
Your best friends: W-bblers and the [nameless] 61 click
Craziest: Chelsea?
Friend with the best hair: Char?
Friend you trust with all your secrets: IDK :XX
Most understanding: IDk
Last friend you went to the movies with: W-bblers?
Happiest: YENTUNG
Funniest: Suresh and cl
Weirdest: Jialin Yentung and SHINI [for saying that i'm weird]
Scariest: BRYAN
Most outgoing: Xiuqi?
Spends the night at your house the most: Noone
Has the cutest brother/sister: CL OMGGGG :DDDDDDDD his sister rocks :X
Friend you would most likely die for: IDK hahas
Facebooks you the most: Labbid?
Texts you the most: yentung or chels
Do you have any tattoos? If so, what of?: None 0_0
What’s the last thing you bought?: Forgot :X
Do you have a job? If so, where?: NANHUAHIGH Student
What was your most embarrassing moment?: So many LOL
Last 4 digits of the last phone you dialed: 3518-.-
What is in your pockets right now?: No pockets
What was the happiest moment in your life?: IDK 0_0....
Have you ever egged a house?: HUH
Who is your role model?: Dunhaf
What’s your favorite holiday?: IDK 0_0
When is the last time you stayed up all night?: Cant :X
What is your favorite book?: DK
Who is your favorite author?: DK
Where did you have your last birthday party?: Minqi house :X
Who came?: Humans
Who has changed your life the most for the better?: 61 CLICK
What’s your favorite song?: Blog songs :D
What’s your favorite cd?: DK
What are your favorite pizza toppings?: Hawaiin :D
Where do you order pizza from the most?: Pizza Hut
Have you ever been in the hospital for more than a day?: When i was born lorh 0_0
How many days is your record for time spent in a hospital?: idk0_0
Why did you have to go to the hospital?: My mum apparently doesnt want to have a miscarriage of me.
How long has it been since you went to the mall?: IDK :X
What’s the last movie you saw in a theater?: 500 days :X
What’s the last movie you rented?: Never rent before
Do you like to write poetry?: LOL NO.
Do you like to read poetry?: Yes :XX
Have you ever written a song?: Nahz
After you read it to yourself did it sound stupid?: If i really wrote a song, it would be bout fishes; what do you think?
What’s your favorite band?: IDk
Who is your favorite solo singer?: IDk
If you suffocate a smurf, what color does he turn?: Purple
Do you believe in ghosts?: Nahz
Have you ever seen a ghost?: Nope.
What is your favorite ride at the fair?: Viking :X
What is your favorite inside joke you have with a friend?: more like with a contingent: BOOTLACE!
Name the people who know and understand that inside joke: So many WTF
Have you ever thrown a party in which complete strangers have attended?: nahz
Was there a guy named True there?: HUH-.-
Would you ever name your kid True?: No, i'll name him/her False.
Would you make fun of someone if you knew their name was True?: -.-
Do you look more like your mom or your dad?: Mum :X
Are you an only child?: Nahz
Do you have any brothers or sisters?: 2 sis
Their names: Jiasin, Jiamin
Their ages: 22, 19?
What color is your computer?: Black and white.
What is your favorite color of ink to write in?: Black/blue
Would you rather write in pen or pencil?: Pen, so much easier :X
How tall are you? 5'2 :( (atleast most people dk how convert :D)
What’s your name again?: FALSE
Do you believe in God?: Nahz
Do you pray often?: Nahz
What’s your biggest fear?: IDK
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No
Have you ever been in a car accident?: No.
Who was driving?: -.-
Did anybody not survive?: ...
What is your lucky number?: 29! -.-
Do you still believe in the tooth fairy?: LOL no tooth to drop anymore so who cares.
Does the tooth fairy still give you money?: LOL
If so, did someone knock out your teeth?: NO
Who is your favorite family member?: None
What is your favorite breed of dog?: GOLDEN RETRIEVER :D
What is your favorite name for a dog?: heh 0_0.
What is your favorite name for a cat?: .....
Have you ever been drunk?: No
Have you ever gotten high?: DUH :X i got high just now in this survey 0_0
Have you ever been on the radio?: No
Have you ever been on TV?: Nahz
Have you ever been in a movie?: Nahz
Who is your favorite actress?: IDk
Who is your favorite actor?: IDk
Do you have a cellphone?: UH-HUH
Do you have a pager?: No
What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?: Playing with waterbombs WTF
Why are all the fun things illegal?: Cause the FUN is not that kind of FUN
What’s your favorite quote?: The wherever you go, a piece of us will always be tgt or STH de larh
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?: Chocolate chip :D
Who is your favorite person to talk to offline?: i'm autistic
Who is your favorite person to talk to online?: IDk
Who do you wish you were talking to right now?: 0_0/......
Do you have any nicknames that you liked that your friends no longer use?: heh, NO
Who is your hero?: None
What do you think of racism?: SUCKS LARH 0_0
Are you racist?: A bit LOL
What is your favorite day of the week?: FRIDAY!
What is your least favorite day of the week?: Monday and Sunday ):
Do you like rain?: YES :D
Do you think lightning is awesome?: No ):
What is your favorite word?: HELLO
If you could visit any country, where would you go?: Paris and France?
How long would you want to stay?: Few months 0_0
Who would you want to take with you?: Everyone
How old do you act?: 45 WOO:D
How old is your best friend?: All 13? except for some.
How old does your best friend act?: 55 :D
When you were young what did you want to be when you grew up?: A doctor/teacher/vet/some shyt.
What do you want to be now?: An idiot.
Do you think you were an adorable little kid?: YES :D i know they loved my rounded face
What were the names of your imaginary friends?: LOL
Do you have any pennies sitting on your computer desk?: Nahz
What is the most unique thing about your bedroom?: The uber messiness
Do you have a black light?: HUH
Do you have a strobe light?: HUH
Do you have glow-in-the-dark stars?: YES :D
Do you have anything that glows in the dark?: yah-.-
What color is your pillow case?: White
What is your favorite thing to wear to bed?: Clothes-.-!
Do you like Pepsi or Coke better?: MOUNTAIN DEW
Can you tell a difference?: No
What are you thinking about right now?: History Learning Log
What is your favorite song to listen to when you are mad?: Drop- East Clubbers
What is the last song you listened to?: Drop- East Clubbers 0_0
What is your favorite movie?:
What is your dream car?: Not interested in driving.FAST AND FURIOUS FOUR [there's a reason why i'm obsessed when the movie sucked]
How many times have you had the chicken pox?: Once in kindergarden 0_0
When was the last time you brushed your teeth?: This noon
What is your middle name?: No have
Other Stuff
What is your favorite emotion?: 0_0 :D
What is your favorite TV show?: C-dramas?
What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say?: dunnoe
How many cds do you own?: A cupboardful
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at people?: Not really
When you go to the movies do you throw stuff at the movie screen?: WTHECK
How many times have you been kicked out of the movies?: None.
Have you ever been kicked out of a grocery store?: no-.-
What annoys you the most?: Annoying people like me
Who annoys you the most?: Annoying HUMANS
Do you know any fake people? (People who act nice to you to your face but then talk about you behind your back): No :XXX
What are their names?: IDK
Where did you meet them?: IDk
How long have you known them?: IDk
Did you ever want to smack them?: IDk X4
Did you ever smack them?: IDK X5
What’s your favorite season?: Winter:D
What’s your favorite subject in school?: BIO
What’s your least favorite subject in school?: English :X
Who is your all-time favorite teacher?: HUANGLAOSHIIIII
What school do you go to?: NanHUAHIGH
What is the mascot at your school?: Yellow CUTE weird things
What grade are you in?: Sec 1 grad
What grade are you supposed to be in?: Sec 1
What is your favorite song?: Repeated question
What song reminds you of yourself?: aUTOMATIC
What is your best friend’s birthday?: WTF
What is your favorite flavor of skittles?: :&
Would you rather have friendship or love?: Both
What makes you nervous?: Solo- presentation
Describe yourself in five words: Stinky menopausal nice little TUNA
If you knew the truth was gonna hurt you would you still wanna hear it?: Yes ):
Do long distance relationships work?: See the 3years singapore-mlysia example
Would you change yourself to make someone else happy?: If i;m in the wrong
What one thing makes you happy?: ......
What phrase or saying do you use the most?: HELLO
What’s your favorite scary movie?: IDK
What would you do with a million dollars?: Rebuild a whole house and of course shopping spree and new hp :DDD
If your house was burning down and you could only take one thing with you, what would you take?: my SIM card :X who gives a dman bout the hp :X
Were you shocked when you heard Princess Diana died?: No
Who is the biggest flirt you know?: Everyone's ans should be the same :X
Do they ever flirt with your crush?: LOL OMG used to larh HAHA EPIC FAIL ATTEMPT
Do you ever want to hurt them?: NO
Do they know you like that person?: DOnt think so LOL
Are you glad this survey is over?: ): HOMEWORK TIME